To: Kaarina Rahn
Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada
Wed, 12 Jan 2000
Dear Kaarina,
Thanks for visiting MB. I hope you will come again.
I am glad of your interest in J.N.D. and his writings. They continue to be a great help to me, as they were when I was a young believer.
I hope this helps and that you will let me know how you make out.
Yours in the Lord, Gordon.
From: Kaarina Rahn
Wed, 12 Jan 2000
Brother Gordon,
Thank you very much for your reply. I truly appreciate your help. May the Lord bless you richly.
Kaarina Rahn.
To: Alan Raine
Sarasota, Florida, USA
Fri, 24 Aug 2001
Dear Alan,
Welcome to "My Brethren'. I hope you will come back again. Perhaps you
would be free – as many of our guests – to share your background and exercises.
Regarding your message:
"Do you have an E-mail address or other
information about Dick Gorgas, a ministering member of the E.B. in New
Jersey in the '50's and who subsequently, I think, became affiliated
with the Tunbridge Wells group in the U.S.?"
I have only been able to find a truncated email address: singingpilgrimAT... on a list.
I'll be interested to know how you make out.
Yours in Christ, Gordon.
Note: See response of Richard Gorgas.
From: Alan Raine
Mon, 7 Jan 2002
Dear Gordon,
You referred to being separate from either "open" or "exclusive" Brethren. I was wondering what specific fellowship you do have.
Thank you, Alan.
To: Alan Raine
Mon, 7 Jan 2002
Dear Alan,
Glad to hear from you again. To answer your question: The few here with whom I have the privilege to gather for the Lord's Supper do not have any links of practical fellowship with brethren elsewhere,
I hope you find MB of interest, especially the ministry.
Perhaps you would be good enough to share your own background and connection.
In the Lord, Gordon.
From: Alan Raine
Tue, 8 Jan 2002
Dear Brother Gordon,
Thanks for your answer. Your site is superb and I thank you for all your work – all to the glory of the Son of His Love.
Concerning my own background: Episcopal, Baptist, Presbyterian and back to loose association with Episcopal.
I would appreciate your opinion on the T.W. group which has been referred to as "hyper ecclesiastical" but which I nonetheless seem to be drawn to.
Yours in Him who gave us the right to say "Abba Father". Alan.
From: Alan Raine
Tue, 8 Jan 2002
Dear Brother Gordon,
I forgot to ask you about something that has been on my mind: what is your understanding of the question of the "eternal sonship" and what is your position?
Thanks very much, Alan.
To: Alan Raine
Fri, 25 Jan 2002
Dear Alan,
Finally I have time to devote to your inquiries. This may seem to be an
unduly long reply and I ask your patience as I review matters.
The complete reply is in Guests: My Stand 3: Hyper Ecclesiasticism |
Now Alan, as you know, whatever your decision and course as to the TW group is your own responsibilty.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Alan Raine
Fri, 25 Jan 2002
Dear Brother Gordon,
Thanks so much for your reply. I'll be going over it in detail and following your kind references to specific discussions of the topics.
In our Lord, Alan.
From: Ralph A. Ray
Lansing, NC, USA
Thu, 27 Dec 2001
To "My Brethren",
If I may ask, which "group" or "branch" of brethren are you with?
To: Ralph Ray
Sat, 29 Dec 2001
Dear Ralph,
The short answer to your question is: None of the above.
To avoid repetition, I refer you to the following pages on 'My Brethren'. They explain my earlier connections and present position as to various groups.
I assume you ask out of genuine brotherly interest – not mere curiosity – and trust you will reciprocate by sharing your background and exercises.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
To: Jonathan Reed
York, Pennsylvania, USA
Tue, 20 Aug 2002
Dear Jonathan,
I was very pleased to learn last night from Richard of your commitment
to the important work of Dover Bible Fund in making the valuable
recovery ministry available.
You and your labour for the Lord will be in our prayers.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
See Guests: My Stand 5 – for Richard's 1991 article, 'An Appeal re Fellowship and Reception', a thoughtful analysis of the misuse of quotations from the letters of J. N. Darby. |
To: Richard Reed
York, Pennsylvania, USA
Sat, 07 Aug 1999
Hi Richard,
Thank you for your encouraging comments and hope you do find "many happy hours" exploring MB. Let me know how you get on.
We feel with, and for, you and all whose families have suffered through legality.
I would be interested to know something about you and your family – not for publication if you so request.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Sun, 08 Aug 1999
Please allow me to acknowledge receipt of your rapid reply to my email.
For now, I will just say that Joseph Fry of Philadelphia (not Indianapolis) was my grandfather. He stayed with the "Jimites" when the 1970 crisis was upon the brethren.
You really "hit the nail on the head" with your comment about legality and faithfulness to Christ.
Your brother in Christ, Richard (Rich) Reed.
From: Richard Reed
Sat, 21 Aug 1999
Dear brother:
I have finally been able to write the history of which I spoke.
I apologize for it being so long, but I wanted to be complete. It
is being sent as a attachment in Word 97 format. If you are uncomfortable receiving attachments, I probably could try to fax it to you or paste it into an email.
I am sure we know many brethren in common.
Yours in the love of Christ,
Richard Reed
My parents are Lester and Margaret Reed, both born in the early 1920's.
Due to the difficulty of the second world war and drinking among the brethren as early as the 1940's, my father got away from the Lord.
Brethren leaving the so-called Jim system often justify themselves by saying that things were fine until the date they decided to leave.
My father was withdrawn from in 1950 or 1951, but not for drunkenness. Apparently that could be overlooked. His offense was to bring a television into his home.
A defining moment in my own life was when my grandmother was called home to be with the Lord in 1957. At a family gathering back at the home of my grandparents, they [presumably Richard's parents] were required to sit out on the porch to eat because they were "unclean."
From that point on the relationship with my grandfather became quite strained, but they were civil. He and his new wife, a sister from Knoxville, allowed us to visit with them, even though I was highly critical of the meetings with which they were associated.
I married at the ripe age of 21.
To: Richard Reed
Mon, 23 Aug 1999
Dear Richard,
Thank you very much for your 'Family History ...' which I managed to
extract from the Word 97 format. Attachments are welcome but plain Ascii
text makes my work simpler.
Yes we probably do know many of the same brethren. We know Sam Fry and at one time I was in touch with John Fry.
It is sad that your father was affected by drinking. Whoever he did it with, I cannot think it would be with responsible older brethren who, though not prohibitionists, would certainly not condone drunkenness or lead younger ones astray.
It would be unfair, however, to charge your father's problem as a young man, or that of his companions in it, against all the brethren world wide at that time or give it as an evidence that "things were wrong long before" "the mid 1950's".
Television – now even considered morally damaging by some in the world – is another matter.
I am glad that you have good memories of your grandparents and a special respect for your grandfather, which I am sure is well deserved.
My first years as a Christian was in an "open" meeting and so I quite understand you being "required" by such to submit to their believer's baptism.
Thank you again, Richard. Look for some new items in September.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Mon, 23 Aug 1999
Dear Brother:
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I don't disagree with anything you have said.
I felt it necessary to go into considerable detail because it was not a matter of accepting the truth overnight. The Lord has brought us through deep exercises.
Ten or fifteen years ago I was at fellowship meetings in New York, and Bufton Parker came up to me after a meeting and hugged me
I look forward to hearing from you in September, and in the meantime, I will peruse your web site and consider what you say.
Love in Christ Jesus, Richard Reed
To: Richard Reed
Thu, 2 Jun 2002
Dear Richard,
I believe you are the Richard Reed with whom I have corresponded on 'My
Brethren'. Saw your message on Steve's site re your 'Dover Bible Fund' web
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Thu, 27 Jun 2002
Dear Brother,
I am very pleased to hear from you. May we add a link to your web site on our links page?
Your site provides valuable information, and I think you have covered the issues so well that it is not necessary to go into them again.
Perhaps it will be possible for us to visit with you someday, if the Lord allows, and if that is acceptable to you.
One additional question: would you know where we could get some of Mr. Cowell's ministry? We had have some inquiries about it and would carry it, even used, if there is a source.
Love in Christ to all there with you. Richard Reed
To: Richard Reed
Thu, 29 Jun, 2002
Dear Richard,
It's good indeed to renew our contacts again. Yes, I would be pleased if you added a link to 'My Brethren' on your new web site.
We certainly would be happy to have a visit from you when you are able.
From: Richard Reed
Sat, 20 Jul 2002
Dear brother,
Here is a little historical sketch of the Dover Bible Fund.
The balance of this letter is in Guests: Site News: Bibles and Books: Dover Bible Fund. |
Love in Christ Jesus, Richard Reed.
To: Richard Reed
Sat, 20 Jul 2002
Dear Richard,
Thanks very much for the interesting account of the Dover Bible Fund,
which will be posted on MB with the link to the DBF web site.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Mon, 12 Aug 2002
Dear Brother,
We do realize that making Mr. Raven's and Mr. Taylor, Sr.'s ministry available, links to our site will not be acceptable to some.
We are inclined now to add a clear gospel message to the front page of the web site. If you would, please pray that God will enable us to be clear, concise and brief.
Everything we seek or plan for is to be taken in the will of the Lord.
In our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, Richard Reed.
From: Richard Reed
Tue, 20 Aug 2002
Dear Gordon,
Our phone conversation was a delight and an encouragement. If you look at the web site now, you will see that we have already begun to implement some of the changes you suggested.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
In the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Richard Reed.
To: Richard Reed
Tue, 20 Aug 2002
Dear Richard,
I too enjoyed the brotherly conversation very much and look forward to
another whenever the Lord opens the way. It is a pleasure, in these days
of breakdown, to be able to speak with one of like mind.
Yes, I've just checked the DBF web site and compliment you on the additions and refinements.
Thanks for Jonathan's email address. It is a great cheer to those of us nearing the end of our service and time here, to learn of younger brethren putting themselves at the Lord's disposal.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Sat, 31 Aug 2002
Dear Brother Gordon:,
I had a chance to review My Brethren this week, and noticed mention of brethren scanning in the works of several of the Lord's servants.
Monday past was an inservice day for teachers and we heard a talk on where things are going with computers. The speaker is employed by a text-book publishing company.
The Lord bless you as you seek to serve Him.
In Christian love, Richard Reed.
To: Richard Reed
Mon, 02 Sep 2002
Dear Richard,
The scanning of ministry by several persons individually and a group of
person in North Ireland, whose efforts were previously unknown to each
other, has been coordinated for some time by a brother in Belfast.
We and I are committed to do all of GRC's now out-of-print ministry and to present it on MB as the Lord enables us. We have had some help with it but there is still much to be done.
CHM's ministry is already on a cd 'Truth for Today's Bereans' issued by STEM Publishing, who earlier issued 'The Darby Disk' listed in the Dover catalogue.
Perhaps I'm short sighted, but it is hard to conceive the printed page ever being completely, or even largely, replaced by some form of electronic media in the foreseeable future.
May the Lord help you at Dover Bible Fund, and in the expansion of your web site. I'll be glad to hear from you as time permits.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Thu, 11 March 2004
Hi All:
Just wanted you to know I got home yesterday after four days in the hospital. At first they thought it was a blood clot, but sonogram showed no evidence.
The Lord was very close and very real. It was almost as if I could feel Him holding one hand, whispering in my ear that he would take care of me, while Joy held the other hand.
Must go now. Love, Rich.
To: Richard Reed
Thu, 11 March 2004
Dear Richard,
Thanks for your health details. You will be specially in our prayers, and we look to hear of your progress.
Affectionately in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Richard Reed
Mon, 6 Sep 2004
Dear Brother,
We had a nice visit yesterday from —. He did not seem offended we did not break bread with him this time.
The reading was on Exodus 15; we considered the truth of redemption. Divine Persons have worked to purchase what was theirs through sovereign choice and according to purpose, and redemption is by blood.
I trust you and Mrs. Rainbow are well, and sincerely look for the Lord to open the opportunity to visit with you. My own health continues to improve, and is excellent for an old man of 60!
Please give our love to Jeff. We have not heard from him yet, but are sure we share much in common.
Yours in Christian love, Richard Reed.
To: Richard Reed
Wed, 6 Sep 2004
Dear Richard,
Thanks for the encouraging report as to — and —!
I forwarded your email to Jeff and believe he will contact you soon.
We would certainly be glad if you could visit us!
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Kelly D. Rehm
Missouri, USA
March 5, 1999
I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your web site. The early brethren writers have had a profound impact on my life. I admire and envy the work you have been doing in your retirement.
I envision myself (now 26 years old) promoting the writings of Stoney, Coates, Darby, & Kelly throughout my life. Why?
I look forward to visiting with you in the times to come.
In Christ, Kelly D. Rehm.
To: Kelly D. Rehm
Wed, 10 Mar 1999
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for your interesting and cheering message. It is good to hear from those – especially younger brethren like yourself – who appreciate the ministry of earlier brethren, and whose lives have been affected by it.
As you know, "My Brethren" is devoted to the history and ministry of the brethren.
Mr. Stanford praises one facet of the ministry of the brethren, but does not view it, as it surely is, as an integral part of a greater whole.
On Mr. Stanford's line of reasoning, only certain parts of Paul's ministry need be emphasized,
Please understand that the above is not, in any sense, a personal attack on Mr. Stanford, whom I do not know.
Yours in the Lord, Gordon.
To: William A. Reid
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Sat, 26 Feb 2000
Dear Bill,
Welcome to "My Brethren", and thank you for sharing some of your background. It must be a long cold way from Dunfermline to Yellowknife! By the way, my wife Betty is also a "Reid".
Come again and keep in touch.
Yours in the Lord, Gordon and Betty.
Sun, 28 Feb, 2000: Bill phoned and we had a very brotherly and interesting conversation. Thanks Bill!
To: Colin Renouf
Croydon, Surrey, England
Tue, 21 Oct 2003
Dear Colin,
Thanks for the news as to
Robert Fear being taken by the Lord.
I'm glad that you found MB's information on the hymn authors of interest, and trust you will return and explore.
Any details you may feel free to share as to yourself will be very welcome.
In the Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Terry Risenhoover
Norman, Oklahoma, USA
Fri, 21 Aug, 2009
Dear Gordon,
It has been several years since I first visited your site. [Guest Book 14, September 2005]
May the Lord continue to quicken you and strengthen you according to His Word.
In Christ, Terry and Nancy.
Dear Terry,
How good to hear from you again and learn that MB is of value -- and that you and Nancy are clearly growing in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!
We would certainly be interested to learn any details you might feel free to share as to "For years we have quietly and patiently gathered around the Lord".
Thanks for the encouragement. In our Lord Jesus Christ, Gordon.
Do I have your surname correct? "Roberson" is unusual, perhaps "Robertson"? Just for information.
I trust you will visit again. Please feel free to share any information. Our guests are always interested in each other.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Wanda and Steve Roberson
Mon, 4 Dec 2000
Dear Brother Gordon,
I was excited to find your web site. Have been looking for Brethren related
sites for a while. I'm sure I will visit often as time allows to read the
articles etc.
Yes our surname is correct. There is no 't' in our Roberson. My father-in-law's family comes from Raleigh, N.C., where you'll find a lot of Roberson's.
There's not much to tell about us. Like I said before I was pretty much raised up among the brethren.
God bless you for your testimony on the web.
Love in Christ, Wanda Roberson.
To: Daniel Roberts
Gillingham, England
Wed, 6 Jan 1999
Dear Daniel,
Thanks for dropping in and for your comments.
I share the blame for letting the Lord down – not only for the breakdown of Christendom, but of those who had been granted the greatest light, and for own my personal decline, as well!
I have read your reply to the Anonymous historical article on Dick Wyman's site, and can agree with much of what you say, and am thankful for your evident commitment to the truth as it has been opened up.
While I have no sympathy for the legal system – either before or after Aberdeen – what concerns me is that
I feel deeply for the many younger persons out there – by God's grace I am now in my 70th year – who have only known the legal system and
I expect, if the Lord will, to add new items from time to time – and hope that you will drop in again. Of course, I will be glad to hear from you at any time.
Yours in our Lord, Gordon.
Note: Daniel telephoned me Mon, 11 Jan 1999, and we had a rather long and brotherly conversation.
To: Daniel J. Roberts
Tue, 12 Jan 1999
Dear Daniel,
Your phone call Monday evening, Jan. 11, 1999, was quite unexpected but extremely welcome. It was very brotherly of you and for me it was a real pleasure to hear your voice and speak with you.
Our varied histories have led us in different paths, alas! Nevertheless we have a great deal in common and I trust we can build on that in our future contacts – mostly by e-mail.
You did mention that you still occasionally get to this side. Of course, you have close links here but it would be a joy to meet you face to face if you come to Toronto.
I hope to hear from you again as you have opportunity.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Daniel Roberts
71 Brompton Farm Road. Strood. Rochester, Kent ME2 3QX, Tel 01634 718120
December 15, 2013
Dear Brothers
It is a long time since I was in touch with you, Gordon - we had a 90 minute phone conversation, and I don’t think I have ever been in touch with Jeff. Though I’ve used MB quite a bit, and look at the fairly static guest book from time to time. In changing computers I seem to have lost your contact details. I prefer the direct relationship brother to brother - face to face if possible.
How are you and your wife, dear brother? I hope we meet this side of glory! Ruth and I were in Toronto a couple of years ago, but just for one night with Harold and Audrey Glass (Audrey’s first husband was my wife Ruth’s cousin). They have moved to Malvern as you will know.
We were over last year to the wedding of a local sister Julia Wraighte to Ross Pye, which had to take place in New York for legal reasons and also this year to the three day meetings in Calgary with John Brown. We also visited Vancouver and Edmonton, and saw many others. We often meet your local brother Bruce Hill, with whom I have a very affectionate relationship. His daughter Debbie (Barlow) in Sidcup nearby is in poor health, so he often visits.
Jeff - I used to be in California about 4 times a year as I worked for Memorex in Santa Clara. I had a good relationship with all in LA and SF - what as mess!
Burr. As it is his project I cannot interfere with publication - a former civil servant everything has to be peer reviewed. I would like to see it on the web - corrections can always be made later. But I cannot get between a servant and his Master.
So I now have my own project See , mostly seeking to make JND more accessible for young believers and those seeking the truth. I’ll put you on the newsletter list. If you could put a link on my brethren it would be appreciated. I’ll write a little note under my pseudonym Sosthenes. (
Satan is so active- but the Lord, I feel is doing great things - getting us free from those isms (including Rentonism) and close to Himself. Incidentally you are probably aware that the Jims now style themselves Plymouth Brethren Church. Thank God we are now free of that reproach.
I look forward to hearing from you both Love in our Lord, Daniel Roberts
Hi Daniel,
Nice to "meet" you and hear of your activities. I'll forward this to Gordon so he can reply directly. California is lovely, but we prefer its rural settings to its cities! ;)
Yours in Christ.
Dec. 23, 2013
Dear Daniel,
Good to hear from you again – although at 84 my memory is slipping and I had to check the Mailbox/Guest Book to remember your visit and the phone call in 1999, 15 years ago!
“Face to face” would be good but unlikely unless you visit this the Toronto area again.
I recall some of the names you mention, especially Bruce and Debbie.
Yes, we will be glad to put a link to your website, which I have accessed but have not had time to explore. "Darby Simplified” looks interesting but, perhaps I am too old, it seems simple enough as it is.
One thing – a suggestion, not a criticism – your site is very difficult for me to read. Type is rather small and light. And how about a little colour to brighten up and define sections. After all my name is “Rainbow”.
Getting free from Rentonism is good news! As you may know we are not connected with any of the post-1959 divisions. Some might call us independent but we really are dependent on Him and pray daily for all who have had part in the recovery that we might in brotherly love reach past the petty barriers we have set up.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
To: Bob and Bea Robertson
San Francisco, California, USA
Sat, 29 Jul 2000
Dear Bob and Bea,
Welcome to "My Brethren". If I'm not mistaken John Hunziker mentioned you, among others in SF, in a recent phone call, and that Bob's father was Dave Robertson of Vancouver, whom I remember. Am I correct?
I would be glad of any comments or sharing of exercises.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Bob Robertson
Fri, 11 Aug 2000
Hi Gordon,
Thanks for your e-mail of July 29. Yes – my father was Dave Robertson – both he and my mother went to be with the Lord some years ago.
Love in Christ, Bob.
To: Naomi Robson
Calgary, AB, Canada
Fri, 25 Jun 1999
Hi Naomi,
Glad to have your name in the "My Brethren" Guest Book, and hope you
make some contacts.
In the early 1970's I had some good contact with an old brother in Edmonton, Mr. Alec Robson – perhaps related to you?
Yours in the Lord, Gordon.
From: Naomi Robson
Mon, 28 Jun 1999
Thank you. It's always nice to hear from people one knew years ago but also
to make new friends.
Alec Robson was my grandfather. He lived with his daughter Janette and son-in-law Douglas Green. My mother Violet and the Greens are all still living.
Where are you from? I don't think we ever met.
Your efforts on the website are appreciated.
Regards, Naomi Robson.
To: Naomi Robson
Mon, 28 Jun 1999
Hi again Naomi,
Thanks for the information as to your grandfather. In the few contacts by phone and letter it was clear he was a "grand" brother as well.
I noticed the names of your mother and the Doug Green's on the old "Aberdeen" list, and have seen Doug's account of a visit to Australia. Please greet them for us.
My wife, Betty, and I are both from Toronto, but never managed to get beyond Winnipeg.
Are you still connected with brethren in Calgary? We knew Noel and Margaret Brien well when they lived in Galt.
Glad you like the web site. Drop in again.
With love in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Naomi Robson
Tue, 29 Jun 1999
Hello again,
No, I'm not connected with any of the ex-brethern splinter groups. We go to
a Community type church with an OB background.
I believe Noel and Margaret go to the Renton group. I didn't really know them as I had left before they moved to Calgary.
My niece and her husband live in Guelph. They are working with Athletes in Action in Mississauga. Some day we hope to visit them.
I'll check back into the site again.
Best regards, Naomi.
From: Stephen Rodgers
Melbourne, Australia
Sat, 28 Apr 2001
On another web site, Stephen said he was withdrawn from when – as a young man and in good conscience – he raised the issue of the character of the July 1970 events at Aberdeen, Scotland. |
To: Stephen Rodgers
Mon, 30 Apr 2001
Dear Stephen,
Thanks for visiting 'My Brethren'. I noticed your message on Steve
Hesterman's site and sympathize with you.
I appreciate the time you took with your message to MB, and feel I owe you an explanation for not posting your exposition. There are 2 reasons.
The demands of maintaining MB don't allow me to go into the needed details. But I trust that a review and comparison with the Scriptures will clarify these matters for you.
I trust you will visit MB again and find encouragement in the ministry of the many sound servants of the past and in the exchange of thoughts in the Mailbox.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
To: Tristan Rodgers
Birmingham, England
Fri, 21 Mar 2003
Dear Tristan,
I don't know if I will be able to help you make sense of anything, but if you're willing to share more I'm happy to do anything I can – even if it's only just that you'd like someone to listen.
Sincerely in the Lord Jesus.
From: Edwin Rogers
Gidea Park, Romford, Essex, England
Thu, 12 Feb 2004
Dear Gordon,
I have had recent discussion with Laurie Twinam regarding your interest in posting some of my late father's bible notes material on the 'My Brethren' website.
Your interest comes as an answer to prayer because I had been wondering what could be done with his considerable range of material, which had involved such hard work and prayer to produce.
With love in our Lord Jesus, Edwin Rogers.
To: Edwin Rogers
Mon, 16 Feb 2004
Dear Edwin,
Thank you for your email and your kind agreement that some of your father's Bible notes be posted on 'My Brethren', and for the summary of topics.
Most of the other material – valuable as it indeed is – does not appear to support the objectives of MB in presenting the "history and ministry" of the brethren.
With your approval and as the Lord enables us, we are ready to provide and maintain such a dedicated web site, based on your father's work and operated on the same policies which govern MB.
We say "based on" for several reasons:
Please understand that we do not want to offend you and are not in any way criticising your father – whom we respect both as a brother and a labourer – we are just being true to our own consciences.
We would also like to post a brief biographical sketch of your father with dates, family, localities, employment etc.
We don't want to appear difficult or rigid, but think it's best to clarify what we can do so that there are no later misunderstanding on either side.
Affectionately in our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Edwin Rogers
Sat, 21 Feb 2004
Dear Gordon,
Thank you for your reply which I have read with interest. Your offer to provide and maintain a web-site dedicated to my father's work is appreciated.
I want to be true to my father's beliefs that were essentially non-sectarian in character. This was born out of his distress of heart over the excesses of what came out of excusive brethrenism.
Yours in our Lord Jesus, Edwin Rogers.
To: Edwin Rogers
Mon, 10 May 2004
Dear Edwin,
I apologize for not having acknowledged your last email long before this, but I won't trouble you with the hindrances to answering.
Having reviewed your email again it seems that it would be best to leave the matter.
We do appreciate your brotherliness in considering our proposition and trust our offer has not caused you or your family any distress.
In our Lord Jesus, Gordon.
From: Edwin Rogers
Sat, 15 May 2004
Dear Gordon,
Many thanks for your brotherly email and, as you say, I agree that it is best to leave matters as they are.
To: David Rulapaugh
Simpsonville, SC, USA
Wed, 6 Nov 2002
Dear David,
Welcome to 'My Brethren'. Below is the hymn you asked about. It is taken from the 1973 edition of 'Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the Little Flock', No. 122. [Text not shown here.]
I hope you will return and sample some of the fine ministry on MB and, if you are free, share your background with us.
In the Lord, Gordon.
From: David Rulapaugh
Thu, 7 Nov 2002
Dear Brother Gordon,
Thank you for your speedy and gracious reply. I did browse your website for a few minutes, and will return. I praise the Lord for those who stand for truth and righteousness in this day of decline. May we be found on the "firing line" when our Lord returns.
In Christ, David Rulapaugh.
From: David Rulapaugh
Tue, 17 Dec 2002
Dear Friends,
When I opened my email this morning, I was shocked to find that someone has taken my email address to promote porn. I hate porn! And I despise the person who has had the audacity to misuse my name.
If anyone gets an offer for porn with my name attached, please be assured that it did not originate with me. If you know how to put a tracer on it to find the culprit, I would be deeply grateful.
Sincerely, Dave Rulapaugh.
To: David Rulapaugh
Wed, 18 Dec 2002
Dear Dave,
Thanks for your notice. No such mail has been received here. I had the same problem with my address some time ago but my ISP said there was no way to stop it.
In our Lord, Gordon.
From: David Rulapaugh
Thu, 18 Dec 2002
Dear Brother Gordon,
Thanks for the reassuring reply regarding the misuse of my email.
December 25th is my spiritual birthday. I had the privilege of being born into a godly family.
I trust all of the "brethren" are rejoicing in our Saviour and soon coming King.
In Christ, Dave Rulapaugh.
To: David Rulapaugh
Fri, 19 Dec 2002
Dear Dave,
Thanks for sharing your family background and spiritual experience. I'm sure this will be of interest to other guests.
We will always be glad to hear from you.
In our Lord Gordon.
Your guest entries and messages will show that the continuation of My Brethren is important to you. |