This sketch draws on several unpublished documents in one of My Projects – 'The Historical Reference Series' – the published 'Letters of James Taylor' and 'Ministry by J. Taylor, New Series', as well as personal knowledge.
James Taylor was born on January 6, 1870 at Coolaney, near Sligo, Co. Sligo, in North West Ireland. His mother came from the well known Coulter family.
James committed himself to the Lord in his youth through the help of Mr. John Coulter of Sligo.
In 1884, at the age of 14, he came into fellowship at Paisley, Scotland, where he had moved to serve his apprenticeship in the linen trade with the firm of Coats.
In 1888 he emigrated to St. John's, Newfoundland – Newfoundland, then a British colony, but since 1949 a province of Canada, has always had a large population of Irish origin.
In 1889, JT moved to New York where he lived for more than 60 years, until he was taken by the Lord in 1953. It is understood that he never took out U.S. citizenship.
Most of Mr. Taylor's brothers and sisters also emigrated to America.
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor and three sisters of JT
– date unknown, probably mid-late 1940s.
JT and Miss Estelle Garrett of Baltimore were married c. 1892.
Clockwise from top left:
Mrs. Taylor, Arthur, Mr. Taylor,
Stella, William, James Jr., Allen.
They had six children:
James Jr. – m. Irene Stevens, Plainfield, N.J., February 17, 1951.
James Taylor Sr. and Georgina Brown of Barnet England,
In 1905, when he only was 35 years old, and left to care for five young children, his wife having died four years earlier, he said:
Mr. Taylor was employed for a number of years by Mills and Gibb, linen importers.
From about 1910, he made regular business trips to Ireland –
• Memories of a Sister • Letter: A. Pirie, 1906 • Second Marriage, 1913 |
• Photo: Rochester, 1944 • Associations: J. S. Brown, 1946 • Eating: J. McMullan, 1960 |
The memories are those of Mrs. C. A. Markham (1880-1986) of Cranford, NJ – the former Mary Lock was a daughter of Frank Lock (c.1850-1938) and the mother of Marian Devenish. She wrote No. 546 in the 1993 Hymn Supplement. Further 'Memories' : Biography: F. E. Raven: Memorabilia and Biography: Brief Sketches: J. Revell: Memorabilia. |
Dignity and Affection.
With this beloved servant, a 'father' indeed, it is difficult to know where to begin or end.
He had an immense heart, and everyone had a place in it. He knew all the children's names; and despite his quiet dignity they went to him like bees to a honey pot.
One day at his dinner table I asked him about his conversion. He said that as a boy in Ireland he had to pass a cemetery every day on his way to school; and it made his hair stand on end with fear!
His early years in New York were spent in Manhattan, in the lower, crowded part so that he could entertain brethren coming from overseas or from a distance.
Shortly after this I went to New York to live and study, just going home for weekends. Quite often I was in Mr. Taylor's house, as another young sister who was in New York with me, and I, would go over to the Brooklyn weekly reading and sometimes stop at Mr. Taylor's for supper.
I have seen him sitting in a reading with the little ones, one on each side of him; and as the meeting progressed the two little heads would nod, and they would go to sleep – one on each shoulder.
During that time Mr. Taylor would usually come over to the Manhattan city reading, where I was living. It was very wonderful to be with him in a reading during those years – 1900-1905.
I remember a 3 day meeting in Staten Island, part of greater New York, during those years. We had not the light of the service of God then as we have it now.
In course of time Miss Barker left Mr. Taylor's house and was replaced by her very opposite – Miss Goodman from Barbados.
At Mr. Taylor's first visit to England to serve – about 1910 or 1911 – I happened to be there, and staying at Mr. F. W. Jerrard's house in Kennington, London, where he also was to stay.
That night, in Kennington, he was to give his first address. It was a hot night; the hall was on a noisy corner; and an hour before the meeting it was packed, with a crowd waiting outside.
While carrying the burden "of all the assemblies" he had individual care and interest for each one in his locality.
It is difficult to know where to stop. But I will go on to the Lord's day in Vancouver just before he was taken ill, the illness from which he never recovered fully.
That intimacy with the Lord had been the habit of his life, as his little girl once said plaintively,
He was uncritical, and the most appreciative of the service of others.
He hadn't a bit of legality about him. As my husband said, "He was the best one to make rules because he was the first one to break them".
He was marked by boundless hospitality, and almost endless patience and grace if there was any hope of saving a brother.
He had deep feelings. I remember how he wept as he spoke at the burial service of Dr. Stollery's little boy who was killed in a car accident.
He had too, a quiet but rich sense of humour. I had once at some 3 day meeting been assigned to the meeting room where he was on the Lord's day morning, and my husband to another room.
He counted urgently on the brethren's prayers.
His holy regard for the temple, and the value of inquiring in the temple, would come out on certain occasions in his house when visitors asked questions.
These few sketchy memories may give some idea of a man as I knew him, a very, very great man of God.
M. M.
Portknockie, Scotland, November 27, 1906 |
Mr. and Mrs. Croy,
My dear Brother and Sister,
In regard to present troubles I have enclosed notes of readings by James Taylor, New York, which will commend itself to the meek reader as of God and cause our minds to be easy, not to be afraid of bad doctrine or any cause whatever to distract but very much otherwise to build us up.
It is evident on the other hand that Mr. Taylor is a meek spirited, self-judged man yet deeply taught in divine things though young and obscure – a working man.
Yours, beloved in Christ Jesus, A. Pirie.
Notes of Meeting at Barnet on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. J. Taylor [1870-1953] and Miss G. [Georgina] Brown, November 5th, 1913 Mr. Taylor's first wife – Estelle Garrett – died 1901 in childbirth or very shortly afterwards. The notes were contributed by Edwin Cross, London. Unless noted, hymn numbers are the same as the 1973 book. Information in [square brackets] added, June 2003. GAR |
Hymn 166 – Mr. [Edward] Dennett [1841-1914]
Prayer: Mr. Pryer, Mr. Showell, Mr. Rochester
Mr. [Dennis L.] Higgins [Highgate; 1847-1943]
Mr. Jas. [S.] Allen [Birkenhead]
I wish to say a few words in the hope they may encourage our brother and sister in their pathway here, both in regard to the Assembly and interests of Christ, and their own concerns.
Now in Aquila and Priscilla you have a beautiful illustration of this. They had come under the influence and gain of the Son in his House,
The connection is exceedingly good; there was a devoted eloquent man named Apollos, but he had not learned the way of God in its perfection.
Well, Aquila and Priscilla invited this eloquent man in, and it is very fine to see the effect on him.
No doubt the beautiful unity, submission and affection struck Apollos, who was taught the way of God more exactly (J.N.D.) not only in the letter but spirit of it.
Now for a word on the gain to the saints of this influence; it is said of Apollos after this visit, that
Then to turn to Timothy; as things grow dark there is an express voice from the House,
The Lord graciously grand this to our brother and his wife.
Hymn 300 – Mr. Evans
Prayer: Mr. William Johnson
We have a very striking passage of Scripture, in which two remarkable people are brought before us;
But it is not to follow the typical history of these notable persons that I desire,
There is no doubt that under great provocation, David had at this moment missed the mind of God in regard to what was suitable for him when in rejection,
There are some points in her faith that we do well to consider.
The position of Christ is that of the rejected King here, and this fact must regulate the behaviour and attitude of those who are His; it is of great consequence that we should recognise this.
Then Abigail had a perfectly just estimate of Nabal, and what his end would be, however flourishing he might be at the moment.
There is a further point in Abigail’s discourse, namely that Saul, who was the King actually on the throne, was only “a man” to her;
It is well that we should recognise Christ’s place as rejected here, and seek to walk in suitability thereto, also that man after the flesh is doomed, and set aside,
It is interesting to see how David was able to discern who was fitted to be his bride, and to be a help-meet for him
May we learn divine lessons from Abigail’s faith and intelligence.
Hymn 12 – Mr. Hutchinson
Prayer: Mr. G. [George W.] Ware [Guildford]
Hymn 23 – Mr. Rochester
JT at Rochester Special Meetings in May 1944 with young brothers in non-combatant military service Photo and names supplied by Andrew Roberson |
Clockwise from top left:
Arthur Parker, New York
Ron Gregg, Regina
James Taylor Sr.
Alex Terries d. 2004, Glasgow
Albert Castle, Boston
Robert H. Smith, Cranford
Sigurd Steen, Boston
The following account is of interest in view of developments after JT's death – especially from 1959 on. From a Letter of Mr. J. S. Brown – Aberdeen (?} re Conversation with Mr. James Taylor, May 16, 1946 See comments in Guests: My Stand 2: Aberdeen 6. |
I dare say you heard the details of the conversation with JT on the subject of the Pharmaceutical Society.
Firstly, he said he would have no difficulty about this thing as it was obviously a measure for the protection of the public and quite different from a trade union.
Then I said that some had a difficulty about membership no matter what organization was involved and that in our case membership of the Society was compulsory and a yearly subscription was paid.
I then said that another matter of concern had been that while as examining the position and finding no evil in it my conscience had not been affected, there were also the consciences of others who might be breaking bread with us to consider.
It was really a great relief. Knowing JT to be a man who is quite ruthless when Divine principles are involved, the fact that he was so emphatic in the whole thing was most reassuring.
J. S. Brown.
EATING 1960 |
From a Letter of Mr. James McMullan of Belfast, August 12, 1960 |
It is very sad, if true, that — has been given the lead amongst the brethren.
This is not only quite unscriptural – 1 Cor. 5: 10; 10: 27 – and quite unlike our blessed Saviour, who was blamed by the Pharisees for eating with publicans and sinners
Mr. Taylor moved to New York in 1889.
At that time JT made a vow to commit himself fully to the Lord's interests, and to be responsible for them in New York.
In this biographical sketch, the term "friends" refers to spiritual friendships, not to natural or partisan relationships. |
Mr. Joseph Pellatt (1843-1913) was an outstanding help in the early years of JT's ministry. Mr. Taylor said of him,
Mr. Joseph Revell (d. 1900) ministered widely in America and was also a great help to Mr. Taylor.
Mr. F. E. Raven made two visits to America – 1898 and 1902.
JT was present at a good many of the meetings on both trips, and profited much from the ministry and the personal contacts.
He was also able, at least once, to attend the annual meetings at Quemerford at which Mr. Raven ministered the word.
Mr. Taylor enjoyed good brotherly relations with Mr. R. S. Sinclair of Indianapolis over many years.
R.S.S. The trouble is today that there is no thirst. People settle down and are satisfied where they are. It is a great thing to be like David's men in the cave of Adullam. It was those who were discontented and in debt and in distress. God has a place here where He has pleasure, and that is where His people are found in conformity to Him. J.T. You found, as it were, "a large upper room furnished". R.S.S. Exactly. Things were untrammeled and free, not for the flesh but for the Spirit. There is such satisfaction with present conditions and what is conventional: where there is, on the other hand, soul-thirst, God delights in it, and has great pleasure in answering it. |
Although they were not often together, on account of Mr. Coates' physical weakness and travel restrictions,
Mr. A. E. Myles highly valued and respected Mr. Taylor's gift – as Mr. Taylor valued AEM – and exercised an important supporting ministry over many years.
Among many others in England,
There were problems in a number of local meetings in USA and Canada – particularly during the early years of Mr. Taylor's ministry.
Mr. Taylor served at meetings in Chicago on December 31, 1904, and January 1 and 2, 1905.
The notes were circulated in typescript for the benefit of those in America who could not attend the meetings.
In 1908, unresolved personal differences in Alnwick resulted in two parties.
An article in a 1909 issue of 'Mutual Comfort' – a monthly magazine – asserted that on the day of His resurrection the Lord fulfilled His promise in John 14: 18 and took up an abiding position in the midst of the assembly.
In 1918-20 there was a good deal of discussion and some sharp controversy as to the way in which evil was to be dealt with.
JT was serving in meetings in Barnet in June 1929, when a question was raised as to 'eternal Sonship'.
On July 28, 1931, CAC wrote:
And on July 15, 1929, JT wrote:
In 1932, reports of a work of God in China, connected with Mr. Watchman Nee and apparently based on Scriptural principles, led to a visit by some brethren from England, Australia and America.
Appeals through letters being unfruitful, only confirming that the brethren with Mr. Nee were unalterably committed to 'open' practices, fellowship regretfully ceased in July 1935.
The rightness of recognizing the Holy Spirit in hymns and prayers came forward gradually during the years 1942-49.
Contents of Ministry by JT – New Series appear on a separate page.
A review will give some concept of the breadth and depth of his ministry of some 50 years. See also 'Pages with ministry by J. Taylor' in Introduction above. |
Ministry by J. Taylor – New Series, originally published by Stow Hill Bible and Tract Depot – and since 1971 by Kingston Bible Trust – consists of 100 volumes, commonly called 'the blue books'.
JT was "in journeyings often", 2 Corinthians 11: 26. In over 50 years, he served in more than 300 localities –
The 2 volumes of Letters of James Taylor are valuable for the light they throw on his ministry as well as on the many conflicts for the truth during his lifetime.
Letters - 1890-1935
A review of Mr. Taylor's extensive ministry is far beyond the scope of this biographical sketch.
Many excellent new hymns to express these great matters – and numerous suitable tunes – have come out of the spiritual exercises of brothers and sisters who cherished these truths.
In 1931, when he was 61, JT was in London for consultations on the 1932 Hymn Book.
Contents of Ministry by JT – New Series appear on a separate page. A review will give some concept of the breadth and depth of his ministry of some 50 years.
I came 'into fellowship' – as we speak – in August 1950 and was only in meetings with JT three times:
2670 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn 10, New York
Mr. Gordon A. Rainbow,
Tillsonburg, Ontario
My dear Mr. Rainbow,
I am writing for my husband for he is not yet able to write his own letters, but we were both very touched by your letter and also the bounty from the dear brethren at Tillsonburg, although it is now years since we have had the pleasure of being amongst you.
Please convey our warm love and many thanks to them and we greatly count on your continued prayerful support for,
We were much interested to hear how you were led out of the Bethesda company.
My husband joins me in love and thanks again.
Yours affectionately in Christ, Georgina R. Taylor.
P.S. Please excuse haste as we are going to the ministry meeting shortly.
Although weak, and in his 84th year, Mr. Taylor continued attending the meetings and taking part, during his last few months. His last week was no different.
The burial meeting was held at 1954 Nostrand Avenue – which was JT's local meeting as well as the 'city' meeting room – on Wednesday, April 1, 1953, at 1:00 p.m.
The meeting proceeded as follows:
• Word by Mr. Stanley McCallum 2 Chronicles 35: 24-26; John 14: 15-17; 16: 19-22 |
You will see, dear brethren, that thoughts of sorrow and joy enter into these passages from which we have read.
At this time we are not without sorrow and grief, for while we do not sorrow as those who have no hope, yet there is sorrow and grief in our hearts as, in holy affection, we enter upon this service in connection with the burial of one so greatly beloved. He is beloved in heaven, but beloved here on earth.
I have read about Josiah that we may see the feelings that entered into the occasion of his death.
I read from John 14 to remind us on another set of circumstances.
I read the last portion to remind us of the truth of the resurrection world.
May the Lord encourage our hearts as we sorrow. Grief fills our hearts on the one hand, because of this great loss, but on the other hand we have the sense that the Holy Spirit is continuing with us.
• Word by Mr. Elliott E. Hoyte Mark 6: 31; Revelation 14: 13 |
I wish to make just a few brief remarks, dear brethren, on these verses by way of comfort, first, for our beloved sister and the family, and then for ourselves, for we all need comfort.
I want to remark on the thought of rest. How sweet is rest after toil!
I read from Mark's gospel because it is the servant's gospel.
And also, we have to regard the fact that his Master had rights over him, and He has exercised those rights.
We can remember that on Saturday night last, at the care meeting, our dear brother, as he was wont to do, attended to every matter. He was using all the strength at his disposal.
In relation to another matter he had asked if we could wait on an erring brother for another month.
Now just a word on the last scripture.
The Lord in His consideration for His servant said, "Come … apart … and a rest a little". We are glad to know that our brother is taking his rest.
Following the words:
A large number of brethren then proceeded in about 75 cars to the Bethany section of Evergreen Cemetery.
The meeting at the grave proceeded as follows: