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What is a Christian?
– Gordon Rainbow

Many Opinions
What does the Bible say?
Salvation by Grace through Faith
But I believe in God

An Urgent Question
Where do I go from here?
A Thank You

Many Opinions

Many people think they are entitled to call themselves Christians because they

What do you think?

Most people will admit that human organizations have the right to set their own qualifications and standards for membership. Few would pose as a member of such if they had not been accepted in accord with the organization's own official qualifications and standards.

But, when it comes to being a Christian (which is far greater than being a member of any human organization) almost everyone thinks they have a right to claim to be a Christian based on their own qualifications and standards!

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What does the Bible say?

The Holy Scriptures are the only place to find the divine qualifications and standards by which a person can be truly considered a Christian. Let us see what the Scriptures say:

Is that your idea of being a Christian?

Jesus was rejected by most people.

Have you received Him?

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Salvation by Grace through Faith

Scripture nowhere says that baptism, church membership or belief in creeds can give you forgiveness of sins, justify you before a holy God or assure you of eternal salvation.

As for a so-called good life or good deeds, Scripture says of mankind naturally, "There is not a righteous man, not even one; there is not the man that understands, there is not one that seeks after God. All have gone out of the way . . . there is not one that practises goodness, there is not so much as one", Romans 3: 10-12.

What then does Scripture say? It says that:

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But I believe in God

But some one may say, I believe there is a God, surely that is good enough. That is only a delusion because Scripture says:

How then can anyone expect to be accepted by God if they refuse His beloved Son and try to bypass Him?

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An Urgent Question

"What must I do to be saved?" One man asked that question and received the welcome answer:

Don't put it off. Do it now!

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Where do I go from here?

But that is only the start. We all need to learn the Scriptural principles in regard to:

Others believers are ready

Gordon Rainbow.

  Dear Guest,
Thank you for accepting my invitation to take a look at this page. I hope you found it interesting and that you will give it your serious consideration.

Your comments and questions are welcome, and may be sent to me by using the
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Sincerely, Gordon.

Gordon Rainbow

Compare the booklet
What is a Christian? by A. A. Elliott.
If you haven't already, please take a look at Eternity – What is your Plan?

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