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He is not Here by Charles Deayton

He is Not Here
Let Go!
Light of the Morning
His Way is Perfect
The Holy City
Wait Patiently …
God is Faithful
To a Christian
He Gave Them Power
In Christ Jesus
In the Belovèd
Sun of Righteousness
Glad Tidings
Christ's … Headship
Threefold Blessing
Fellow Traveller
Four Gospels
All the Day Long
Scripture of Truth
Restoring Grace
Dawn … Morning
As He is Pure
Blessing and Glory
Fellowship of Saints
God in Revelation
Hold Fast
… All Things Well!
Healing Touch
Much Fruit
Another Way!
Jubilee Trumpet
He Made It Again
Greatly Beloved


There are an additional 38 poems by Mr. Deayton in this group. If you have not already, please see the introduction to a A Door of Hope.


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He is Not Here
"He is not here, but is risen", Luke 24: 6

He is not here – O world how dark without Him!
Egyptian darkness now that Christ is gone,
For men refused the Light that shone upon them
Choosing the darkness and the evil one.

He is not here – O world how cold without Him!
Whose touch gave warmth to many a sin-chilled heart.
Now He is gone. Alas! Men would not have Him,
He who alone could life and warmth impart.

He is not here – O world how dead without Him!
Seek not the living One among the dead.
In Him was life, but men in hatred slew Him
And eager chose a murd'rer in His stead.

But He is ris'n – Another world He's filling,
With light and life and warmth and love today;
And there are many in the blessèd secret –
The world to come will soon be in display.

Yes! He is ris'n – How wondrous is the story!
Ascended high, enthroned in heaven above;
The Spirit bearing witness to His glory,
Filling our hearts with heav'nly peace and love.

Yes! Christ is ris'n – a glorious living Saviour –
And all who turn to Him are richly blessed.
Available to men – Yes! Still He's saying
"Come unto Me, and I will give you rest".

July 1959

Note: After a wonderful City Reading on the last chapter of Mark's gospel, we sang very heartily and with power, Hymn 169 (Christ is risen! Hallelujah! 1951 Hymn Book). Mr. Deayton went home and wrote these verses. Many of the sisters were deeply impressed with the reading and the hymn. Anonymous

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Let Go!
Exodus 12: 31 – Acts 4: 23

Let go! – the tyrant yields
Under God's mighty hand.
The sons of Israel all
Go forth, as God has planned;
Pass through the sea as on dry ground,
Whilst Egypt's boasting hosts are drowned.

Let go, they find their way
To their own company,
For God has intervened
And set His servants free,
And, as together, they did pray;
God answered them from heaven that day.

Let go we'll surely be
If we Thy features show.
If we are true to Thee
The world will let us go.
Lord, keep us ever true to Thee
Till we Thy face in glory see!

Let go (How glad we are!)
From things which claim us here,
And with "our own" to move
Into a brighter sphere,
The fellowship of saints to know –
Our wondrous portion here below.

Let go – what joy 'twill be
When, Lord, Thy voice of power
Sets all Thy people free.
We hail that glorious hour,
Let go from every hindrance here
With Thee in glory to appear.

June 1961

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The Light of the Morning
2 Samuel 23: 4 – Psalm 19: 5

Light of the morning, Lord, art Thou,
The Dayspring from on high,
Filling our hearts with light divine,
With heav'nly peace and joy.

Thou glorious Man, come out of heav'n,
How radiant is Thy face,
The Bridegroom from His chamber come,
As strong to run the race.

Triumphant over all wast Thou,
Delighting in God's will,
Thy going forth, how glorious!
The end, more glorious still!

Light of the morning, Lord, art Thou,
The bright and Morning Star,
Soon, as the glorious Sun, Thou'lt shed
Thy healing beams afar.

July 1961

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His Way is Perfect
Matthew 11: 26 – Psalm 18: 30,32

Good in Thy sight, O Father,
Thine eye that seeth all –
If by Thine eye we're guided
Our feet will never fall;
So keep us near and subject
To Thy blest will today,
Thy will, not mine, O teach us
Each one to truly say!

And keep us simply trusting
In Thine unfailing love,
And here, amidst temptation,
Direct us from above.
The path once trod by Jesus,
In perfect manhood here,
Give to us grace to follow
And His reproach to bear.

Keep us from every evil,
Give us to prove Thy will,
When sorely pressed by trials,
To trust Thee, and be still.
Thy way, O God, is perfect,
Make our way perfect too,
Till, by Thy mighty power,
Thou makest all things new.

August 1961

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The Holy City
Ezekiel 48: 35 – Revelation 21: 10

O wondrous city, built by God,
Descending from above,
Holy and incorruptible,
Designed and formed in love!

The city of the living God,
Shining in glory bright,
The workmanship of His own hands –
Come, see this wondrous sight!

Its measurements are all divine,
Its light – a precious stone –
O jewel rare, beyond compare,
A glory thine alone!

To shine upon the universe
Throughout the coming day,
(The bride of Christ, joy of His heart)
Love's glory to display.

'Tis thus that God will dwell with men
Within this city fair,
In holy blest complacency –
Its glory – God is there!

In hospital, Lord's Day morning, September 24, 1961

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Wait Patiently for Him
Psalm 37: 7 – Psalm 46: 1 – Isaiah 50: 10

Waiting – no end, as yet, in sight,
Waiting for God to show His hand,
Waiting until He giveth light,
Until He bringeth to the land –
We walk by faith and not by sight,
Till He turns darkness into light.

Waiting – the dark clouds fill the sky,
The tempest rages loud and long!
And wind and wave are running high,
The stormy elements are strong,
But they must all obey God's will
When He is pleased to say, "Be still".

He rides the heavens for thy help,
Commands a deep and wondrous calm,
As everywhere His touch is felt,
And every groan becomes a psalm.
Wait, wait on God, on Him alone,
And thou wilt ne'er be overthrown.

September 1961

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God is Faithful
Exodus 3: 15 – Psalm 146: 5
1 Corinthians 1: 9; 10: 13 – 2 Corinthians 1: 18

God is faithful – just three words!
But how much they convey!
The God of Jacob – let us prove
His faithfulness today.

We change, we fail – He changes not,
His love remains the same;
And, come what may, He's ever true
To His all-glorious Name.

He is the God of Abraham,
The God of Isaac too,
The God of Jacob, praise His Name –
He'll see His people through.

He who has promised, will perform,
His covenant fulfil
Let us be found in faithfulness,
And welcome all His will!

January 1962

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To a Christian
1 Corinthians 15: 10
Romans 8: 16-17 – Philippians 2: 14-16

Be what you are – be thankful for it,
For by the grace of God 'tis so,
For we are just what He has made us,
To represent Him here below.

So let us then, as men, be standing
In faithful testimony here,
Stand for the truth, firm and unwavering,
Till Christ our Saviour shall appear.

The blessèd Spirit bears us witness,
Children of God we are today,
As heirs with Christ, to suffer with Him
Here ev'ry step along the way.

Having in mind the coming glory,
Surpassing all the sufferings here,
When, for His glory, in His likeness,
The sons of God will all appear.

Children of God! Let us remember
Our great and glorious calling high,
Be irreproachable and holy,
True to our wondrous destiny.

Thus in this world as lights appearing,
And holding forth the word of life,
May we be sep'rate, pure and holy,
Here where idolatry is rife.

Be what you are – what God has made you,
In His distinctiveness to be,
True to the difference He's established,
Rememb'ring that the sons are free!

April 2, 1962

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He Gave Them Power
Matthew 10: 1 – Matthew 28: 18

All power is Thine, Lord Jesus,
In heaven or on earth–
Yes, rightly Thine, blest Saviour,
We gladly own Thy worth,
For God all power has given Thee,
Now glorified on high,
To His right hand exalted,
The One who came to die.

And here, as Thy disciples,
We'd prove Thy power today,
Come in, O Lord, amongst us,
Make Satan's power give way,
Undo his works, and grant us
The works of God to see,
Under Thy glorious headship
To dwell in unity.

We call on Thee, Lord Jesus,
As subject to Thy will,
To show Thy mighty power
Is operating still.
Have Thine own way, and bring us
At Thy blest feet to bow,
O'er every foe victorious,
To Thee be glory now!

Thy power is still towards us,
All power is in Thy hands
And, for Thy people's blessing,
All adverse power commands.
And Thou art with us always,
Yes, "all the days" down here,
Till, with Thee, there in glory,
Thy saints shall all appear.

July 20, 1962

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In Christ Jesus
1 Corinthians 1: 30-31

O Lord, how great Thou art in glorious headship!
Wisdom from God made to us now through grace,
To find in Thee our great resource, sufficing
For all who call on Thee in ev'ry place.

And righteousness, how blessèd thus to know Thee,
Before God's face in Thee alone we stand;
For we have naught, and we are naught without Thee,
But, in Thee, are the work of His own hand.

And holiness, God's Holy One, displaying
His mind for us whilst walking here below,
That there may be in us fruit for His pleasure,
That we in answ'ring holiness may grow.

Redemption, too, Thou hast Thyself accomplished,
From God, in Thee, its glory now doth shine,
Wondrous completion, Thou wilt change our bodies
Like to Thine own – the power and glory Thine!

And thus in Thee, O Lord, with joy, we glory,
We boast in Thee, Thou glorious Son of God,
"Yea and Amen" of all that God has promised,
Thy glorious greatness we would sound abroad.

October 3, 1962

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In the Belovèd
Ephesians 1: 1-14

In the fulness of Thy love,
Ev'ry blessing in the heav'nlies
Now in Christ is ours above.
Giving thanks to Thee, the Father,
For the Son has made us free,
And as sons we bless and praise Thee
Now in holy liberty.

Wondrous portion Thou hast giv'n us
By the Spirit now to know,
All the glory of Thy purpose
To our wond'ring hearts to show;
Grace that takes us into favour,
Yes, in Thy Belovèd now –
Full the blessing, full the praises
As our hearts before Thee bow.

Thus, in Christ, we joy before Thee,
Our inheritance obtain,
To the praise of Thine own glory,
And our rich eternal gain;
Also, with our eyes enlightened,
Thine inheritance to see
In the saints, all for Thy glory
And Thy joy eternally.

November 15, 1962

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Sun of Righteousness
Psalm 19

Part 1

The heav'ns declare God's glory,
For Christ enthroned is there,
They tell a wondrous story,
Let all creation hear.
Their voice is heard declaring
To earth's remotest bound,
And heav'n with earth is sharing
This glad, triumphant, sound.

Christ, as the Sun transcendent,
Sheds beneficial light
For in His face, resplendent,
God's glory shineth bright.
Seen on the holy mountain
In lowly Manhood here,
Now from the highest heaven
His radiance doth appear.

He, as the glorious Bridegroom,
Goes forth to claim His bride;
As the Strong Man, rejoicing,
Moves with victorious stride,
Passing through all the heavens,
Completes the race He ran –
God's glory now is centred
In Christ, the Second Man!

Part 2

O Lord, through Thy blest shining,
What wonderful control!
Thy law indeed is perfect
And doth restore the soul.
Thou makest wise the simple,
Thy testimony sure;
Thy precepts right, rejoicing
The heart for evermore.

And pure Thy blest commandments,
Enlightening the eyes;
Thy judgments true and righteous,
Clear as the azure skies:
They are than gold more precious,
Than honey far more sweet,
Producing in Thy servants
The answer that is meet.

O keep us in this shining,
That we ourselves may know,
And, purified, may answer
To Thee whilst here below.
So let each word now spoken,
Our meditation be,
Our Rock and our Redeemer,
Acceptable to Thee.

October 5, 1962

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Glad Tidings
Luke 2: 14

Christ has come, O joyful tidings
Ringing through the heavenly host –
God come near to men in Jesus,
Come to seek and save the lost.

Christ lived here, and, in His pathway,
Grace in all His actions shone;
No man ever spake like Jesus,
Or could do what He has done!

Christ has died, has borne the judgment
In our stead, O wondrous grace!
When He, in His deep compassion,
Took the guilty sinner's place.

Christ has ris'n, O glorious triumph!
Firstborn from the dead is He!
Sin and death and hell are vanquished,
In His triumph we are free!

Christ ascended into heaven,
Glory shining on His brow,
Far above all things exalted –
Heav'nly hosts in worship bow!

Christ is coming – are we ready?
Any moment He may come,
He will take away His loved ones,
All to be with Him at home.

Christ will reign, at His appearing,
(Enemies beneath His feet)
Joy will fill the wide creation
When He takes His glorious seat.

Right through to the final splendour
We by faith His movements trace,
By the Spirit apprehending –
Soon the bliss of face-to-face!

November 20, 1962

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Galatians 4: 4-7

Wondrous thought for God's own pleasure,
That men should in nearness be,
As in Christ, in new creation,
Found in sonship liberty.

Sending forth His Son, the Father
Thus has changed our whole estate,
Set us free, and gave us sonship,
In His love surpassing great.

He has also sent the Spirit,
Blessèd Spirit of His Son,
Answ'ring love in us promoting
From our hearts, completely won.

Deeply moved in our affections,
Now as we would contemplate
How this wondrous love has reached us,
And the sacrifice so great.

Now the joy of new creation,
Planned by God for His delight,
Fills our hearts while yet awaiting
Its display in glory bright.

October 8, 1962

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Christ's Glorious Headship
Psalm 19 – 1 Corinthians 11: 3 – Colossians 2: 9-10

Lord, keep us in the shining
Of Thine all glorious face,
Daily from Thee receiving
A fresh supply of grace!
Head over all now seated
At God's right hand above,
Thy work on earth completed –
The proof that God is love!

O'er sin and death triumphant,
In glorious Headship now,
Providing life and blessing
For all who to Thee bow,
With thankful hearts we see Thee,
The Head of ev'ry man,
The Sun of God's creation
According to His plan.

How glorious is Thy shining,
Thou Sun of righteousness!
Filling the hearts of myriads
With heav'nly joy and peace.
Shine on in all Thy glory,
Shine in our hearts today
Until the wide creation
Finds rest beneath Thy sway.

December 14, 1962

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Threefold Blessing
Numbers 6: 24-27
Matthew 28: 19 – 2 Corinthians 13: 14

Thrice blessed are we – the Father, Son and Spirit!
How rich the blessing which from heaven flows!
How great the Name, such wondrous fulness telling,
Declared by Christ when He in triumph rose.

The Father's love, the source of all our blessing,
By faith the Christ now dwelling in our heart,
And by the Spirit's power apprehending
That which shall be our blest eternal part.

Our God we bow in holy adoration,
This threefold blessing fills our hearts with joy –
We would with spirit, soul and body render
Thankful response, our lips in praise employ.

December 17, 1962

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Fellow Traveller

How good when fellow travellers meet
Who truly fellow travellers are,
Together on the heavenly road
As well as in the railroad car!

This joy was real to us today
When on the train, at Medicine Hat,
Some brethren joined us on our way,
In the same car together sat.

The fellowship of saints is sweet;
A unity that's formed in love,
Apart from all the world around,
It has its origin above!

And hence the thrill we always feel
When we some heav'n bound traveller meet.
This joy we proved afresh today –
The fellowship of saints is sweet!

On C.P.R. train enroute to Vancouver and Los Angeles,
December 18, 1962

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Four Gospels

Matthew tells us of the kingdom,
Of the King – His majesty,
Of His glory, and His meekness,
How He died to set us free,

Mark dwells on the perfect Servant,
Here to do the will of God,
Moving in such true devotion,
Of the perfect path He trod.

Luke unfolds the grace of Jesus,
Of the Dayspring from on high,
Of heav'ns blessèd visitation,
Healing grace in full supply!

John would tell us of the Father,
Of the Son who made Him known,
Of the Spirit sent from heaven,
Of the family, all made one!

Thus is told the wondrous story –
Fourfold witness of God's grace,
That, through Christ, and by the Spirit,
Men might dwell before His face.

January 6, 1963

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All the Day Long
Deuteronomy 33: 12 – Romans 8: 36

All the day long in love's abode,
In perfect peace, the peace of God,
In His blest presence, there to be
Maintained in sweet tranquility.

All the day long, for Jesus' sake,
Our feet the suff'ring way will take,
Kept true to Him, the Crucified –
"Sheep for the slaughter" where He died!

Both of these scenes we're giv'n to know,
Found "more than conquerors below" –
Within – His glorious face to see!
Without – to suffer patiently!

Lord Jesus, may we know Thy smile,
Kept faithful in this "little while"
Until, the time of suff'ring o'er,
We reach Thee on the heav'nly shore.

February 1, 1963

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Scripture of Truth
Daniel 10: 21

O wondrous book of things to come,
Of things e'en now revealed,
Of things that are obtaining now,
And others that are sealed.
They tell us of the mind of God,
And of His heart made known;
They tell us of the wondrous cross
And of the glorious throne.

The history, too, of fallen man
Is faithfully declared;
His lost estate, because of sin,
Unsparingly is bared.
The mercy of a Saviour God,
Based on His righteousness,
Herein is told, and how He still
His creature man would bless.

The Scriptures thus can make us wise
To God's salvation now;
Repenting sinners may believe –
The knee to Jesus bow.
God, in His love and mercy now,
Would save us from our sin,
And through the precious blood of Christ
Would make us clean within.

The Scriptures tell us of the Man
Enthroned in heav'n above,
Of the full wonders of the plan
Of God's own wondrous love;
And of the Holy Spirit giv'n
To all who Him obey,
Giving us now the light of heav'n –
Of God's eternal day.

February 3, 1963

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Restoring Grace
Psalm 30: 11-12

We thank Thee for the grace that turns
The soul's captivity!
That deals with ev'ry hostile power,
And sets the captive free!
The sorrows of the night give way
Before the morning joy,
The groans are all turned into song,
Fresh praise the lips employ.

Thy lovingkindness, blessèd God,
Endures for evermore
And, in the wealth of Thine own grace,
Our souls Thou dost restore.
Thy hand the sackcloth doth remove,
With gladness girds the soul;
The mourning into dancing turns
'Neath Thy benign control.

And thus fresh psalms we sing today;
We'd not be silent now,
But filled with praise our grateful hearts
In Thy blest presence bow.
O keep us ever near to Thee,
No move to go astray,
That we may Thy salvation prove
And bless Thee ev'ry day!

February 4, 1963

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The Dawn of the Morning
Psalm 46: 5 – 2 Samuel 23: 4
John 20: 1, 14 – John 21: 4

Light of the morning, Lord, art Thou,
Dispelling all the gloom,
In glorious resurrection now,
And empty lies the tomb.

The weeping of the night is o'er,
The tears are wiped away,
For in Thy resurrection life
Dawns an eternal day.

Still, in this vale of tears, we prove,
When sorrow fills the heart,
Thy hand would wipe the tears away
And bid the clouds depart.

Thy wondrous touch the heart revives,
Turns sorrow into joy;
The groans are stilled, and psalms of praise
Our grateful lips employ.

Light of the morning, Lord, Thou art,
Our souls Thou dost restore –
Soon we shall praise Thee as we ought
In glory evermore!


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Romans 5: 1 – Philippians 4: 7
Colossians 3: 14-15 – Ephesians 4: 3

Peace with God – how rich the mercy
Which has giv'n this now to me!
Justified by faith in Jesus,
Through the blood – this sets me free!

Peace of God – O wondrous blessing!
Guarding hearts and thoughts today,
Passing every understanding –
Hold us 'neath Thy blessèd sway!

Peace is flowing like a river,
Christ on high the object now,
And the Father's cloudless favour
Makes the heart in worship bow.

Peace of Christ – O grace triumphant!
Now presiding in our hearts –
Holy love, bond of perfection,
This the Spirit now imparts.

May we, diligent, be keeping
The uniting bond of peace
And, in love towards each other,
From this service never cease.

February 8, 1963

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As He is Pure
1 John 3: 3

We shall see Him, and be like Him,
We shall see Him as He is –
See Him there in all His glory –
This will be the crowning bliss!

See the King in all His beauty,
In that land of pure delight –
Glorious recompense for suff'ring –
Faith, long proved, be changed to sight!

We shall see Him – joyful prospect!
Hope that purifies our hearts,
And His love, our present portion,
Daily holiness imparts.

May we in this hope rejoicing,
Ever tread the heav'nward way;
Keep, in holy separation,
His commandments every day!

February 10, 1963

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The Blessing and Glory
Leviticus 9: 22-24

God answers with His glory
What suits His holiness –
Atonement now provided,
He would His people bless.

The richness of His mercy,
The greatness of His love,
Made manifest in Jesus
Who came from heav'n above.

O grace beyond all measure,
Sin-off'ring He became,
He – who was sinless, holy –
He bore the cross and shame!

Burnt-off'ring of sweet odour,
Portion for God's own heart,
The sweetest fragrance yielding,
God's own most precious part.

And we, in this delighting,
Peace-off'rings bring to God,
Accepted in the value
Of Jesus and His blood.

The Sacrifice accepted,
God's infinite delight
Is centred now in Jesus,
Enthroned in glory bright.

How full, how rich the blessing
Which rests upon us now!
And, as we see the glory,
Our hearts in worship bow!

June 12, 1963

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Fellowship of Saints

The fellowship of saints is sweet,
How good it is to prove
Its joys, when we together meet
In bonds of holy love!

The fellowship of God's own Son,
Of Jesus Christ our Lord,
Enjoying blessings He has won,
Encouraged by His word.

True to the fellowship we'd be,
Apart from all around,
Here, where the blessèd Spirit's free,
And life eternal found.

God give us each to value more
This fellowship of love,
Drawing on heav'n's exhaustless store,
All earthly things above!

The fellowship of saints is sweet,
Naught can with it compare,
Still more and more we love to meet
And its true blessings share.

O may we faithful be, and true
To Christ and all His own
Until by grace He brings us through
To meet around the throne.

June 20, 1963

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God in Revelation
John 1: 14-18; 16: 13-15

O wondrous revelation,
The Father and the Son!
The Spirit now unfolding
What love Divine has done.
The Father's love the fountain,
The source of all our bliss
The Son its full expression,
What glory lies in this!

How deep the satisfaction
And infinite delight
Our hearts now find in Jesus,
Centre of glory bright!
The Son how great His glory
And how unique His place
In love, the Father's bosom
Ever His dwelling place!

O thought all else surpassing
Which now we contemplate,
Love's sphere, the Father's bosom,
Holy, inviolate!
The Son alone is worthy
That holy sphere to fill,
The Father's heart delighting
In Him who did His will!

What wondrous love the Father
Has given us to know,
In calling us His children,
And giving sonship, too!
How rich the Father's giving,
He gave His only Son!
Now many sons responding
Tell what that love has done!

O Love, supreme, eternal!
O Light, unclouded, pure!
The message that has reached us
Gives joy for evermore.
The Father, Son and Spirit,
The glorious Trinity
All praise and blessing, worship,
Our God we give to Thee.

August 12, 1963

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Hold Fast
1 Corinthians 15: 1-8 – Colossians 2: 8-9
Revelation 3: 11 – Philippians 3: 18-19

What thou hast heard – with joy received,
Glad tidings from above –
Hold fast and never let it go,
And God's salvation prove.

Hold fast the Head from whom supplies
Of living grace doth flow,
That all the body here on earth
With God's increase may grow.

Hold fast assembly love to Christ,
The Holy and the True,
Let no one take thy crown away,
But to the end pursue.

July 20, 1963

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He Does All Things Well!
Mark 7: 37
Luke 9: 43; 18: 16-17 – John 21: 25

All the things which Jesus did!
Cause of wonder unto men –
God's own glorious greatness seen,
Wondrous demonstration then,
When in lowly grace down here
Did the Son of God appear.

And men wondered at His words,
Marvelled as they saw His ways,
As the "Second Man" from heav'n
Moved in His attractive grace,
Healing all that were oppressed,
Giving to the weary rest.

All the things which Jesus did
Here on earth, and now from heav'n,
Wondrous history of grace –
Unto Him all praise be giv'n!
He who brought God's kingdom nigh
With its rich and full supply.

All the things which Jesus did
Have not yet been fully told,
Ransomed myriads glorified
Soon the story will unfold,
Glorious things they'll prove to be
Filling all eternity.

c. 1963

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The Healing Touch
Luke 1: 78-79 – Matthew 8: 15

He touched her hand, the fever left her,
How wonderful that touch Divine!
Imparting healing, life, and power –
Thus doth our God from Zion shine!

The Dayspring from on high, from heaven,
Has shone upon our gloomy state –
Shadow of death, sitting in darkness –
Christ came to change our lost estate.

In mercy and in deep compassion,
Anointed He to bring relief,
To save the lost, to cleanse the leper,
Yes, e'en to save a dying thief.

O wondrous grace, O great salvation,
The Saviour brought from heav'n above,
O wondrous shining out of Zion,
The wonder of downstooping love!

His skilful hands relief could render,
Bind up sin's wounds with touch Divine;
The great Physician come from heav'n
And pouring in the oil and wine.

Thy priestly grace alone, Lord Jesus,
Could save, and win men back again;
Thy work, Thy death, Thy present glory
All telling forth that grace doth reign.

Our hearts are moved, as contemplating
Thee as our Saviour, Priest, today –
Continue Lord, to shine upon us,
And guide us in the upward way!

December 24, 1963

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Much Fruit
Psalm 126: 6 – John 12: 24

He goeth forth, the Sower,
Bearing the precious seed,
Onward He goes, yet weeping
As feeling man's deep need.

His heart was filled with pity
As He to death drew nigh,
As He beheld the city
Where He was going to die.

Oh, how He felt their darkness,
"If thou hadst known", He said;
Jerusalem – her children –
The dreadful days ahead.

But He for them would suffer,
Bearing His cross, He goes,
Goes forth, the Mighty Sower –
Himself in death He sows.

He comes again rejoicing,
His precious sheaves He brings,
The much fruit of His sowing,
And in His joy He sings.

Yes, 'tis the time of singing,
The night of weeping o'er,
The joy of morning filling
His heart for evermore.

Jerusalem, all Israel,
The nations, too, shall be
All in the glorious harvest
The Sower's eyes shall see.

Our hearts are filled with wonder,
Our souls are filled with praise
As on His death we ponder,
And on His glory gaze.

Jesus, our souls adore Thee,
As, of the assembly, we
The firstfruits of the harvest,
Now bring our yield to Thee.

December 25, 1963

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Joseph, hated by his brethren,
Marked by love and holiness;
In the end, by God exalted,
They his worthiness confess.

Moses, leader of God's people
Through the howling wilderness,
As a faithful shepherd guiding,
At the end the tribes did bless.

David, king, and priest, and shepherd,
Suff'rer, singer, psalmist sweet,
Christ's own spirit in him shining,
Bringing Israel to his feet.

Daniel, full of faith and courage,
Daily stayed upon his God,
Faithful, full of grace and wisdom,
Prayed at ev'ry step he trod.

Glorious Man, the Man Christ Jesus,
He all others far above,
Mediator, Lord and Saviour,
Came to tell us God is Love!

Living, dying, ris'n, ascended,
We His wondrous footsteps trace,
Now by faith in heav'n behold Him,
Glory shining in His face.

Glorious Man! Of His blest fulness
All His own e'en now receive,
By the Spirit soon made like Him,
All who on His Name believe.

January 2, 1964

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John 15: 7-9 – 1 John 2: 28

We need Thee, blessèd Saviour,
We need Thee all day long,
Thou art our strength, Lord Jesus,
Be Thou our joy and song.
For succour in the conflict,
For vict'ry in the fight,
When darkness gathers round us
Thou art our morning light!

Thou art our peace, Lord Jesus,
In Thee our souls find rest;
Beneath Thy blessèd shadow
How richly we are blessed!
Thy peace and joy imparting,
Our hearts Thou dost sustain;
We, from Thy fulness drawing,
Grace upon grace obtain.

Keep us then, faithful Saviour,
Close to Thy blessèd side,
That in Thy love unchanging
Our souls may still abide.
And thus in blest communion
Our hearts with fervour glow,
To know the joy of union,
And in Thy nature grow.

June 22, 1964

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Jeremiah 18: 4 – 2 Corinthians 3: 18
Philippians 3: 20-21

Another vessel – for His praise!
God's handiwork divine,
For His own pleasure and delight
Eternally to shine.

In grace He met our lost estate,
Completely changed our lot,
And as we look upon the saints
We see what God has wrought.

Consistent with His righteousness,
Mercy and truth combine,
And, through the wondrous work of Christ,
Redemption glories shine.

Forsaken, died, and buried, He
The spotless holy One,
Taking the guilty sinner's place,
Redemption's glory won,

Now ris'n, our glorious living Head,
Alive to die no more,
And myriad saints are made to live
Now by His quick'ning power.

Yes, myriads now of heav'nly ones
Like Him the heav'nly One;
To glory brought, the many sons
Show forth what He has done.

The consummation we await,
When Christ shall come in power –
He'll make our bodies like His own
In that triumphant hour!

Another vessel, made again
For God's eternal praise
Like Jesus, soon with Him to reign
Through everlasting days.

June 1, 1964

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Another Way!
Jeremiah 18: 4 – Numbers 14: 24 – Matthew 2: 12

Another vessel – grace divine
That gives us life anew
In Christ, O sovereign act of God!
To be made like Him, too!

Another spirit – wondrous grace!
Gives inward life and power,
Sent forth by God within our hearts,
And with us evermore.

Another way in which to walk
Apart from all things here,
And enter by the Spirit now
Into the heav'nly sphere.

O God, we thank Thee for the grace
That gives to us today
In Christ, and by the Spirit's power,
To walk another way.

June 14, 1964

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Jubilee Trumpet
Leviticus 25: 9 – Psalm 39: 15 – Ephesians 4: 32

How joyful the sound of the Jubilee trumpet,
As clear through the land it is sounding today!
Not one of God's people to be left in bondage,
For His sons must be free, the message doth say.

Forgiveness, forbearance and kindness, compassion –
The rich grace of God by His people displayed,
The trumpet sounds forth on the day of atonement,
In the greatness of love which atonement has made.

How rich is the grace which has come down from heaven,
The great love of God shed abroad in our hearts,
And known and enjoyed by the Spirit now given,
What happy communion and joy it imparts!

The wealth of this grace now is finding expression,
And burdens are lifted, and needs being met,
God's love is obtaining, and grace is prevailing
To free every captive, and pay every debt.

How cheering the sound of the Jubilee trumpet,
As its message of peace and blessing we hear –
To be to each other as God has been to us,
His grace in expression to fully appear!

How glorious 'twill be when the Jubilee trumpet
Sounds its last mighty call, and sets us all free.
The dead in Christ rising, and we who are living,
All caught up together our Saviour to see!

Note: May be sung to the tune, Waiting and Watching. This was written after a reading on The Year of Release and the Jubilee, in Vancouver on February 18, 1966. C.D.

February 19, 1966

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He Made It Again

O God, how wondrous are Thy thoughts of blessing,
Thy purposes of love for all Thine own,
The end of all Thy ways of wisdom with us –
Conformèd to the image of Thy Son!

To be in Thy blest hands, the heav'nly Potter,
Though each of us a vessel marred by sin,
For Thou wouldst make again another vessel,
According to Thy thoughts – all pure within!

Thou'lt have Thy saints, each one, to be like Jesus,
O grace supreme, O love beyond all thought!
Our grateful praises rise to Thee, our Father,
And bless Thee now for what Thy love has wrought.

Delivered from th'authority of darkness,
Made meet by Thee to dwell with saints in light,
With Thy blest Son, translated to His kingdom,
Made fit to have our part in glory bright.

The basis of this wonderful redemption –
The blood of Jesus – precious gift of love!
We bless Thee for the way Thou hast secured us
To have us there at home with Thee above.

Note: Written after a reading in Vancouver on God watching over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1: 11-12; 18: 4 and relative scriptures in Jeremiah) having in mind the significance of the word "again", dwelling much on Jeremiah 31: 28. That was the night [deleted] was restored! C.D.

March 6, 1966

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A Man Greatly Beloved
— In memory of P.L. —

"The memory of the righteous man shall be blessed",
Proverbs 10: 7

Greatly beloved, we truly say,
Of one now present with the Lord.
His memory stirs our hearts today,
And fragrant sweetness doth afford.

Our brother here, throughout his days,
Was living in the world to come,
And in his walk, his word, his ways,
Truly reflected that bright home.

Ambassador from courts above,
Acquainted well with grace divine,
This servant, in devoted love,
Did here amidst his brethren shine.

His ministry was ever sweet,
By it our souls were truly fed,
Presenting Christ in grace and power,
Heav'nward our footsteps always led.

As well acquainted with the land,
And with its choicest fruits divine,
How oft to us he did display
Some goodly grapes from Eschol's vine.

He helped us sorrows here to bear,
Also assembly joys to know,
With us he heav'nly things did share,
And often set our hearts aglow.

Right through until his closing days,
With his last strength himself did spend,
A burning and a shining light,
Filled with the glory till the end.

And now for him the sufferings here
Are past, and he the goal has won –
How great our brother's joy will be
To hear the Master's glad, "Well done!"

April 1966

I first heard this beloved servant away back in 1903 in London, England. I was then a youth of sixteen, and P.L. a young man of twenty.


According to the above, Percy Lyon was born in 1883. He was serving in France when the Lord took him on February 25, 1966; he was buried at Valence on February 28.


Christ Personally and Christ Characteristically

Hebrews 11: 5-7 – Genesis 24: 36, 64-67

I was just thinking about this great centre of operations that has been before us, mysterious as to any human location but the more known to faith and spirituality,

You see at Pentecost how Christ ascended, exalted, involves the blessed Spirit come here in a spiritual activity in persons prepared of the Lord as forming the suited vessel of the Spirit here, the assembly.

We should find throughout Scripture that if there is any touch of the ascension or any touch bearing upon Christ received up in glory,

We should not be lacking … Will love's voice penetrate? Will love's resolutions be allowed to drop?

P. L.

Word at a ministry meeting, following special meetings,
Toronto, Tuesday, September 28th, 1965.

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