Hymns  441  –  495
441 J. C. TOZER
Tune to come
1 Father of every fam'ly,
Our song to Thee we raise;
Thou art supreme in glory,
Thy love commands our praise.
2 Now by Thy Spirit strengthened,
And filled by power divine,
We apprehend the greatness
Of all Thou didst design.
3 Here Christ and the assembly
Are seen in radiance bright,
Man in Thine own blest image,
For ever Thy delight.
4 His love, though passing knowledge,
For her, His spouse so fair,
Is known as we in union
With Him in glory share.
5 And so in sonship's freedom
Our hearts in worship bow,
As led by Christ in praises
To Thee, our Father Thou.
442 W. R. MASON
Tune to come
1 O Spirit of adoption,
To sonship's joyful cry
By Thee we give expression,
God's heart to gratify.
Through Christ by Thee we've access
Unto the Father nigh;
To serve in holy nearness,
His Name to magnify.
2 Blest Spirit of the Father,
Thou in the inner man
Dost strengthen us with power,
The realms of bliss to scan;
To know Christ's love which passes
The range of human ken:
Be filled to all God's fulness –
What blessedness for man!
443 I. WATTS   S.M.
134 Crotch's Chant
1 Break forth and sing the song
Of "Glory to the Lamb!"
Wake every heart and every tongue,
To praise the Saviour's name.
Sing of His dying love;
Sing of His rising power;
Sing how He intercedes above
For those whose sins He bore.
3 Sing on your heav'nly road,
Ye sons of glory, sing;
To the exalted Lamb of God
Your cheerful praises bring.
4 Soon shall we hear Him say,
"Ye ransomed pilgrims, come"
Soon will He call us hence away,
And take us to His home.
5 Then shall each raptured tongue
His fullest praise proclaim;
And sweeter voices wake the song
Of "Glory to the Lamb!"
444 J. RYLAND (1753-1825) Adapted   C.M.
72 The Cross
1 O Lord, we would delight in Thee,
And on Thy care depend;
To Thee in every trouble flee,
Our safe unfailing Friend.
2 When human cisterns all are dried,
Thy fulness is the same;
May we with this be satisfied,
And glory in Thy Name.
3 What good in creatures may be found
Is all derived from Thee;
We must have all things and abound
Through Thy sufficiency.
4 Thou who hast made our hope secure
Wilt here all good provide;
While Thou art rich, can we be poor?
Thou who for us hast died!
5 O Lord, we cast each care on Thee,
And triumph and adore;
O that our great concern may be
To love and praise Thee more!
445 T. HAWEIS (1734-1820)
201 Millennium
1 Jesus, the Lord, is ris'n
Triumphant o'er the grave;
For us He burst the pris'n,
Almighty now to save!
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth who was dead.
2 Who to our charge shall lay
Our sins before our God?
Since all are washed away
In Jesus' precious blood.
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth who was dead.
3 Who now accuseth them
Whom God hath justified?
Or who shall those condemn
For whom the Surety died?
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth who was dead.
4 Christ hath the ransom paid,
The wondrous work is done;
On Him our help is laid,
The victory is won.
Captivity is captive led,
Since Jesus liveth who was dead.
446 MISS C. ELLIOTT (1789-1871)
418 Just as I am / Bradbury   419 Perpetua
1 Just as I am – without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come!
2 Just as I am – poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need, in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come!
3 Just as I am – and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come!
4 Just as I am – Thy love, I own,
Has broken every barrier down;
Now to be Thine, my joy and crown,
O Lamb of God, I come!
5 Just as I am – of that free love
The fulness and the depth to prove,
Here for a season, then above –
O Lamb of God, I come!
447 MISS. M BOWLY   C.M.
7 Barrow
1 Jesus, of Thee we ne'er would tire;
The new and living food
Can satisfy the heart's desire
Of those redeemed by blood.
2 If such the happy midnight song
Our prisoned spirits raise,
What are the joys that cause, ere long,
Eternal bursts of praise!
3 To look within and see no stain,
Abroad no curse to trace;
To shed no tears, to feel no pain,
But see Thee face to face
4 To find each hope of glory gained,
Fulfilled each precious word;
And fully all to have attained
The image of our Lord.
5 For this we're pressing onward still,
And in this hope would be
More subject to the Father's will,
E'en now much more like Thee.
448 T. KELLY
280 Wells
1 Sing aloud to God, our strength!
He has brought us hitherto;
He will bring us home at length,
This the Lord our God will do.
Doubt not, for His word is stable;
Fear not, for His arm is able.
2 Sing aloud to God, our strength!
Sing with wonder of His love;
Who can tell its breadth and length,
Who below, or who above?
Who its depth and height can measure?
'Tis a rich unbounded treasure.
3 Sing aloud to God, our strength!
He is with us where we go;
Fear we not the journey's length
Fear we not the mighty foe;
All our foes shall be defeated,
All our journey safe completed.
449 C. R. GREEVES   185 Moscow
186 Olivet   C15 Glory to God on High
1 Glory to God! we sing:
Let all their tribute bring
With one accord!
His only Son He gave
The lost to seek and save,
And raised Him from the grave,
Jesus, our Lord.
2 Glory to God! we sing:
Let saints with heaven ring
His praise abroad!
Jesus, who once did die
To God to bring us nigh,
Is crowned as Man on high,
His God our God.
3 Glory to God! we cry:
Our tongues would magnify
Jesus our Lord.
O God, what grace is Thine,
Revealed in love divine
By Him! Our hearts enshrine
Our glorious Lord.
450 G. W. FRASER
252 Petition   261 The Glory Shines
1 Blest be the God and Father
Of Jesus Christ the Son,
Who chose us for all blessing
Ere time had yet begun;
That we, redeemed, His loved ones,
Might dwell with Him above,
And know the depth and fulness
Of His unbounded love.
2 Where all those deep affections,
Which fill the Father's heart,
Shall find their satisfaction,
Their joy to us impart;
There we, Himself surrounding,
Shall "Abba, Father!" say,
Within those many mansions,
Prepared for that day.
3 E'en whilst we here are waiting
His rest on high to share,
We know our blest relation
As sons before Him there;
And by His Spirit's leading,
We "Abba, Father!" cry;
With ever-growing longing
We seek our place on high.
451 T. KELLY   C.M.
1 Abridge
1 Behold the Lamb, with glory crowned!
To Him all power be giv'n;
No place too high for Him is found,
No place too high in heav'n
2 He fills the throne – the throne above:
Its rights to Him belong;
The object of His Father's love,
Theme of the ransomed's song.
3 Though high, yet He accepts the praise
His people offer here;
The faintest, feeblest note they raise
Will reach the Saviour's ear.
4 This song be ours, we join in one
To celebrate the Name
Of Him that sits upon the throne,
And to exalt the Lamb.
5 To Him whom men despise and slight,
To Him be glory giv'n;
The crown is His, and His by right
The highest place in heav'n.
452 B. SCHMOLK (1672-1737)
From German   Tune to come
1 Lord, to be in Thine own presence
Joy unspeakable will be;
We shall there with hearts exulting
Offer praises unto Thee.
2 Every eye shall then behold Thee,
Gaze upon Thee as Thou art;
Every heart, in love delighting,
Shall fulfil its glorious part.
3 Every ear Thine accents hearing,
Which have quickened us below;
Every mouth Thy glory telling,
Filled by Thee, Thy praise to show.
4 Blessed Saviour, what rejoicing,
What delight we then shall share!
Freed at last to serve unhindered,
Praising Thee for ever there.
5 By the Spirit we already
Taste of love divine below;
At Thy feet we praise and worship –
Love ineffable we know.
453 W. MEYER   From German
Tune to come
1 Holy Spirit, Helper nigh,
Sent in love from God on high
Here to dwell with us below,
Thou hast come, and Thee we know.
2 Thee we praise, uniting power,
Comforter for every hour;
Leader into truth, we see
Meet it is to honour Thee.
Depths of God by Thee revealed
To His saints whom Thou hast sealed,
Earnest of eternal bliss –
Gladly we give thanks for this.
4 Thine anointing, too, we know,
Once the power on Christ below.
Thus, as filled by Thee in grace,
We can take for God our place.
454 E. H. CHATER
Tune to come
1 Blest Saviour in the glory,
Who gav'st Thyself for me,
I'm Thine, O wondrous story,
Thine to eternity!
Now pleasures for a season
No longer joy afford,
For lo! I'm all enraptured
With Christ my risen Lord.
Jesus, my Lord and Saviour,
My joy, my peace, and crown,
My soul with deepest homage
Would all Thy glory own!
And worship, honour, blessing,
Ascribe, blest Lord, to Thee –
The Man in highest glory
Who gav'st Thyself for me.
455 F. WHITFIELD (1827-1904)   C.M.
41 Name of Jesus
1 There is a Name we love to hear,
We love to sing its worth;
It sounds like music in our ear,
The sweetest Name on earth.
2 It tells us of a Saviour's love,
Who died to set us free;
It tells us of His precious blood,
The sinner's perfect plea.
3 Jesus! the Name we love so well,
The Name we love to hear;
No saint on earth its worth can tell,
No heart conceive how dear.
4 This Name shall shed its fragrance still
Along life's thorny road,
Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill
That leads us up to God.
5 And there the whole triumphant throng
Of blood-bought saints on high
Shall sing the new eternal song,
With Jesus ever nigh.
456 T. ROFE Iambic
D187 Jehijah   355 Dominus Regit Me
1 Our God, we bless Thee for Thy love
Made manifest with Jesus;
We praise Thy Name, that by His death
Thy love from bondage frees us.
2 The darkness and the distance gone,
No longer room for sadness;
Love's disposition now made known,
Thy saints are filled with gladness.
3 Thine attributes, O God, are seen
In Jesus crowned with glory,
And in our hearts Thy praises ring
As with Him now before Thee.
4 A people, formed to show Thy praise
From every tongue and nation,
Rest in the nearness of Thy love
In covenant relation.
5 Thy willing people, formed in love
From which no power shall sever,
With great delight, with holy hands,
We'd serve Thee thus for ever.
389 Lux Eoi   D365 Shemaiah
1 Saved for glory! yes, for glory,
By the work of God's blest Son;
Saved for glory, wondrous story,
We believe what Christ has done.
Saved for glory, saved by Jesus,
All our meetness His alone;
Meetness which the Father pleases
Ours should be, in Christ the Son.
2 All of grace, yes, grace surpassing,
Such a portion to bestow;
But the love all knowledge passing,
Grace has called us now to know;
Love that bore the stripes and sorrow,
Love that suffered on the tree,
Love that shares the bright tomorrow
With the loved ones, you and me.
3 Through that perfect Off'ring, never
Can our sins against us rise;
Perfected are we for ever
By that wondrous sacrifice.
Jesus, Saviour! we are graven
Ever on Thy heart of love;
We shall reach the wished-for haven
In Thy Father's house above.
210 Priory
1 We are by Christ redeemed;
The cost – His precious blood;
Be nothing by our souls esteemed
Like this great good.
Were the vast world our own,
With all its varied store,
And Thou, Lord Jesus, wert unknown,
We still were poor.
2 Our earthen vessels break;
The world itself grows old;
But soon the sleeping saints will wake,
And Thee behold.
Our bodies Thou wilt give
A fashion like Thine own;
Thou'lt bid the whole creation live,
And hush its groan.
3 Thus far by grace preserved,
Each moment speeds us on;
The crown and kingdom are reserved
Where Thou art gone.
When cloudless morning shines,
We shall Thy glory share;
In pleasant places are the lines;
The home how fair!
4 To Thee our weakness clings
Through tribulation sore,
And seeks the covert of Thy wings
Till all be o'er.
And when we've run the race,
And fought the faithful fight,
Then shall we see Thee face to face,
With saints in light.
459 I. WATTS   S.M.
55 St. Andrew   148 Robinson's Chant
1 Not all the blood of beasts,
On Jewish altars slain,
Can give the guilty conscience peace,
Or wash away its stain.
2 But Christ, the spotless Lamb,
Took all our guilt away,
A Sacrifice of nobler name
And richer blood than they.
3 Our souls look back to see
The burden Thou didst bear,
When hanging on th'accursed tree
For all our guilt was there.
4 Believing, we rejoice
To see the curse remove;
And bless the Lamb with cheerful voice,
And sing redeeming love.
460 MARY SHECKLETON (1827-1883)   506 It Passeth Knowledge
1 It passeth knowledge – that dear love of Thine!
Lord Jesus! Saviour! yet this soul of mine
Would of Thy love, in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth and everlasting strength,
Know more and more.
2 It passeth telling! that dear love of Thine,
Lord Jesus! Saviour! yet these lips of mine
Would fain proclaim to sinners far and near
A love which can remove all guilty fear,
And love beget.
3 It passeth praises! that great love of Thine,
Lord Jesus! Saviour! yet this heart of mine
Would sing a love so rich, so full, so free,
Which brought a rebel sinner, such as me,
Nigh unto God.
4 O fill me, Jesus Saviour, with Thy love;
Lead, lead me to the living fount above!
Thither may I in simple faith draw nigh,
And never to another fountain fly,
But unto Thee.
5 Lord Jesus, when Thee face to face I see,
When on Thy lofty throne I sit with Thee,
Then of Thy love in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
My soul shall sing.
461 MRS. MARY WALKER (1816-1878)
416 Ilsley
1 The wanderer no more will roam,
The lost one to the fold has come,
The prodigal is welcomed home,
O Lamb of God, through Thee!
2 Though clothed in rags, by sin defiled,
The Father did embrace His child;
And I am pardoned, reconciled,
O Lamb of God, in Thee!
3 It is the Father's joy to bless;
His love has found for me a dress,
A robe of spotless righteousness,
O Lamb of God, in Thee!
4 Yea, in the fulness of His grace,
God put me in the children's place,
Where I may gaze upon His face,
O Lamb of God, in Thee!
5 Not half His love can I express,
Yet, Lord, with joy my lips confess,
This blessed portion I possess,
O Lamb of God, in Thee!
6 Thy precious Name it is I bear,
In Thee I am to God brought near,
And all the Father's love I share,
O Lamb of God, in Thee!
388 Love Divine
1 Love divine, all praise excelling,
Joy of heav'n, to earth come down!
Bless us with Thy rich indwelling,
All Thy faithful mercies crown!
Saviour, Thee we'd still be blessing,
Serve Thee here, as soon above,
Praise Thee, Saviour, without ceasing,
Glory in Thy dying love.
2 Firstfruits of the wide creation,
Faithful, holy, may we be,
Joyful in Thy full salvation,
More and more conformed to Thee!
Changed from glory unto glory,
Till in heav'n we take our place,
Then to worship and adore Thee,
Lost in wonder, love and praise!
463 J. NEWTON   C.M.
D221 Dalehurst   27 Home
1 When Israel, by divine command,
The pathless desert trod,
They found throughout the barren land
A sure resource in God.
2 A cloudy pillar marked the road,
Their food was bread from heav'n;
From the hard rock the water flowed –
Supplies divinely giv'n.
3 Like them, we have a rest in view,
Secure from hostile powers;
Like them, we pass a desert too:
But Israel's God is ours.
4 His word a light before us spreads,
By which our path we see;
His love, a banner o'er our heads,
From harm preserves us free.
5 Jesus, the lowly One, is giv'n
To be our daily food;
Within us dwells the spring from heav'n,
The Spirit of our God.
6 How full, O God, Thy boundless store
Of grace for every day!
We learn Thy power and patience more
Throughout our desert way.
464 R. HOLDEN (d. 1886)
369 Lord of Glory   D134 Kennington
1 Lord of glory, we adore Thee,
Christ of God, ascended high;
Heart and soul we bow before Thee,
Glorious now beyond the sky:
Thee we worship, Thee we praise,
Excellent in all Thy ways.
2 Mighty King, with glory crowned,
Rightful Heir and Lord of all;
Once rejected, scorned, disowned,
E'en by those Thou cam'st to call:
Thee we honour, Thee adore,
Glorious now and evermore.
3 Lord of life, to death once subject;
Blesser, yet a curse once made;
Of Thy Father's heart the object,
Yet in depths of anguish laid:
We in wonder Thee recall,
Bearing here our sorrows all.
4 Royal robes shall soon invest Thee,
Royal splendours crown Thy brow;
Christ of God, our souls confess Thee
King and Sovereign even now.
Thee we reverence, Thee obey,
Own Thee Lord and Christ alway.
465 I. WATTS
195 Darwall's 148th   D228 Waterstock
1 Join all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love and power,
That mortals ever knew,
That angels ever bore;
All are too mean to speak His worth,
Too mean to set the Saviour forth.
2 Great Prophet of our God!
Our tongues must bless Thy Name,
By whom the joyful news
Of free salvation came;
The joyful news of sins forgiv'n,
Of hell subdued, of peace with heav'n.
3 Thou art our Counsellor,
Our Pattern and our Guide;
And Thou our Shepherd art –
Ah! keep us near Thy side;
Nor let our feet e'er turn astray,
To wander in a crooked way.
4 We love the Shepherd's voice;
His watchful eyes shall keep
Our pilgrim souls among
The thousands of God's sheep;
He feeds His flock, He calls their names,
And gently leads the tender lambs.
466 C. DIX
Tune to come
1 "Come unto me," ye weary,
"And I will give you rest."
O blessed voice of Jesus
Which comes to hearts opprest!
It tells of full redemption,
From sin a full release,
Of life which hath no ending,
Of pardon, grace and peace.
2 "Come unto Me," ye wand'rers,
And I will give you light.
O loving voice of Jesus
Which comes to cheer the night!
To hearts opprest with sadness,
Which sin has led astray,
He brings eternal gladness:
Why will you say Him, nay?
3 For whosoever cometh,
I will not cast him out.
O welcome voice, Lord Jesus,
Which drives away our doubt!
Which calls us, very sinners –
Unworthy though we be
Of love so free and boundless –
To come, blest Lord, to Thee.
467 R. ROBINSON (1735-1790)
414 Evening Blesing
1 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace!
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for ceaseless songs of praise.
2 Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wand'ring from the ways of God;
He to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood.
3 O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be!
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter,
Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee.
4 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to grieve the One I love;
Yet Thou, Lord, hast deigned to seal it
With Thy Spirit from above.
5 Rescued thus from sin and danger,
Purchased by the Saviour's blood,
May I walk on earth a stranger,
As a son and heir of God.
468 MISS M. NUNN (1778-1847)
287 O How He Loves   D19 Beulah
1 One there is above all others –
O how He loves!
His is love beyond a brother's –
O how He loves!
Earthly friends may fail or leave us,
One day soothe, the next day grieve us,
But this Friend will ne'er deceive us –
O how He loves!
2 Joy and peace it is to know Him –
O how He loves!
Think, O think how much we owe Him –
O how He loves!
With His precious blood He bought us,
In the wilderness He sought us,
To His loved ones safely brought us –
O how He loves!
3 We have found a friend in Jesus –
O how He loves!
'Tis His great delight to bless us –
O how He loves!
How our hearts delight to hear Him
Bid us dwell in safety near Him –
Why should we distrust or fear Him?
O how He loves!
4 Through His Name we are forgiven –
O how He loves!
Backward shall our foes be driven –
O how He loves!
Best of blessings He'll provide us,
Nought but good shall e'er betide us,
Safe to glory He will guide us –
O how He loves!
D162 Thetford   135 Franconia
1 For ever with the Lord!
Amen! so let it be:
Life from the dead is in that word,
'Tis immortality.
2 Here in the body pent,
Absent from Him we roam,
Yet nightly pitch our moving tent
A day's march nearer home.
3 And though there intervene
Rough seas and stormy skies,
Yet, by no mortal vision seen,
His glory fills our eyes!
4 There shall all clouds depart,
The wilderness shall cease,
And sweetly shall each gladdened heart
Enjoy eternal peace.
R74 Shannon   184 Waiting Time
1 We're waiting for Thee, Lord,
Thy beauty to see;
We're waiting for Thee, for Thy coming again.
Thou'rt gone over there, Lord,
A place to prepare;
Thy home we shall share at Thy coming again.
2 'Mid danger and fear, Lord,
We're oft weary here;
The day must be near of Thy coming again.
'Tis all sunshine there, Lord,
No sighing nor care,
But glory so fair at Thy coming again.
3 Whilst Thou art away, Lord,
We stumble and stray,
O hasten the day of Thy coming again!
This is not our rest, Lord;
As pilgrims confessed
We wait to be blest at Thy coming again.
4 E'en now let our ways, Lord,
Be bright with Thy praise,
For brief are the days ere Thy coming again.
We're waiting for Thee, Lord,
Thy beauty to see;
No triumph can be like Thy coming again.
226 Rutherford
1 The sands of time are sinking,
The dawn of heaven breaks;
The summer morn I've sighed for,
The fair sweet morn awakes.
Dark, dark hath been the midnight,
But dayspring is at hand,
And Christ in glory dwelleth
In the heav'nly land.
2 O Christ, He is the fountain,
The deep sweet well of love:
The streams on earth I've tasted,
More deep I'll drink above.
There to an ocean fullness
His mercy doth expand,
Where He in glory dwelleth
In the heav'nly land.
3 With mercy and with judgement
My web of time He wove,
And aye the dews of sorrow
Were lustred with His love.
I'll bless the hand that guided,
I'll bless the heart that planned,
Where Christ in glory dwelleth
In the heav'nly land.
4 O I am my Beloved's,
And my Beloved's mine!
He brings me 'neath love's banner,
Into His "house of wine."
I stand upon His merit,
I know no other stand,
Not e'en where glory dwelleth
In the heav'nly land.
472 T. KELLY Adapted
D33 Gothenburg
1 Th' atoning work is done,
The Victim's blood is shed;
And Jesus now is gone
His people's cause to plead.
He lives in heav'n their great High Priest,
And bears their names upon His breast.
2 No temple made with hands
His place of service is;
In heav'n itself He stands,
A heav'nly priesthood His.
Now pass away the shadows dim,
The very image shines in Him.
3 And though awhile He be
Hid from the eyes of men,
His people look to see
Their great High Priest again.
In brightest glory He will come,
And take His waiting people home.
473 MRS. J. A. TRENCH (1843-1925)   C.M.D.
85 The Home   D127 St. Asaph
1 How blest a Home! the Father's house:
There love divine doth rest;
What else could satisfy the hearts
Of those in Jesus blest?
His home made ours – His Father's love
Our hearts' full portion giv'n,
The portion of the Firstborn Son,
The full delight of heav'n.
2 O what a home! The Son who knows –
He only – all His love,
And brings us as His well-beloved
To that bright rest above,
Dwells in His bosom – knoweth all
That in that bosom lies;
And came to earth to make it known,
That we might share His joys.
3 O what a home! there fullest love
Flows through those courts of light;
The Son's divine affections flow
Throughout its depth and height.
And full response the Father gives,
To fill with joy the heart;
No cloud is there to dim the scene
Or shadow to impart.
4 O what a home! But such His love
That He must bring us there,
To fill that home, to be with Him,
And all His glory share.
The Father's house, the Father's heart,
All that the Son is giv'n
Made ours, the objects of His love,
And He, our joy in heav'n.
474 J. G. DECK   C.M.
19 Eastgate or Hensbury
1 O Lord, 'tis joy to look above,
And see Thee on the throne,
To search the heights and depths of love
Which Thou to us hast shown;
2 To look beyond the long dark night,
And hail the coming day,
When Thou, to all Thy saints in light,
Thy glories wilt display.
3 And O 'tis joy the path to trace,
By Thee so meekly trod,
Learning of Thee to walk in grace,
And fellowship with God;
4 Joy to confess Thy blessed Name,
The virtue of Thy blood,
And to the wearied heart proclaim
"Behold the Lamb of God!"
D169 Farringford   370 Ilford
355 Dominus Regit Me
1 Lord, we can see, by faith in Thee,
A prospect bright, unfailing;
Where God shall shine, in light divine,
In glory never fading.
2 A home above, of peace and love,
Close to Thy holy person;
Thy saints shall there see glory fair,
And shine as Thy reflection.
3 O how we long to join the song
To Thee in glory rendered;
And there to flow with love's full glow,
With hearts like Thine surrounded;
4 No more as here, 'mid snares, to fear
A thought or wish unholy;
No more to pain the Lamb once slain,
But live to love Thee wholly;
5 To see Thine own (bone of Thy bone)
No more, as here, divided;
But drink in peace the living grace
That gave them hearts united.
6 Lord, haste that day of cloudless ray,
That prospect bright, unfailing;
Where God shall shine, in light divine,
In glory never fading.
476 R. HAWKER (1753-1827)
374 Bethany / Smart
1 "Abba Father," thus we greet Thee,
Magnify Thy holy Name;
Lifting holy hands we bless Thee,
Brought before Thee without blame,
We have learnt Thee here in sorrow,
Strangers in an alien land,
But we touch th'eternal morrow,
Abba, as in Christ we stand.
2 He has told us all the secrets
Hidden in that Name of grace;
Told us of the love that purposed
We should have with Christ our place.
Thus we bless Thee, "Abba Father,"
In the freedom He has won,
Taken into all the favour
Now made known in Christ, the Son.
3 "Abba Father," thus we know Thee
In that scene of brightest day;
'Tis as sons foreknown we bless Thee;
None but sons can "Abba" say.
This high honour we inherit,
Fruit of counsel now declared,
By the Holy Spirit's witness
Consciously in sonship shared.
477 J. KENT (1766-1843)   S.M.
D43 Welcome Voice
1 What cheering words are these! –
Their sweetness who can tell?
In time and to eternal days
'Tis with believers well!
2 In every state secure,
Watched by the Saviour's eye
'Tis well with them should life endure,
And well if called to die;
3 Well in affliction's ways,
Or on the mount with God;
Well when they joy, and sing, and praise,
Or buffet with the flood.
4 'Tis well when joys arise,
'Tis well when sorrows flow,
Or darkness seems to veil the skies,
And strong temptations grow.
5 'Tis well when on the mount
They feast and joy in love;
And 'tis as well, in God's account,
When they the furnace prove.
6 But, above all, how well
When Jesus speaks the word,
And, at the trumpet's sounding swell,
They rise to meet their Lord!
478 J. DENHAM SMITH (1816-1889)
344 Stuttgart   D363 Jeshua
1 Rise, my soul! behold 'tis Jesus,
Jesus fills thy wond'ring eyes;
See Him now in glory seated,
Where thy sins can no more rise.
2 All thy sins were laid upon Him,
Jesus bore them on the tree;
God, who knew them, laid them on Him,
And, believing, thou art free.
3 God now brings thee to His dwelling,
Spreads for thee His feast divine,
Bids thee welcome, ever telling
What a portion there is thine.
4 Blessed, glorious word, "for ever,"
Yea, "for ever" is the word;
Nothing can the ransomed sever,
Nought divide them from the Lord.
429 Bowmanville
1 O God our Father, grant us all
The little child's simplicity;
From us the doubtful mind remove;
We boast a God that cannot lie!
Taught to repose, through love divine,
On truth itself, on truth divine.
2 Thou art the Potter, we the clay,
Thy will be ours, Thy truth our light:
Thy love the fountain of our joy,
Thine arm a safeguard day and night,
Till Thou shalt wipe all tears away,
And bring forth everlasting day.
480 T. KELLY
415 Praise the Saviour
1 Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him:
Who can tell how much we owe Him!
Gladly let us render to Him
All we have and are.
2 Jesus is the name that charms us.
He for conflict fits and arms us,
Nothing moves and nothing harms us
While we trust in Him.
3 Trust in Him, ye saints, for ever,
He is faithful, changing never;
Neither force nor guile can sever
Those He loves from Him.
4 Keep us, Lord, O keep us cleaving
To Thyself, and still believing,
Till the hour of our receiving
Promised joys with Thee.
9 Vevey
1 Father, we Thy children bless Thee
For Thy love on us bestowed;
Source of blessing, we confess Thee
Now our Father and our God.
Wondrous was Thy love in giving
Jesus for our sins to die;
Wondrous was His grace in leaving,
For our sakes, the heav'ns on high.
2 Now the sprinkled blood has freed us;
Hast'ning onward to our rest,
Through the desert Thou dost lead us,
With Thy constant favour blest;
By Thy truth and Spirit guiding –
Earnest He of bliss to come –
And with daily strength providing,
Thou dost lead Thy children home.
3 Though we oft are found in sorrow,
This is not our resting place;
Joy awaits us on the morrow,
When we see the Bridegroom's face.
And, that day anticipating,
In this hope our souls rejoice;
Soon will end our time of waiting,
Soon we'll hear His welcome voice.
Tune to come
1 Father, in Thy love rejoicing,
Unto Thee our praise we bring;
Sons' affections freely voicing,
Loving Thee, to Thee we sing.
Fruit of Thy blest Son's devotion
To His God and Father's will,
Now our hearts, with deep emotion,
Would Thine ear with praises fill.
2 Every heart is bowed before Thee,
Thou our God and Father art!
Loved by Thee, our hearts adore Thee,
Joying in our blessed part;
Through the riches of Thy glory,
By Thy Spirit sing with might;
Apprehending now love's story,
Breadth and length and depth and height.
3 In the many sons before Thee
Who Thy glorious Name adore,
Father, Unto Thee be glory
Even now and evermore!
We are bowed in adoration,
As before Thy face we fall:
Wondrous, blessed consummation –
Thou, O God, art all in all!
436 Rest / Stainer
1 Thou hidden source of calm repose!
Thou all-sufficient Love divine!
Our help and refuge from our foes,
Secure we are, for we are Thine;
And lo! from guilt, and grief and shame,
We're hidden, Saviour, by Thy Name.
2 Thy mighty Name salvation is,
And keeps our happy souls above;
Comfort it brings, and power, and peace,
And joy, and everlasting love;
To us, with Thy dear Name, are giv'n
Pardon, and holiness, and heav'n.
3 Jesus, our all in all Thou art,
Our rest in toil, our ease in pain;
The healer of the broken heart;
'Mid storms, our peace: in loss, our gain:
Our smile beneath the tyrant's frown;
In shame, our glory and our crown.
4 In want, our plentiful supply;
In weakness, our almighty power;
In bonds, our perfect liberty;
Our refuge in temptation's hour;
Our comfort, 'midst all grief and thrall,
Our life in death, our all in all.
484 MISS M. J. LUCAS Dactylic
R260 Slane   505 Moment by Moment
1 Jesus is calling you, will you not come?
Cease from your labours, the work has been
Peace has been made on the cross by His blood;
Why not accept it, seek pardon from God?
2 What could you do that the Lord has not done?
What could you give for your sins to atone?
Think you that God would have spared not His
If by a creature the work could be done?
3 Why not accept the free offer of grace?
Down at the feet of the Lord take your place;
Claim now the pardon He loves to bestow,
Knowing from Him every blessing doth flow.
4 Come to the Saviour. Why should you delay?
Still 'tis a moment of favour today.
Blessing is offered through faith in God's Son;
Now He is calling you. Will you not come?
B427 Cherhill
1 O blessed God, what wonder hast Thou wrought!
We worship Thee,
As in the light of Thine own matchless thought
Our part we see.
Brought nigh, so nigh, we could not nearer be
Than with Thy Christ, as one eternally.
2 'Twas not Thy thought the Man alone should be
But – to Thy praise –
The mystery for ever hid in Thee
Crowns all Thy ways.
For Thou hast formed – blest answer to His
The church, His like, His glorious counterpart.
3 No longer twain, but one with Christ her Head,
His cherished bride;
His Spirit to her giv'n, His influence shed,
His wealth supplied.
Our God, 'tis in this vessel without peer
He hymns to Thee the praise Thou lov'st to
Tune to come
1 Father, we now are gathered
At this choice hour of prayer,
Drawn by Thy love so tender,
And readiness to hear.
2 And blessed Holy Spirit,
In Thee we now would pray;
Keep us in love abiding,
Awaiting Christ's blest day.
3 May all our hearts' deep longings,
Expressed in Jesus' name,
Be incense of sweet fragrance,
In faith's unwavering claim.
4 Thus may our hearts be joyful
In this, God's house of prayer;
In sorrow or in gladness,
'Tis love's own thoughts we share.
5 And so with deep thanksgiving,
Father, we now draw nigh;
Graced in this glorious favour,
With Christ as Priest on high.
487 A. C. S. PRICE
Tune to come
1 O Lord, Thy matchless glory
Has stirred in every heart
A longing now to yield Thee
Thine own most treasured part.
2 And thus the answering praises
Of myriads sanctified
All merge in perfect oneness,
Responding as Thy bride.
3 This joy Thou long hast waited,
But now with raptured gaze
Thy bride adoring greets Thee,
Her lips employed in praise.
4 All fair art Thou, Lord Jesus,
Th'assembly too all fair;
Now held in nearness to Thee,
And wholly restful there.
5 O wondrous is God's purpose!
As Man Thou hast a bride,
One with Thee now in glory,
And Thou art satisfied.
488 J. N. DARBY
220 Remembrance
1 O for the robe of whiteness,
To walk with Christ in light;
O for the glorious brightness
Of day without a night!
2 We would a name of favour,
Graved on the stone of white;
We'd taste that manna's flavour,
Reserved for heav'n's delight.
3 'Tis sweet the thought of rising
The risen Lord to meet;
Or changed, ourselves surprising,
Like Him for whom we wait.
4 What joy supreme in seeing
The Saviour face to face,
The peaceful joy of being
For ever in that place!
Tune to come
1 Blest Comforter, with joy we raise
Our song to Thee in holy praise,
As we discern the lowly place
Which Thou didst take in lowly grace;
Sent of the Father and the Son,
In us and with us, Holy One!
2 Yet in true majesty divine
The glories of Thy Person shine;
Thou hast Thy place in Deity,
Its rights supreme belong to Thee.
Lord Spirit! Thee we worship now,
And joined in heart before Thee bow.
3 Thou art our Teacher and our Guide,
And Christ by Thee is glorified;
In that blest realm where love is free,
By Thine own prayer sustained are we.
We thank Thee for Thy service blest
That leads where God Himself doth rest.
Tune to come
1 Blessed Holy Spirit,
Comforter divine,
Dwelling in the temple,
In the holy shrine –
Holy is Thy presence,
Holy is the place
Where Thou now art dwelling
In exceeding grace.
2 Unto Thee ascribing
Glory, honour, power,
We would wait upon Thee
In this hallowed hour.
Let not human wisdom,
Nor let carnal thought
With unholy feelings
Hide what Thou hast brought.
3 Let Thy light transcendent
On the Scriptures shine,
Opening the treasures
Of the mind divine:
Thoughts of Christ in glory,
Of the Father's love,
Bringing in their shining
Wisdom from above.
491 W. SMITH
Tune to come
1 O wondrous thought! that Thou, blest Lord,
shouldst have
An object suited to Thy manhood's state;
A helpmate, like Thee, builded by Thy God,
One flesh – O Lord, the mystery how great!
2 We gladly praise Thee, Spirit of our God,
Who hast secured for Him Thou know'st so well
A wife, adorned and now to Him brought nigh –
Joy of His heart!- the bliss, what tongue can tell!
3 Lord Jesus, true responses now we give
To Thee, whose deep affections stir our heart;
Soon we shall share Thy headship by Thy side,
But now in holy union know our part.
492 E. CARREN From Swedish
Tune to come
1 God and Father, source of glory,
High above our praise art Thou;
Yet in Christ Thou hast declared
Love that makes our spirits bow.
2 From eternity 'twas purposed
Thou shouldst have this rich delight,
Hearts to swell Thy praise for ever,
Sons to worship in Thy sight.
3 Thou didst sanctify and send Him,
All Thy counsels to make good –
Him who knew Thine earnest longing,
And Thy feelings understood.
4 He no service thought too lowly,
And no sacrifice to great
To secure Thy plan so holy,
And its objects extricate.
5 Now Thy love has found its answer,
All Thy thoughts secured and sealed;
And the sons Thou hast been seeking
Their eternal tribute yield.
493 A. M. TOPLADY   S.M.
D176 Shirland
1 Though in a foreign land,
We are not far from home;
And nearer to our rest above
We every moment come.
2 Secure within the veil,
Christ is our anchor strong;
While power supreme, and love divine,
Still guide us safe along.
3 And should the surges rise,
Should sore afflictions come,
Blest is the sorrow, kind the storm,
That drives us nearer home.
4 God's grace will to the end
Clearer and brighter shine;
Nor present things, nor things to come,
Can change His love divine.
5 Soon shall our pains and fears
For ever pass away;
For we shall soon the Saviour see
In everlasting day.
494 C. W. COOPER
Tune to come
1 To Thee, O gracious Spirit,
Our thankful hearts we raise;
Thy Person and Thy service
Call forth a song of praise.
Thou who wast sent from heaven
Dost every glory know,
Yet now we have Thee with us,
Serving in grace below.
2 The endless joy of sonship
Through Thee we apprehend;
With Christ before the Father,
By Thee doth praise ascend.
From glory unto glory
We're changed by power divine.
Blest Spirit of adoption,
Glory and praise be Thine!
495 N. B. STEWART   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Jesus, our Lord, the mighty power
Of Thy surpassing love
Has brought us to this holy hour,
When we its sweetness prove.
2 Thy church in Thine embrace shall be
Wholly for Thee, her Head;
Yielded in blest response is she,
Moving where Thou dost lead.
3 Thou dost fill all in this blest sphere
Where we are at Thy side;
With Thee, Thy fulness, brought so near,
Thy body and Thy bride.
4 And O how blest! that place above
Th'assembly shares with Thee,
As purposed in the Father's love
His joy and Thine to be.
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