Hymns  496  –  502
Tune to come
1 Blessed God, with Christ before Thee
We approach, in love set free;
The assembly in Christ Jesus
Yieldeth glory unto Thee.
2 This – the product of Thy counsels,
Rich with heav'nly beauties dressed,
Formed to praise throughout the ages –
In Thy presence is at rest.
3 Vessel filled e'en to Thy fulness,
And replete with radiance bright,
In Thine own domain of glory
Fills Thy heart with deep delight.
504 Valencia
1 Jesus, our Lord, Thou lovest to be near
To loving hearts who find Thyself so dear –
The precious fruit of purpose, deep, divine,
Secured and held for this great love of Thine.
2 Thy bride alone, Thy cherished counterpart,
Can satisfy the longings of Thy heart;
"Thou art all fair, my love," we hear Thee say,
"Arise, my love, my fair one – come away!"
3 Freely we yield ourselves to Thy great love,
Responding gladly, as afresh we prove
That Thou the Bridegroom art, who hast the
In Thine embrace – Thine own heart satisfied.
Tune to come
1 Lord Jesus, in Thee we're rejoicing,
For Thou hast come near to us now,
Presenting Thyself in Thy glory,
Responding in worship we bow.
2 God's will in its vastness Thou lovedst
And camest as Man it to do,
Thy life was laid down in rare fragrance,
That Thou mightest take it anew.
3 And now Thou art there, the Beginning
Of all that shall be for God's rest,
And we, Lord, are with Thee as of Thee,
Embraced in a nearness most blest.
458 Sandon
1 God waits in grace with hands outstretched to
bless –
Glad news from heav'n!
Mercy dispensed in perfect righteousness,
Sinners forgiv'n!
Repentance only, God requires from man,
And faith in Christ, His well-beloved Son.
2 This priceless favour you may now embrace;
'Tis offered free,
Since Jesus suffered in the sinner's place
On Calv'ry's tree;
Blest sinless One! for us He sin was made,
Redemption's price by precious blood was paid.
3 Unsparing judgement, in that dark, lone hour,
In love He bore;
Laid down His life, destroyed death's fearful
His work is o'er!
Atonement made, God fully satisfied,
The mighty Saviour's ris'n and glorified.
4 God's secret things, long treasured up in heav'n,
In Christ are shown;
Peace, sonship, joy, the Holy Spirit giv'n,
Through Him are known.
God's word obey, these wondrous blessings
share –
The Spirit's comfort, guidance, love and care.
Tune to come
1 Now in simple faith, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thy blessed face;
And Thy changeless, loving favour
Gives me certain peace;
2 Satisfies my deepest longings,
Meets the need of every hour;
All my fears dispels for ever
By Thy wondrous power.
3 Lord, be Thou my comfort ever;
Saviour, I would claim Thee mine;
For Thy richest love and blessing
Give me joy divine.
4 Splendour of eternal glory,
Spring of peace art Thou to me;
Keep me still Thy grace enjoying
Till Thy face I see.
5 O how great Thy loving-kindness,
Vaster, broader than the sea!
O how marvellous the blessings
Now bestowed on me!
6 Who can tell the wondrous measure
Of the love upon me poured?
And my certainty of promise
Is Thyself, O Lord!
501 W. LEWIS From Spanish
Tune to come
1 O how precious Thine assembly
Is, Lord Jesus, in Thy sight;
Object of Thy love – a treasure
Which affords Thee great delight.
As the pearl of greatest value,
For her Thou didst give Thine all,
Yea, Thyself in love Thou gavest;
Now Thou dost her heart enthrall.
2 That Thou mightest soon present her
To Thyself, all glorious, Lord,
Thou dost nourish her and cherish,
Sanctifying by the word;
Till, without one spot or wrinkle,
Thou shalt have Thy glorious bride,
Made by God for Thee a helpmate,
And Thy heart be satisfied.
502 MRS. H. B. BURR
Tune to come
1 Assembled here, O Lord,
And gathered to Thy Name,
We trace Thy path of love,
Thy worthiness acclaim –
Thou who in love couldst stoop so low;
Till Thou shalt come Thy death we show.
2 Our hearts are moved, blest Lord,
As occupied with Thee;
We hear afresh Thy word,
This do, remember Me.
With one accord, as thus set free,
We gladly now respond to Thee.

Hymns  503  –  549
503 A. E. BARNES
R264 Eternal Love
1 We need Thee, Lord; thus we have come
Dark is the night in all the world around;
Thy love supreme has called and drawn us
We in the circle of Thine own are found.
2 Now, whilst we wait for Thee to come, Lord
Assembled here, remembering Thee we show
Thy death, the bread and cup to all the witness
Of love so great, that sets our hearts aglow.
3 We ponder, Lord, that stoop from heav'nly
Mark all the wondrous grace that brought Thee
Steadfast thy face, Thou wentest on to Calv'ry,
E'en into death, that we Thy love might know.
4 We praise Thee, Lord! o'er death and grave
Free art Thou now from every hostile foe;
Void is the tomb, Thyself no longer straitened;
Free now to us Thy love's great thoughts to
Tune to come
1 Hark, the solemn strains uprising!
Sweetly swells the note of praise,
From the chamber where the Saviour
Leads His own the voice to raise.
On the night of His rejection
All is darkness, deep'ning gloom,
As the Son of man goes onward
To the cross, to death and tomb.
2 Hark the gentle strains uprising;
Softly swells the note of praise;
All His anguish we remember
As to Him the voice we raise.
All our guilt was laid upon Him
On God's own beloved Son;
All the waves and billows pouring
O'er His head, He cried, 'Tis done!
3 Hark, the gladsome song uprising;
Louder swells the note of praise;
Lord we hail Thee as the Victor
While to Thee the voice we raise.
Thou whom men cast out, rejected,
Sittest crowned upon God's throne;
Yea, Amen! Thou, Lord, art worthy!
This we gladly, fully own.
4 Hark, the mighty song uprising!
Loudly swells the note of praise!
Heav'n and earth shall soon adore Thee,
All to Thee their voices raise.
Thou hast loved us, Thou hast washed us
In Thy blood from every stain;
Raise we then the joyful chorus
Worthy is the Lamb once slain!
505 C. DEAYTON   C.M.
Tune to come
1 With loyal hearts, O Lord, to Thee,
We'd serve Thine interests here,
Grant that we each may faithful be
Until Thou shalt appear.
2 And by the Spirit from above,
Now in Thy service free,
Here in the diligence of love,
Our hands would active be.
3 Now with the things that are of Thee
We would be occupied;
With true assembly feelings see
That Thou art glorified.
4 Do Thou our hearts, Lord Jesus, hold,
And with us have Thy way,
Our wills subdued, our minds controlled,
Thy will obtain today.
506 E. L. BEVIR   C.M.
67 Sheffield   St. Anne
1 We seek the things that are above,
Beyond this earth and sky;
Whence, Lord, Thou lookest down in love
From God's right hand on high.
2 In yon refulgent realms of light
Our part, our life we see;
Thou art the Father's own delight,
And we are graced in Thee.
3 Our hidden life in God art Thou,
But soon Thou shalt appear;
In radiant bliss shall every brow
Thy glorious image bear.
408 Pembroke
1 From various cares our hearts retire,
Though deep and boundless their desire,
We've now to please but One;
Him, before whom each knee shall bow,
With Him is all our business now,
And those that are His own.
2 With these our happy lot is cast,
Thro' the world's deserts rude and waste
Or through its gardens fair;
Whether the storms of trouble sweep,
Or all in dead supineness sleep,
T'advance be all our care.
3 We would our feebleness recline
On that eternal love of Thine,
And human thoughts forget;
Child-like attend what Thou wilt say,
Go forth and serve Thee while 'tis day,
Nor leave our sweet retreat.
From Swedish   Tune to come
1 “Not of the world”–blest words of Christ the
To those who here attended on His word!
They call to us, amid our pilgrim ways,
And, draw us, Father, to Thy world of praise.
2 Out of the world to Thine own blest abode
We follow our Forerunner to His God.
As, bought by blood, we do not here belong–
“Not of the world” becomes our joyful song.
3 “Not of the world”–O words of deep delight!
What rest and strength their heav'nly tones
Strangers below and citizens above,
May we be worthy, Father, of such love!
4 O teach us all, who have this glorious lot,
To seek for nothing where our Lord is not.
Be this our song, our glory and our plea:
“Not of the world”–our springs are all in Thee.
509 G. H. BROWN
Tune to come
1 Come! for the Father speaks to thee from
In Jesus' death His heart of love was told;
Since He His only Son for thee has given,
His bounteous hand no blessing would withhold.
2 Come! for the Saviour speaks, in grace
He waits to pardon, and to cleanse thy soul;
His precious blood alone can give thee healing,
Can wash thee from thy sins and make thee
3 Come! for the Spirit speaks of Christ in glory;
In tender patience still He waits on thee.
Hark to His voice, and heed the wondrous story
Of full salvation, measureless and free.
4 Come now in faith, by God Himself invited!
He longs thy heart with heav'nly joys to fill;
For He, though oft His goodness thou hast
In grace and love unwearied seeks thee still.
5 To Jesus come, and as thy Saviour own Him,
To Him confessing all thy guilt and woe;
As Lord and Master in thy heart enthrone Him,
Life everlasting, peace and joy to know.
510 I. WATTS   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Jesus, how glorious is Thy grace!
When in Thy Name we trust,
Our faith receives a righteousness
That makes the sinner just.
2 Vain are the hopes the sons of men
Upon their works have built;
Their hearts by nature are unclean,
Their actions full of guilt.
3 Silent let Jew and Gentile stand,
Without one vaunting word;
And, humbled low, confess their guilt
Before the righteous Lord.
4 No hope can on the law be built
Of justifying grace;
The law that shows the sinner's guilt
Condemns him to his face.
5 With Christ the Lord we died to sin;
With Him to life we rise –
To life which, now begun on earth,
Is perfect in the skies.
Tune to come
1 We praise Thee, Lord of glory,
Established Heir of all;
Creation's wondrous story
Thy greatness doth recall.
God's glory in effulgence
In Thee the Son is seen;
Expression of His substance,
We hail Thee now supreme!
2 No mind of man conceived it,
The Name in manhood Thine:
A Name Thou dost inherit
In ways of love divine.
More excellent than angel,
Thou art The Son, O Lord.
We hail Thee, O Emmanuel!
The blest incarnate Word.
3 Thy throne, O God, for ever,
Thy sceptre uprightness,
The earth, O blest Creator,
And heavens Thy power express.
In time they all shall perish,
But Thou continuest still;
Thy fame no years diminish,
Thou who dost all things fill!
512 MRS. H. A. BERG (Doris Markham)   Tune to come
1 Nought is detaining us,
Lord in earth's sphere;
Thy love constraining us,
We have drawn near.
Thou hast this love expressed,
Now in Thy beauty dressed
We can be found at rest
Joyfully here.
2 Lord, Thy desire we know
As Spirit-taught;
That love which Thou dost show
Finds what it sought!
Our heart Thyself enthrones;
Hark to the heav'nly tones!
We, of Thy flesh and bones–
O what a thought!
3 Lord, in this vessel chaste
Incense is found;
All that delights Thy taste
Doth here abound.
Thou, Lord, the Bridegroom art!
Now from the loving heart
Of Thy blest counterpart
Praises resound.
513 A. W. ROACH
Tune to come
1 Blessèd God, Thou only Ruler,
Only wise, invisible;
King eternal, Lord, Preserver,
Living, incorruptible!
God of truth, of grace and glory,
God of love – we Thee extol;
Worship, bless, exalt, adore Thee,
God supreme – soon all in all!
514 G. H. S. PRICE
Tune to come
1 How ready e'en now is our God to impart
Rich blessings, unmeasured, conceived in His
For Christ has once suffered for sins to atone,
His shed blood upholding the claims of God's
2 Glad tidings of pardon and peace now are heard,
As freely proclaimèd by God in His word.
The way of repentance and faith now is shown
That riches in glory in Christ may be known.
3 And we, through the gift of the Spirit, may know
The secret of power and joy here below.
Thus freed from the world and its claims we can
Our satisfied hearts to outpour in His praise.
515 R. H. GRACE
Tune to come
1 Who will hearken to the story
Of God's wondrous love and grace?
Told out now in all its fulness
To the sons of Adam's race.
Whosoever – glorious message
From the throne of God above –
Trusts in Him who died to save him,
Proves the sweetness of God's love.
2 Who will hearken to the Saviour
As in grace He calls to-day?
Who accept God's free forgiveness,
Own Christ Lord without delay?
Who will yield in full obedience
To God's Son enthroned on high?
He would give the Holy Spirit,
Fill the heart with peace and joy.
3 Who will hearken to the Spirit,
From iniquity depart,
Be a vessel for the Master,
Sanctified and pure in heart?
Overcoming here 'midst evil,
Cleaving fast to what is true,
Answer to Christ's present longing,
Yield to Him the homage due?
516 J. C. TOZER
Tune to come
1 Now that wondrous living story
Would our lips delight to tell:
How the Lord of life and glory
Came in love with men to dwell.
2 How in deep, divine compassion,
Once He sat at Sychar's well;
Here as Man in form and fashion–
God come down with men to dwell!
3 As the Lamb of God He suffered
For the sins He knew so well;
On the cross Himself He offered,
That thou mightest with Him dwell.
4 Come to Him! His heart so tender,
And His grace would thee compel;
Yield to Him in full surrender,
And with Him forever dwell!
5 Living water He would give thee;
Satisfied, thy praise shall swell
To the God who gives so freely,
Who would have thee with Him dwell.
6 Ask then for the Spirit Holy–
He who is the springing well,
Power for life and joy within thee–
He would come with thee to dwell.
517 MRS. C. M. HANDS   L.M.
R37 Meira   102 Harbour Head
1 Lord, for Thine interests we would care,
Thyself our living Head in heav'n;
Soon we shall in Thy glory share
With Thee, to whom all power is giv'n.
2 Spirit of truth, sustain us now,
Grant us Thy mind, our thoughts control;
The One who lifts a standard, Thou,
When evil like a flood doth roll.
3 Lord, we would seek to do Thee good,
With wifely feelings here below;
Stand for Thee where Thou once hast stood,
E'en here on earth Thy features show.
4 Lord, Thou dost in Thy church confide,
That Thou shalt have no lack of spoil;
Thyself our strength, Thy word our guide,
We know 'tis not in vain our toil.
5 Firm in Thy work may we abide,
Faithful to Thee may we remain,
Till Thou shalt take us to Thy side,
And with Thy church come forth to reign.
518 H. F. REDFEARN   L.M.
Tune to come
1 Jesus, Thou glorious Son of God,
We hail Thee now with great delight,
As Thou dost claim us as Thine own,
Thy brethren, precious in Thy sight.
2 Thus sanctified and one with Thee,
We praise Thee now with holy joy;
The Firstborn Thou – supreme in love–
We gladly thus our lips employ.
From German   Tune to come
1 O Holy Spirit, thanks is due to Thee;
Our hearts respond to Thy divine behest.
Thou leadest us to Christ so faithfully,
As Thou dost now fulfil Thy mission blest.
The Father counselled that a bride should be
Sought for His Son and brought to Him by Thee.
2 By Thy clear voice our hearts have all been
For Him, the heav'nly Man, our thoughts are
Thy constant care effectual has proved,
And thus in holy haste, by love impelled,
We journey on with Thee – for Thou art nigh –
And soon shall share with Christ our station
3 What thanks is due to Thee for guidance true,
And for Thy constant, watchful, tender care!
With tokens of God's love like heav'nly dew
Thou dost refresh our hearts with glories rare;
All that the Son is giv'n dost Thou make known
In faithful love to those He calls “His own.”
Tune to come
1 To Thee, blest Spirit, now we bring our praise;
Sent from above to serve us here below,
That we may grow in grace and heav'nly ways,
And all the depths of love divine may know.
2 The glories of our Lord Thou lov'st to tell,
And we, responding, yield ourselves to Thee;
What wondrous grace that Thou shouldst in us
And in Thy love with us for ever be!
3 Thou art our Guide when all is dark around;
The truth made known, a lamp unto our feet;
Our rest, our peace, our joy through Thee is
Till face to face our glorious Head we meet.
4 We look for Him to come, the time is nigh;
The bride with earnest longing nears her home,
To be with Him, adorned for Him on high;
Her voice, with Thine united, utters, “Come!”
Tune to come
1 It is through Thee, blest Spirit,
And in Thy power, that we
Draw nigh unto the Father
In sonship's liberty;
For we by Thee now strengthened,
And filled with holy love,
Partake of feelings suited
To sonship's place above.
Tune to come
1 High unto Thee, our Father,
A song e'en now ascends
Which, sung by the Belovèd,
All other songs transcends.
It is in holy splendour
Thy sons in worship bow;
With deepest joy we praise Thee,
Our God, Our Father Thou!
Tune to come
1 Lord, we shall see Thee as Thou art,
In all Thy glory there;
We shall behold Thee face to face,
Thy glorious image bear.
2 With what delight, what wond'ring love,
Each thrilling heart shall swell,
When we, as sharers of Thy joy,
Are called with Thee to dwell!
3 O hasten, hasten on that hour,
And call us to Thy seat;
For Thou without us ne'er wilt count
Thy work, Thy joy complete.
524 G. A. LUCAS
Tune to come
1 Our God, we raise to Thee a song of praise,
As blest before Thee now in Christ Thy Son;
And, resting in Thy love, before our gaze
Thy glory shines resplendent through that One.
2 Who could to Thee give counsel, know Thy
Or trace Thy ways, planned with unmeasured
Who fathom depths of mercy, or who find
Where first began the counsel of Thy will?
3 Thy will – by which we're sanctified, made meet,
Through the great sacrifice of Christ our Lord;
And sealed by Him – the glorious Paraclete –
By whom, through Christ, Thou'rt worshipped
and adored.
4 We worship Thee, our God, supreme, the Same,
Who dwell'st in light beyond all mortal ken;
For of Thee, through Thee, and for Thy great
Are all things, and the glory Thine, Amen.
405 Hull
1 Come let us sing the matchless worth,
And sweetly sound the glories forth
Which in the Saviour shine;
To God and Christ our praises bring,
The song with which high heav'n will ring,
Praises for grace divine.
2 How rich the precious blood He shed,
To free us from the guilt so dread
Of sin against our God!
How perfect is that righteousness,
In which unspotted beauteous dress
His saints have ever stood!
3 How rich the character He bears,
And all the form of love He wears,
Exalted on the throne!
In songs of sweet untiring praise
We e'er would sing His perfect ways,
And make His glories known.
4 And soon the happy day shall come,
When we shall reach our destined home,
And see Him face to face;
Then with our Saviour, Lord, and Friend,
The one unbroken day we'll spend
In singing still His grace.
526 J. KLEYLEIN From German
Tune to come
1 Holy Spirit, gift divine,
Praise and thanks be ever Thine.
Thou dost guide us here below;
Christ, our life, through Thee we know.
What a joy it is to be,
Blessèd Spirit, here with Thee!
2 As to follow Thee we learn,
So Thy wisdom we discern;
Thou dost, all our journey through,
Teach us what to say and do;
To our minds the thoughts divine
Clear and plain before us shine.
3 Holy Spirit, Thee we bless;
Comforter Thou art to us!
Death o'ershadows all the scene,
But on Thy support we lean.
Thou dost bring the glory nigh,
Help our faith to look on high.
4 All that Christ in love has giv'n,
All the Father's wealth from heav'n,
Richly through Thy service flow;
Help divine through Thee we know.
Leader Thou, the desert through–
Thanks to Thee is ever due!
527 J. G. DECK
178 Lowry   176 Bethany / Mason
1 Jesus! that name is love,
Jesus, our Lord!
Jesus, all names above,
Jesus, the Lord!
Thou, Lord, our all must be;
Nothing that's good have we,
Nothing apart from Thee,
Jesus, our Lord!
2 As Son of man it was,
Jesus, the Lord!
Thou gav'st Thy life for us,
Jesus, our Lord!
Great was indeed Thy love,
All earthly loves above;
Love Thou didst dearly prove,
Jesus, our Lord!
3 Righteous alone in Thee,
Jesus, the Lord!
Thou all our boast shalt be,
Jesus, our Lord!
Now unto God brought near,
His love dispels all fear;
Thy voice with joy we hear,
Jesus, our Lord!
4 Soon Thou wilt come again,
Jesus, the Lord!
Full joy our portion then,
Jesus, our Lord!
When Thine own face we see
Then shall we like Thee be,
Then evermore with Thee,
Jesus, our Lord!
528 R. STOTT
Tune to come
1 Glorious Lord, in adoration
We before Thee lowly bow,
In the blessèd contemplation
Of Thy holy Person now.
Thou, imparting joy and rest,
Dost Thyself now manifest.
2 Thee we rev'rence as Creator,
Thy redemption's rights acclaim;
Than Thy works supremely greater,
From eternity, the Same;
Thee we worship, Thou art “He”,
Godhead fulness dwells in Thee.
Now as looking on Thy glory,
We Thy stoop in manhood trace;
And, transformed as thus before Thee,
See Thee in the Firstborn's place:
Glorious Man, by us adored,
Of Thee, like Thee, for Thee, Lord!
D234 Nethaneel
1 Father, Thy sons before Thee
Discern with hallowed sight
Those holy, deep affections,
Expressing Thy delight
In Him, Thy Well-belovèd,
Fulness of all Thou art,
Who, by His wondrous dying,
Revealed, O God, Thy heart.
530 C. W. COOPER
Tune to come
1 Blest Spirit, as assembled,
For power and grace we yearn,
For help and understanding
The depths of God to learn.
The saints Thou art uniting
In faith, in hope, in love,
'Mid scenes of conflict guiding
T'ward that bright rest above.
2 The truth Thou art unfolding;
Attentive would we be;
As subject to Thy leading,
What heav'nly light we see!
We value all Thy service,
Thou blest, unfailing Spring;
Our hearts, with joy and gladness,
To Thee responsive sing.
531 O. L. BARNES
Tune to come
1 Though deep, O Lord, our sorrow
When earthly ties are rent,
We wait the glorious morrow
When earth's last day is spent;
To see Thee, Lord in glory
With all Thy loved ones there,
At home – O wondrous story!
God's endless rest to share.
2 There we shall see the answer
To all Thy grief and shame;
For ever then in nearness
We'll magnify Thy Name.
But now Thy love sustains us,
Sore though the hour of grief;
What solace, O Lord Jesus,
In Thee to find relief!
3 As resting in Thy will, Lord,
We prove Thy wondrous love;
The Spirit's power and comfort
Lift our poor hearts above,
Beyond's earth's mortal dwelling,
To yonder glory bright,
Where endless anthems swelling
Shall soon our hearts delight.
532 THEODULPH (d. 821)
91 Ashley
1 Glory, honour, praise and power,
Be unto the Lamb for ever!
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Praise we the Lord!
Tune to come
1 Lord, as we come together
To read the scriptures now,
We own Thee Lord and Teacher,
And in subjection bow.
2 May we, as in the temple,
Enquire, O Lord, of Thee;
Grant further rich unfoldings
Of truth which sets us free.
3 Lord, by Thy Spirit teach us
Thy word for us to-day;
With heart and mind attentive,
We would Thy voice obey.
4 May we, Thy word accepting,
Be helped and edified,
That through Thee now in all things
God may be glorified.
534 J. G. DECK
24 Day of Rest   231 Aurelia
1 Blest Lord, Thy love's unbounded,
So full, so vast, so free!
Our thoughts are all transported
Whene'er we think of Thee:
For us Thou cam'st from heaven,
For us Thou, Lord, didst die,
That, purchased and forgiven,
We might ascend on high.
2 But O the hope of being
For ever with Thee, Lord,
The joyful hope of seeing
Thy face, for us so marred!
It fills our hearts with comfort,
It fills our lips with praise,
So that amidst our sorrow
A joyful song we raise.
3 O by Thy love constrain us,
And fix our hearts on Thee;
Let nothing henceforth pain us,
But that which paineth Thee;
Our joy, our blest endeavour,
Through suff'ring, conflict, shame,
To serve Thee, gracious Saviour,
And magnify Thy Name.
535 A. ALLAN
Tune to come
1 O blessèd Comforter, whose power
And presence now are with us,
Assuring to us in this hour
Our links with Christ most glorious:
Thou springing Well of endless joy–
Response to Thee is rendered,
And homage now is tendered.
Tune to come
1 Lord Jesus, Thou art risen
In glory from the dead;
Thy God the oil of gladness
Has poured upon Thy head.
2 Thy brethren, Thy companions,
With joy acclaim Thee too;
We sing Thy worth surpassing,
And yield Thee homage true–
3 Now in Thy life partaking,
As quickened with Thee, Lord;
Yet owning Thee, the Firstborn,
Pre-eminent, adored!
4 O who shall tell, Lord Jesus,
The joy that fills Thy heart,
As thus in nearness to Thee
We find with Thee our part!
537 A. ALLAN
Tune to come
1 Blest God our Father, Thee we praise,
Source of unending blessing;
Our voices now as one we raise,
Thy glorious Name confessing.
Garbed in the dignity of sons,
We worship and adore Thee,
As now in Christ before Thee.
538 G. H. BROWN
Tune to come
1 Lord Jesus, our souls would adore Thee,
We render Thee blessing and praise;
In worship and homage before Thee
Our hearts and our voices we raise.
2 We ponder, with spirits adoring,
The love that in death Thou hast shown,
Our grateful responses outpouring
To Thee who hast made us Thine own.
3 Thy path of devotion we treasure:
In deep adoration we see
The will of Thy God and His pleasure
Secured and accomplished by Thee.
4 We hail Thee as risen and living–
Supreme to us now, Lord, Thou art;
To Thee we are joyfully giving
The worship and praise of our heart!
539 W. P. SMITH
Tune to come
1 Majestic, Almighty and Glorious,
Thou comest, O Lord, to Thine own;
O'er death and the grave now victorious,
With joy we acclaim Thy renown.
2 Eternal, Immortal, Supreme One,
The Alpha and Omega Thou;
Thy saints in the blaze of Thy glory,
Before Thee adoringly bow.
540 G. H. S. PRICE   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Blest Holy Spirit, let us prove
The help Thou wouldst afford,
As now assembled here to serve
The interests of our Lord.
2 O grant us wise discernment now,
And holy, priestly skill,
That we may every grace allow,
Yet righteousness fulfil.
3 Thus may the heart of Christ our Lord
In restfulness confide,
As we His glory here would guard,
And seek nought else beside.
541 G. H. BROWN
Tune to come
1 Father, now we come before Thee,
Humbly we would seek Thy face,
While our thankful hearts adore Thee
For Thy changeless love and grace.
2 Naught can dim the cloudless favour
Of the place in which we stand,
Brought to Thee through Christ our Saviour,
Kept by Thine almighty hand.
3 Vain is fear since Thou art for us;
All good gifts from Thee come down;
Every day that passes o'er us
With Thy goodness Thou dost crown.
4 May we here Thy will be doing,
In Thy service faithful be,
Day by day our path pursuing
With the help that comes from Thee!
5 With Thy heav'nly beams enlighten
Every step along the way;
May our path go on and brighten
Unto Thine eternal day!
163 Lord Jesus Come
1 Lord Jesus, come!
Nor let us longer roam
Afar from Thee and that bright place,
Where we shall see Thee face to face;
Lord Jesus, come!
2 Lord Jesus, come!
Thine absence here we mourn;
No joy we know apart from Thee,
No sorrow in Thy presence see;
Come, Jesus, come!
3 Lord Jesus, come!
And claim us as Thine own;
With longing hearts the path we tread
Which Thee on high to glory led;
Come, Saviour, come!
4 Lord Jesus, come!
And take Thy people home;
That all Thy flock, so scattered here,
With Thee in glory may appear;
Lord Jesus, come!
543 S. MEDLEY   L.M.
117 St. Clement
1 Now in a song of grateful praise
To our blest Lord the voice we'll raise;
With all His saints we'll join to tell
That Jesus “hath done all things well.”
2 All worlds His glorious power confess,
His wisdom all His works express;
But, O His love! – our tongues would tell
That Jesus “hath done all things well.”
3 And since our souls have known His love,
What mercies has He made us prove;
Mercies which all our praise excel,
For Jesus “hath done all things well.”
4 And when on that bright day we rise,
And join the anthems of the skies,
In heav'nly songs this note shall swell,
That Jesus “hath done all things well.”
544 P. LYON
Tune to come
1 Blest Victor, Thou, o'er every power malign,
We hail Thee, Lord, in majesty divine,
As in the midst, in all Thy greatness now;
To Thee in worship, with glad hearts, we bow.
2 Effulgence of God's glory, blessèd Lord!
Expression of His substance! Thus adored
By those who are the fruit of love divine,
Supreme art Thou, as all Thy glories shine!
Tune to come
1 Blest God and Father, we respond to Thee,
Thy sons, brought near with Christ, before Thy
In perfect love and holy liberty;
No cloud to dim the glory of this place.
2 Our Father Thou, whom Jesus has revealed,
His Father whom He loves, His glory Thine;
He, Thine eternal joy, Himself did yield
To bring to pass Thy thoughts of love divine.
3 Thy heart, our God, made known – all, all is
The purpose of Thy love all time before,
The Spirit to our hearts doth now unfold,
And moves our souls to worship and adore.
4 O circle of affections all divine,
The foretaste of eternity's bright scene,
Where all the glories of Thy love shall shine
In everlasting joy, and peace serene!
454 Brackley
1 Our God and Father, we are here to share
Interests divine;
True is our love and genuine our care
For what is Thine,
As moved by Christ's own feelings in our heart,
We long to bear with priestly hands our part.
2 The sanctity of Thine abode on earth
Our hearts would guard,
That by unholy ways its holy worth
May not be marred.
The couch of Solomon we would surround
With valiant love and reverence profound.
3 Blest Spirit, who art here in charge of all
God's interests great,
On Thee, our Paraclete, we humbly call
As here we wait.
Hold us in faith, in dignity and power,
Throughout this privileged and sacred hour.
547 B. ISHAM
455 Dartry
1 O springing Well, Thou source of living joy,
To Thee we sing;
With joyful hearts our tongues we now employ,
Our praises bring.
For Thou, the Comforter, in service still,
Our gladdened hearts with thoughts of Christ
dost fill.
2 Thou speakest oft of Him, the One we love,
His glories fair;
So that we long to be with Him above,
That glory share.
Yea, be with Him in His own resting place,
Eternal trophies of His love and grace.
3 O blessèd Lord, Thou fillest all that scene,
The centre Thou.
God's glory in Thy blessèd face is seen;
To Thee we bow.
With yearning hearts for Thee to take us home,
We with the Spirit call for Thee to come.
Tune to come
1 To Thy Name, O Lord, we gather
From the desert path set free,
Finding in these few sweet moments
Outlet for our hearts to Thee.
2 Thou wilt brightly fill our vision,
As again the bread we break;
Man of triumph - Man of glory,
He of whom the Spirit spake.
3 As we thus would answer to Thee,
Drawn by Thy most precious love,
We shall find our portion with Thee
In the heav'nly realms above.
549 MRS. H. A. BERG (Doris Markham)   L.M.
Tune to come
1 Lord, though Thy saints be laid to rest,
In Thee they have a portion blest;
Thy precious blood the purchase price
To be with Thee in paradise.
2 “Asleep through Jesus” – blessèd state!
What power from Thee can separate?
Not death nor life, not land nor sea,
Can come between Thy saints and Thee.
3 “With Christ” – how better far the lot –
Where sin and sorrow enter not!
Our hearts anticipate the day
When every tear is wiped away;
4 When those asleep shall wakened be
To put on immortality,
And we with them shall rise to share
That rapturous meeting in the air!
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