Hymns  386  –  440
386 C. T. LAMBERT Trochaic
? Elgar   543 The Coming King
540 Look Away to Jesus
1 Jesus, Thou art coming, coming as the King,
To this world of sorrow happiness to bring;
Evil then shall vanish, wars and strife shall
Thou, O mighty Victor, art the Prince of Peace.
2 All Thy works shall praise Thee: men both high
and low,
From the least to greatest, Thee as Lord shall
All shall call Thee blessed, all Thy Name
Jesus, Thou art worthy, Sun of righteousness!
3 Jesus, Priest enthroned, King of righteousness,
Thou art King of Salem, Thou art King of peace;
All Thy people call Thee, call from near and far:
Come, Thou root of David, bright and Morning
4 Come, Thou King triumphant: all the earth is
Show Thy mighty power, let Thy glory shine;
Come, Thou King of glory, Lord of hosts in
Come, Lord Jesus, Saviour! Even so, Amen.
Tune to come
1 Lord, the greatness of Thy person
Fills with joy our raptured gaze;
Thou hast come in wondrous glory,
Calling forth responsive praise.
2 Lord Almighty! we acclaim Thee,
Fulness of the Godhead Thine,
Lord of hosts, and King of glory,
Rich in majesty divine.
3 Thou hast earth and heav'ns created,
To the age of age Thy throne,
Thou the Same, unchanging ever,
Yet to us in manhood known.
4 Deep our souls are stirred within us
As Thy glories thus we see;
Worship, homage, adoration
Gladly now we render Thee.
388 T. KELLY
364 Triumph / Gauntlett
1 Lord, we wait for Thine appearing;
"Even so," Thy people say;
Bright the prospect is, and cheering,
Of beholding Thee that day,
When our sorrow
Shall for ever pass away.
2 Base the wish, and vain th'endeavour,
Here on earth to find our rest;
Till we see Thy face, we never
Shall or can be fully blest;
In Thy presence
Nothing shall our peace molest.
3 Till Thou comest keep us steady,
Ever walking in Thy ways;
At Thy call may we be ready,
On Thee, Lord, with joy to gaze;
And in glory
Sing Thine everlasting praise!
389MISS I. STEVENSON (1843-1890)
Adapted   R127 Clementswood
1 Holy Father, in Thy mercy
Hear our earnest prayer;
Keep us now, and all Thy children,
Neath Thy care.
2 Jesus Saviour, let Thy presence
Be our light and guide;
Keep, O Keep us, in our weakness,
At Thy side!
3 May the joy of Thy salvation
Be our strength and stay;
May we love and serve and praise Thee
Day by day.
4 Holy Spirit, let Thy teaching
Sanctify our life;
Grant Thy grace that we may conquer
In the strife.
5 Father, Son and Holy Spirit –
God eternally –
Bless us, guide us, save us, keep us
Near to Thee!
390 A. P. CECIL
334 Rhineland
1 O the peace for ever flowing
From God's thoughts of His own Son,
O the peace of simply knowing,
On the cross that all was done.
2 Peace with God – for Christ in heaven
Object is of faith to me:
Peace with God – the Lord is risen,
Righteousness now counts me free.
3 Peace with God – for Christ's in glory;
God is just and God is love;
O how blessed is the story,
That we're brought to God above!
4 Jesus, Saviour, we adore Thee,
Christ of God, anointed One!
We confess Thee Lord of glory,
Fruits of vict'ry Thou hast won.
391 T. THORSTENSEN Dactylic
Tune to come
1 Spring up, O Spirit most holy!
Move us to sing to Thee now;
Teach us with gladness, yet lowly,
Here in Thy presence to bow.
2 Spring up, blest Spirit, within us!
Speak to our hearts of His love
Who once descended to win us –
Jesus – exalted above.
3 Spring up, O Well, in Thy glory!
Open the eyes of our heart;
Grant us full freedom before Thee,
Waiting our heavenly part.
4 Spring up, O Spirit most gracious!
Teach us while pilgrims below
More of God's glorious greatness,
Till as we're known we shall know.
392 J. C. TOZER   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Head over all, O God, art Thou;
All glorious is Thy Name!
Supreme in power and majesty,
Eternally the Same.
2 Divinely blest, we bring to Thee
What Thou Thyself dost give,
Delighting in Thy thoughts sublime,
As now in Christ we live.
3 Thy vast economy of love
With joy we apprehend;
Blest Father, Son, and Spirit, Thine
Be glory without end!
393 R. ARRAS From German
Tune to come
1 Through Thy great might and wisdom
Creation's worlds were made;
To us, O God, Thy greatness
Is seen in them displayed:
Thy glory and divinity,
Thy power from all eternity.
2 But all Thy blessed nature –
The movements of Thy heart –
Are known alone, O Father,
To those who have their part
With Christ: in freedom through Thy grace,
We joy in Him before Thy face.
341 Sharon   333 Redhead No. 46
1 Jesus, Lord, we've come together
In the bonds of Thine own love;
Thou hast drawn our footsteps hither,
Its deep meaning now to prove.
2 In such bonds the world around us –
Full of conflict, foes and strife –
Has no place, since love has bound us
In one fellowship of life.
3 Here together we recall Thee,
In these emblems hear Thy voice;
Never more can grief befall Thee;
Thou art risen, we rejoice.
4 But Thy love remains, that entered
Into death to make us Thine;
In that death all love was centred –
O the depths of love divine!
5 Thou dost make us taste the blessing,
Soon to fill a world of bliss;
And we bless Thy Name, confessing
Thine own love our portion is.
6 Sweet it is to sit before Thee,
Sweet to hear Thy blessed voice,
Sweet to worship and adore Thee,
While our hearts in Thee rejoice.
395 J. G. DECK
285 Cyprus   284 Bishopgarth
1 Great Captain of salvation,
Now crowned with highest glory,
We joyful raise our songs of praise,
And lowly bow before Thee.
We worship and adore Thee,
Each heart and tongue confessing,
To Thee once slain – worthy to reign –
Be honour, power and blessing!
2 Thou hast the cross endured
In love beyond all measure,
The curse, the grave, Thy saints to save,
And have us as Thy treasure.
We see Thee as the Victim,
Our sins and sorrows bearing,
The Lamb once slain, alive again,
The crown of glory wearing.
3 Head of the vast creation,
To God's right hand ascended:
Thy saints rejoice with heart and voice,
Before Thy feet low bended.
We own Thee, Lord, exulting
In all Thy joy and glory,
And long to be on high with Thee
Where all shall bow before Thee.
396 A. M. TOPLADY (1740-1778)
274 Mourne
1 Rock of Ages! cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Cleansing from its guilt and power.
2 Not the labour of my hands
Could fulfil the law's demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears for ever flow,
Nought for sins could e'er atone
But Thy blood, and Thine alone.
3 Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thyself I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Saviour, or I die.
4 Found by Thee before I sought,
Unto Thee in mercy brought;
I have Thee for righteousness,
From Thy fulness grace on grace;
Thou hast washed me in Thy blood,
Made me live and live to God.
397 T. KELLY Adapted   C.M.
29 Ignatius
1 Jesus, Thy head, once crowned with thorns,
Is crowned with glory now;
Heav'n's royal diadem adorns
The mighty Victor's brow.
2 Thou glorious light of courts above,
Joy of the saints below,
To us still manifest Thy love,
That we its depths may know.
3 To us Thy cross with all its shame,
With all its grace be giv'n;
Though earth disowns Thy lowly Name,
God honours it in heav'n.
4 Who suffer with Thee, Lord, below,
Shall reign with Thee above;
Then let it be our joy to know
This way of peace and love.
5 To us Thy cross is life and health,
'Twas shame and death to Thee;
Our present glory, joy and wealth,
Our everlasting stay.
398 J. N. GRACE   L.M.
Tune to come
1 Thy death and resurrection, Lord,
(How faith rejoices at the word!)
Have met the charge that on us lay,
And taken all death's sting away.
2 Soon all the saints who through Thee sleep,
Th'appointment in the air will keep,
When, rising from Thy Father's throne,
Thou comest forth to claim Thine own.
3 Thy voice the realm of death shall burst,
The dead in Christ arising first;
And, in a moment, we who live
The Spirit's quick'ning change receive.
4 Together then, the church will be
Complete in one vast company!
Caught up to meet Thee, blessed Lord,
Where Thou shalt ever be adored.
5 And now in faith and hope and love,
We wait to greet Thee from above;
Each heart sustained in power and grace,
Until we see Thee face to face.
399 J. G. DECK   L.M.D   128 Saved by Grace
D41 Sweet Hour of Prayer
1 Master, we would no longer be
At home in that which hateth Thee,
But patient in Thy footsteps go,
Thy sorrow as Thy joy to know.
We would – and O confirm the power!-
With meekness meet the darkest hour,
By shame, contempt, however tried;
For Thou wast scorned and crucified.
2 We welcome still Thy faithful world –
The cross shall meet its sure reward;
For soon must pass the little while,
Then joy shall crown Thy servants' toil.
And we shall hear Thee, Saviour, say,
Arise, my love, and come away";
We then shall grieve and weep no more,
But rest on heav'n's eternal shore.
Tune to come
1 God manifest in flesh, O wonder of His
O wisdom all divine that takes such blessed,
lowly ways
To bring to pass its holy purposes in counsels
That God may find a full response in worship
and in praise.
2 What mutual glory, known between the Father
and the Son,
Where holy love in all its secret intercourse
holds sway!
The Father's bosom its own sphere, where ever
dwelleth One
Who fully answers to that love throughout the
eternal day.
3 And by the Spirit's power the Father's love e'en
now we know
Within us: with the Son, its object, ever to abide:
And the affections of the saints well forth in
ceaseless flow,
Filled in the ocean of that love, a never ebbing
401 P. G. BLANC From French
Tune to come
1 Spirit of grace, O Thou whose hidden might
Sustains us day by day the whole way through,
We bless Thee for Thy service, and unite
In rend'ring now the homage that is due.
2 Spirit of truth, 'tis Thou who lead'st us on
Into the fulness of God's purpose here;
Thou takest heav'nly glories of the Son,
And bringest every precious feature near.
3 Filled with the favour Thou dost make us prove,
Spirit of life, with rever'nt hearts may we
More skillfully in service learn to move,
And for the power rely alone on Thee.
4 Clothe us with that humility, we pray,
That honours Thee and shows what Thou canst
Grant that the lustre of th'eternal day –
The day of God – shine in our hearts anew.
402 J. G. DECK
? Finlandia   508 The Master's Return
Soon will the Master come, soon pass away
Our times of conflict, grief and suff'ring here;
Our night of weeping end in cloudless day,
And sorrow's moment like a dream appear;
Eternity, with Jesus, in the skies –
How soon that Sun of righteousness may rise!
We shall behold Him, whom not seen we love;
We shall be with Him, whom we long to see;
We shall be like Him, fit for realms above –
With Him, and like Him, for eternity.
Is now to sit at Jesus' feet our choice?
How will fruition then our souls rejoice!
461 Jesus is Calling
1 Down from the glory came God's blessed Son,
Lost ones to save, lost ones to save;
Went into death and the victory won,
Triumphant rose from the grave –
Mighty to save! mighty to save!
Now in the glory He's able and willing to save.
2 Sin's bitter judgement He bore on the tree,
Dying to save, dying to save;
So that the sinner might justly go free,
His precious blood Jesus gave,
Sinners to save! sinners to save!
Now He is righteously able the guilty to save.
3 Sinner, God bids you on Jesus believe,
Now while you may, now while you may;
Peace and salvation through Him you'll receive;
Do not, O do not delay!
Haste thee away! haste thee away!
Infinite love waits to welcome the sinner today.
363 Regent Square
1 On His Father's throne is seated
Christ the Lord, the Living One,
All His toil on earth completed,
All His work for sinners done;
In the glory
See Him, God's beloved Son.
2 Man the cross to Him awarded,
Man the Saviour crucified;
This world's judgement stands recorded,
God's own nature glorified.
By the glory
Christ was claimed on earth who died.
3 Every knee shall bow before Him,
Every tongue confess His Name;
Ransomed myriads shall adore Him
Who endured the sinner's shame.
From the glory
God doth now His worth proclaim.
405 R. HOLDEN From Spanish   L.M.D
Tune to come
1 To God, in highest power supreme,
To God, o'er all, the greatest theme,
To God, by heav'nly hosts adored,
To God, of all the sovereign Lord –
Our adoration let us bring,
And let our hearts His worship sing;
With grateful love our voices raise,
And every tongue proclaim His praise!
2 Thou gav'st Thy Son for us to die,
Revealing Thy great heart thereby,
Securing thus adoring love,
Which now ascends to Thee above.
What joy, O God, Thy heart must know
To see Thy lovers here below,
Made like Thy Son by grace divine,
With hearts responding unto Thine!
406 G. H. S. PRICE
496 Peel Castle
1 O blessed God, our hearts are moved as one
To render praise and wider glory still;
Our minds are filled with all that thou hast done
In working out the counsel of Thy will.
2 We bow in adoration, for we know
It was Thy thought before the world began
To fill a scene where endless praise should flow,
And share Thy rest eternally with man.
3 And by the Spirit now we touch that rest,
And see, O God, the end of all Thy ways;
We stand in Christ as those Thy love has blest,
To serve Thee now and richest anthems raise.
4 We thus extol afresh Thy wondrous Name,
And bow before Thy glory all divine.
We worship still, while gladdened hearts
exclaim –
"Thou canst be hindered in no thought of
407 G. H. BROWN
Tune to come
1 O God, Thy grace no limit knows,
Pure and unfathomed is Thy love;
Thy boundless mercy freely flows,
Since Jesus came from heav'n above
And died – our souls from sin to free –
When we were lost and far from Thee.
2 Jesus, the Lord, our ransom paid
In matchless, condescending grace!
Came to the world His hands had made,
And stooped to take the sinner's place.
The just One for the unjust died;
Thy holy claims are satisfied.
3 But ris'n on high, for evermore
Jesus the mighty Saviour lives;
Blessings from Thine exhaustless store
To all who trust Him now He gives.
Through Him we know Thy love divine;
In Him we see Thy glory shine.
4 The Holy Spirit here below
Sheds in our hearts Thy wondrous love,
And gives us even now to know
Our glorious place with Christ above.
Thus pardoned, cleansed and freed from blame,
O blessed God, we praise Thy Name!
408 R. PEART
Tune to come
1 Thou holy Comforter, we joy in Thee,
Sent down in answer to our Lord's request.
Deep were Thy feelings when Thou cam'st to be
With us for ever from that day so blest!
2 Spirit of truth, in Thee our minds find rest,
While here in this dark, unresponsive scene;
Thou art for ever with us: O how blest
To know Thee even though Thou art unseen!
3 No eye has seen nor ear has ever heard,
Nor heart of man is great enough to hold
Those wondrous things in love by God prepared,
Which Thou, blest Spirit, lovest to unfold.
4 Nor is this all, for Thou the Earnest art
Of bliss to come, and giv'st us even here
To enter now our glorious heav'nly part,
And taste the joys of that eternal sphere!
409 I. WATTS   C.M.
57 St. Bernard   R99 Mirfield
1 Come, let us raise our joyful songs,
And thus approach the throne;
Had we ten thousand thousand tongues,
Our theme of joy's but one:
2 "Worthy the Lamb that's gone on high"
"To be exalted thus"
"Worthy the Lamb that died," we cry,
"For He was slain for us."
3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honour and power divine;
And blessings more than we can give
Be, Lord, for ever Thine.
4 Soon shall the saints, exalted high,
A glorious anthem raise;
And all that dwell beneath the sky
Speak forth Thine endless praise.
5 Redeemed creation join in one
To bless the sacred Name
Of Him that sits upon the throne,
And to exalt the Lamb!
410 J. A. v. POSECK (1816-1896)
410 West
1 On the Lamb our souls are resting,
What His love no tongue can say;
All our sins, so great, so many,
In His blood are washed away.
2 Sweetest rest and peace have filled us,
Sweeter praise than tongue can tell;
God is satisfied with Jesus,
We are satisfied as well.
3 Conscience now no more condemns us,
For His own most precious blood
Once for all has washed and cleansed us,
Cleansed us in the sight of God.
4 Filled with this sweet peace for ever,
On we go, through strife and care,
Till we find that peace around us
In the Lamb's high glory there.
5 On the living Lord believing,
We have righteousness and peace.
By the Holy Spirit given
We have joys that never cease.
411 J. N. DARBY   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Lord! let us wait for Thee alone:
Our life be only this –
To serve Thee here on earth, unknown;
Then share Thy heavenly bliss.
2 Lord, we would wait, in labour still
In Thy blest service here:
What Thou hast giv'n us to fulfil –
Thy will – to us is dear!
3 We well can wait! Thou waitest yet
The word of that dread hour,
Which shall Thy foes for ever set
As footstool of Thy power.
4 Yet, Lord! were once Thy will fulfilled,
How better far with Thee,
With Thee, our joy, our strength, our shield,
In cloudless light to be.
5 Lord, be it soon! Thou know'st our heart,
In this sad world, no rest
Can find nor wish but where Thou art:
That rest itself possessed!
412 MRS. W. T. PETERSEN   L.M.
Tune to come
1 Lord Spirit, blest, of Thee we're taught,
By Thee indwelt, and through Thee brought
To know the truth Thou dost confide
To subject hearts, whom Thou dost guide.
2 Thy service doth our praise compel,
As with and in us Thou dost dwell;
Spirit divine, our hearts we raise
In joyful worship, thankful praise.
3 All things of Jesus Thou dost know,
Their glorious greatness to us show;
By Thee, blest Spirit, now adored,
We contemplate the Christ, our Lord.
4 Where'er Thy Spirit, Lord, shall be,
For us there is sweet liberty.
Thus we upon Thy glory gaze,
Now shining in Thine unveiled face.
5 From glory unto glory brought,
And by Thy Spirit's work inwrought,
We see the glory that doth shine
In Thy blest countenance divine.
413 J. G. DECK
D159 Oldbury   440 Stella
1 "A little while" – the Lord shall come,
And we shall journey here no more;
He'll take us to His Father's home,
Where He for us is gone before,
To dwell with Him, to see His face,
And sing the glories of His grace.
2 "A little while" – He'll come again;
Let us His precious hours redeem;
No more to grieve and give Him pain,
Our joy to serve and follow Him.
Watching and ready may we be,
As those that wait their Lord to see.
3 "A little while" – 'twill soon be past;
Why should we shun the promised cross?
O let us in His footsteps haste,
Counting for Him all else but loss!
For how will recompense His smile
The suff'rings of this "little while!"
4 "A little while" – come, Saviour, come!
For Thee Thy saints have tarried long;
O take Thy waiting pilgrims home,
To sing the new eternal song,
To see Thy glory, and to be
In everything conformed to Thee!
358 Kensington New
1 Once from glory's height descending.
To this earth the Saviour came;
Here in grace His pathway wending,
Here He magnified God's name.
Lowly Saviour!
We would still His grace proclaim.
2 On to Calv'ry's shame and suff'ring,
He to death the path did tread;
There for sin the perfect Off'ring,
On the cross His blood was shed.
Wondrous Saviour!
Dying in the sinner's stead.
3 Out from death, His work completed,
Burst the portals of the grave;
High at God's right hand now seated,
He can e'en the vilest save.
Glorious Saviour!
'Twas in love His all He gave.
4 Still He waits in grace transcending,
He for thee has tarried long;
Bids thee share in joys unending,
Join e'en now in heav'n's blest song.
Worthy Saviour!
Theme of all the ransomed throng.
415MRS. A. R. COUSIN (1824-1906)
Adapted   R139 Woodbank
1 O Lord, what burdens Thou didst bear!
Our load was laid on Thee;
Thou stoodest for the sinner there
To bear all ill for me.
A Victim led, Thy blood was shed;
Now there's no load for me.
2 Death and the curse were in our cup,
O Lord, 'twas full for Thee!
But Thou hast drained the last dark drop,
'Tis empty now for me.
That bitter cup – love drank it up;
Left but the love for me.
3 The tempest's awful voice was heard:
O Lord, it broke on Thee!
Thine open bosom was my ward,
It bore the storm for me.
Thy form was scarred, Thy visage marred;
Now cloudless peace for me.
4 For me, Lord Jesus, Thou hast died,
And I have died with Thee;
Thou'rt ris'n: my bands are all untied;
And now Thou liv'st in me.
The Father's face in radiant grace
Shines now in light on me.
Tune to come
1 Father, now in adoration
Rev'rently we sing to Thee;
Thy supremacy discerning
In love's blest economy.
Glorious Thou in revelation,
Greatness over all Thy part;
Object of eternal worship
By Thy many sons Thou art.
2 Thou dost work all things according
To the counsel of Thy will;
Blessing us in the Beloved,
Causing praise Thine ear to fill.
Wider still Thy blessing floweth,
Every family named of Thee,
Thou, the Source of all, the Father,
Giving all in life to be.
3 By the Spirit we adore Thee,
In the Son to us made known;
Joying in Thy love and favour,
In Thy grace and goodness shown.
Blessed is Thy holy presence,
Portion of the saints in light;
Unto Thee be ever glory,
Worship, honour, praise and might!
231 Aurelia   256 St. Christopher
1 Thy head once full of bruises,
So full of pain and scorn,
'Mid other sore abuses
Mocked with a crown of thorn –
Thy head, once bowed and wounded
On the accursed tree,
Is now, O Lord, surrounded
With highest majesty.
2 Thy countenance transcendent –
O life-creating Sun
To worlds on Thee dependant!-
Was bruised and spit upon.
O Lord, what Thee tormented
Was our sins' heavy load;
We had the debt augmented
Which Thou didst pay in blood.
3 We give Thee thanks unfeigned,
O Saviour, Friend in need!
For what Thy soul sustained
When Thou for us didst bleed.
Grant us to lean unshaken
Upon Thy faithfulness,
Until, to glory taken,
We see Thee face to face.
418 MISS H. K. BURLINGHAM   507 Evesham   508 The Master's Return
1 Lord, Thou hast left us to prepare the place
Where Thy redeemed ones soon with Thee shall
Now, while we wait and long to see Thy face,
Teach us, by loving much, to serve Thee well.
Attune our hearts below to songs of praise,
Our sweet employ above through endless days.
2 Lord Jesus, every thought is read by Thee,
Those heart-desires which cannot be expressed;
Hasten the day when like Thee we shall be,
And in Thy glorious presence fully blessed.
Then evermore will be our joyful part
To know as known – to see Thee as Thou art.
166 Lilies   167 Theodora
1 Lord, Thou art with me!
Whom shall I fear?
Who then can harm me
Whilst Thou art near?
Under Thy shadow
Is my retreat;
There to my taste, Lord,
Thy fruit is sweet.
2 Lord, Thou art with me,
And Thou dost give
Strength for the journey,
Grace now to live.
Mercies each morning
Thou dost renew;
And for my prospect,
Thy rest in view.
3 Lord, Thou art with me;
Onward I move;
Each day I'm proving
More of Thy love.
Now Thou art training,
Setting me free
From all that hinders,
To dwell with Thee
R291 Totteridge   R290 Tence
1 Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration!
Hear the anthems swelling out through all
Father, Son, and Spirit – God in revelation –
Prostrate each soul before the Deity!
2 Father, source of glory, naming every fam'ly;
And the Son upholding all by His almighty
Holy Spirit, filling the vast scene of glory –
O glorious Fulness, let our souls adore!
3 God supreme, we worship now in holy splendour,
Head of the vast scene of bliss, before Thy face
we fall!
Majesty and greatness, glory, praise and power
To Thee belong, eternal Source of all!
519 O Perfect Love   520 Rhys
1 What will it be when all life's toil is finished,
And we have entered our eternal rest;
When past forever is the night of weeping,
And with Thee, Lord, we are forever blest!
2 What will it be when all the strife is over,
And all Thy saints, now scattered far and wide,
Shall be without one shade of variation,
All like Thee, Lord, united by Thy side!
3 What will it be when sorrow's day is ended,
And pain and grief for ever passed away;
When with Thee, Lord, we share the bright
In perfect peace throughout the perfect day!
4 What will it be? – In blest anticipation
E'en now our hearts outpour in praise to Thee;
But when we see Thee face to face in glory,
Then purer, sweeter, shall our praises be.
294 Victor   292 Come thou weary
1 Jesus, Lord, we joy before Thee,
Sorrow's night is o'er;
Foes are vanquished, Thou art Victor
2 All the way Thy love has trodden
We with gladness trace,
All Thy faithfulness and meekness,
All Thy grace.
3 To Thy Father's will obedient,
Thou to death hast been;
Righteousness and peace embracing
There are seen.
4 'Tis as risen, Lord, we hail Thee –
Shadows passed away;
Love has triumphed, Thou hast made us
Thine for aye.
5 Joy we thus in Thee, Lord Jesus,
Gladly praising Thee;
Thine the triumph, Thine the glory
Ever be!
465 Groomsport   467 Christian's Goodnight
1 O Lord, what love for sinners Thou hast shown,
To give Thy life for those by sin undone!
But is that blood which doth for sins atone,
For me?
2 Was it for guilty sinners such as I
That Thou, O Lord, didst suffer here and die?
And is that grace which Thou dost now supply
For me?
3 Is it for me, who early went astray,
Who turned from God to tread a self-willed way,
Is it for me that mercy flows today?
For me?
4 If it's the hopeless case Thou lov'st to meet,
If it's a sinner Thou dost run to greet,
Then 'tis for me to worship at Thy feet –
For me.
5 Yes, 'twas for me, Lord Jesus, Thou didst come;
To me Thou givest pardon, peace, and home;
And, Saviour, in Thy loving heart there's room
For me.
122 Wareham
1 O Lord, how long ere we shall see
The night before Thy shining flee?
With hearts subdued we wait the dawn
Of God's eternal, tearless morn.
2 We hail that hour when, freed from thrall –
The bondage caused by Adam's fall –
With glorious bodies like Thine own,
We'll meet for ever round Thy throne.
3 Past death, past sin with all its woes,
O'erthrown forever all our foes;
Hope lifts our hearts to that blest day,
And takes from death its sting away.
4 Thy servants die: O grant it, Lord,
That we who have their teaching stored
Within our hearts, may now step forth
To fill the ranks with heav'nly worth.
5 Grant unto us who still remain
To walk before Thee without stain,
To serve Thy church with faithful love,
Until we too are called above.
Tune to come
1 Blest Spirit, now with joy we raise
Our song to Thee in holy praise,
As we discern the lowly place
Which Thou dost take in wondrous grace;
Sent of the Father and the Son,
In us and with us, Holy One!
2 Yet in true majesty divine
The glories of Thy Person shine;
Thou hast Thy place in Deity,
Its rights supreme belong to Thee.
Lord Spirit! Thee we worship now,
And joined in heart before Thee bow.
426 P. P. BLISS (1838-1876)
C130 Man of Sorrows
1 "Man of sorrows!" what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to redeem!
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
2 Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In our place condemned He stood;
Purchased are we with His blood –
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
3 Guilty, vile and helpless we,
Spotless Lamb of God was He!
Full atonement – can it be?
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
4 Lifted up was He to die,
"It is finished!" was His cry;
Now in heav'n exalted high,
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
5 Him as Lord we gladly own,
Seated on His Father's throne;
Soon we'll sing in sweeter tone,
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
427 MISS M. BOWLY Adapted   S.M.
D145 Lamorbey
1 Whom have we, Lord, but Thee,
Soul thirst to satisfy?
Exhaustless spring! The waters free!
All other streams are dry.
2 Our hearts by Thee are set
On brighter things above;
Strange that we ever should forget
Thine own most faithful love!
3 Our portion faileth not,
For Thou dost give as God;
Secure in Thee our happy lot
Through the redeeming blood.
4 None like the ransomed host
That precious blood have known;
Redemption gives faith's holy boast
To draw so near the throne.
5 Higher and higher yet,
In Thee, through blood, made nigh;
We taste the love that knows no let,
And "Abba, Father!" cry.
Tune to come
1 Blest God, o'er all supreme,
Eternal Thou!
Thy love the glorious theme
For ever now,
In hearts to Thee brought near,
Where love has cast out fear.
We're hushed – Thy voice to hear,
And lowly bow.
2 We, Thine own sons, adore –
For ever Thine;
The fruit of love explore –
A work divine.
O God, our hearts are taught
To see what Thou hast wrought
In those Thy love has sought,
And claimed as Thine.
3 Behold the answer meet
Of all Thy ways;
Thy perfect work complete
For endless days.
Our God, we worship Thee!
Throughout eternity
Thy love shall ever be
Our song of praise!
429 A. J. H. BROWN
467 Christian's Goodnight
1 O Jesus, Lord, Thou stoodest in my stead;
God's holy wrath was poured upon Thy head;
For me Thou once wast numbered with the
dead –
For me, O Lord, for me.
2 O Jesus, Lord, Thy blood has brought me nigh,
Has cleansed me from my sins of scarlet dye;
For me Thy blood was shed on Calvary –
For me, O Lord, for me.
3 O Jesus, Lord, unchanging is Thy love,
Thou liv'st for me at God's right hand above;
Thy tender care for me I daily prove –
For me, O Lord, for me.
4 For me, O Lord, Thou hast done all things well;
Though feebly here, Thy praise my voice shall
When with Thee, Lord, I shall for ever dwell –
With Thee, O Lord, with Thee.
5 O Jesus, Lord, in Thee may I confide,
In Thee in every storm and trouble hide,
And trust in Thee whatever, Lord, betide –
In Thee, O Lord, in Thee.
430 J. PELLATT   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Thy love, blest Lord, in death made known,
Has touched our hearts anew;
Responsive love delights to own
All praise to Thee is due.
2 The bread reminds us we are one,
One body there is seen;
The Spirit's unity we own
Where diverse we had been.
3 "My body – giv'n," Thou saidst, O Lord,
"My blood – poured out for you":
What joy Thy precious words afford
As we these emblems view!
4 While thus we call Thee, Lord, to mind,
Thou dost Thyself now come,
In Thine assembly here to find –
Where Thou hadst none – a home!
431 C. A. COATES   C.M.
59 St. Fulbert   35 Lloyd
1 No act of power could e'er atone,
No wonder working word
Could from the brightness of the throne,
Make love's sweet voice be heard.
2 If sinners ever were to know
The depths of love divine,
All Calv'ry's weakness and its woe,
Blest Saviour, must be Thine.
3 God's righteousness is there proclaimed,
His mercy's depths are known,
While to the full Thou hast maintained
The glory of His throne.
4 God now is glorified in Thee,
In Thee, His only Son:
His hand, His house, His heart are free,
Because Thy work is done.
5 For Thou hast brought again to Him
More than by man He lost;
And in the very place of sin
We see His glory most.
6 And drawn to Thee in holy love,
A song of joy we raise;
In concert with the heav'ns above
We crown Thee with our praise.
432 A. W. ROACH
Tune to come
1 Hark! 'tis a message free,
Of pardon, joy and peace;
A trump of jubilee,
Glad tidings of release!
Let Satan's captives hear the sound –
Grace reigns where sin and death abound.
2 Salvation in the name
Of Jesus, offered still;
Glad heralds sound His fame:
Ho! whosoever will,
Avail thyself of grace supreme;
His blood doth ransom, cleanse, redeem!
433 F. WOMPRA   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Blest Comforter, Thou holy One,
Abiding with us here,
Sent by the Father in His love:
This thought our souls doth cheer.
2 With us and in us, for we love
The Son, the glorious One,
Who asked that Thou shouldst with us be
When He Himself had gone.
3 He is the Way, the Truth, the Life;
Spirit of truth art Thou.
How precious then our portion here
To know Thy guidance now!
4 To know Thee, too, in presence near,
That we sustained might be
In this dark world that knows Thee not,
For Thee it cannot see.
5 We now would seek that present help
Thou wouldst to us afford;
For Thou art here, Thyself so great,
To glorify our Lord.
From Swedish   Tune to come
1 We see not all things yet
Subjected to Thee, Lord:
Thy throne has not been set,
Nor earthly praise outpoured;
But – blessed holy One,
Who e'en in death was found –
As God's beloved Son
We see Thee glory-crowned.
2 Now we await the day
When faith gives place to sight,
When all shall own Thy sway,
And give Thee every right.
Yet here we'd hold Thy Name
In love and faithfulness,
Till earth shall sing Thy fame
And own Thy worthiness.
3 Until we are with Thee,
And see Thee as Thou art,
Help us more faithfully
To fill on earth our part;
To witness in this sphere
To Thee, the Witness true,
That in these vessels here
Thy glory may shine through.
435 G. W. FRASER
220 Remembrance   231 Aurelia
1 On that same night, Lord Jesus,
When all around combined
To cast its darkest shadow
Across Thy holy mind,
We hear Thy voice, blest Saviour –
This do, remember Me!
With grateful hearts responding,
We do remember Thee.
2 We think of all the darkness
Which round Thy spirit pressed,
Of all those waves and billows
Which rolled across Thy breast;
O there Thy grace unbounded
And perfect love we see;
With thankful hearts, Lord Jesus,
We do remember Thee.
3 Till Thou shalt come in glory,
And call us hence away
To rest in all the brightness
Of that unclouded day,
We show Thy death, Lord Jesus,
And here would seek to be
More to Thy death conformed,
Whilst we remember Thee.
436 G. H. S. PRICE
411 Ravendale
1 We treasure, Lord, Thy blessed Name,
Rejected here, yet still the Same;
We know that Thou art near.
The firm foundation still remains,
The Spirit all the truth sustains
Within th'assembly here.
2 Arise, O Lord, in strength divine
And let us see Thy glory shine,
As Thy blest Name we own.
While bowing now before Thy feet,
In lowliness we seek to meet
Each challenge to the throne.
3 Hail! Lord of hosts, Thou Man of war!
So soon to reign from shore to shore,
We own Thy peerless worth.
Now from between the cherubim,
The rights of God to claim for Him,
O Shepherd Thou, shine forth!
4 But keep us ever close to Thee,
Subdued whate'er the times may be,
Though vict'ry be assured.
Then, with each time of conflict o'er,
To myriad hearts who Thee adore,
Return and rest, O Lord.
437 E. DENNY   L.M.
D101 Sheminith
1 O grace divine! the Saviour shed
His life-blood on th'accursed tree;
Bowed on the cross His blessed head,
And died to make His people free.
2 Through suff'ring there, beneath His feet
He trod the fierce destroyer down;
There power itself and weakness meet –
Emblem of each, yon thorny crown.
3 'Twas mighty love's constraining power
That made Thee, blessed Saviour, die;
'Twas love, in that tremendous hour,
That triumphed in Thy mighty cry.
4 'Twas all for us – our life we owe,
Our hope, our crown of joy, to Thee;
Thy suff'ring in that hour of woe –
Thy vict'ry, Lord – hath made us free.
? Will ye no come back …?
277 St. George's Windsor   278 Trusting Jesus
1 God in mercy sent His Son
To a world by sin undone;
Jesus Christ was crucified,
'Twas for sinners Jesus died.
2 O the glory of the grace,
Shining in the Saviour's face!
Telling sinners from above,
"God is light" and "God is love."
3 Sin and death no more shall reign,
Jesus died and lives again;
In the glory's highest height
See Him, God's supreme delight!
4 All who in His Name believe
Everlasting life receive;
Lord of all is Jesus now,
Every knee to Him must bow.
5 Christ the Lord will come again,
He who suffered once will reign;
Every tongue at last will bring
Tribute to the heav'nly King.
439 W. LAWRENCE (1868-1942)
Chorus   B432 Draw me nearer
1 Jesus lingers still, 'tis for you He waits,
And He's waited for you long;
He waits that heav'en, with its fadeless joy,
May yet to you belong.

Come and welcome, welcome whosoever will,
'Tis the Saviour's gracious call;
He is able, willing, waiting now to save;
Simply trust Him, that is all.
2 Though your wayward feet have wandered far,
And you're deeply sunk in sin,
Yet in patient grace now the Saviour waits
Your weary heart to win.
3 Though His gracious call you have oft refused,
And He's sought your trust in vain,
Yet with love unchanged by cold neglect
He is seeking you again.
4 O surrender now, yield to love divine,
Jesus lingers for you still;
While in grace He says, "Come unto Me,"
Let your answer be, I will!
440 G. W. FRASER
406 Innsbruck
1 O Lord, what joy and glad surprise
Shall fill our hearts when we arise
To meet Thee in the air!
To see Thy face, to hear Thy voice,
And in Thy perfect love rejoice,
Whose glory we shall share.
2 No more deferred our hope shall be,
No longer through a glass we'll see,
But clearly, face to face.
Then shall we dwell with Thee above,
Whom absent we have learned to love –
Blest trophies of Thy grace.
3 While waiting for Thee, Saviour, here,
O may Thy word our spirits cheer –
I quickly come again!
O may our hearts expect that day,
And to Thy word responsive say:
Come, Jesus, Lord, Amen!
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