Hymns  331  –  385
431 Euphony
Salvation's Captain, and the Guide
Of all that seek the rest above,
Beneath Thy shadow we abide,
The cloud of Thy protecting love;
Our strength Thy grace, our rule Thy word,
Our end the glory of our Lord.
Lord, by Thy word and Spirit led
We shall not in the desert stray,
Or light for our direction need,
Or lose, if dark and drear, our way;
Still kept from danger and from fear,
Since Thy almighty love is near.
255 Robe of Brightness
1 Hark to the message sounding
Out from the throne above,
Telling of love abounding,
Telling of perfect love.
Hark to the wondrous story,
Redemption's price is paid;
Jesus is crowned with glory,
Both Lord and Christ is made.
None other name is given,
Jesus alone can save;
In love He came from heaven,
Himself a ransom gave.
In Him was grace abounding,
He paid in full the price;
O love immense, astounding,
O wondrous sacrifice!
The Spirit too bears witness
To Christ enthroned on high:
Redemption's work accomplished
By Him who came to die.
And now, in accents tender,
The Saviour speaks today;
Be wise, to Him surrender;
His gracious call obey!
333 MRS. MACKAY (1802-1887)   L.M.
D37 Boston
1 Asleep through Jesus, blessed sleep,
From which none ever wake to weep;
A calm and undisturbed repose,
Where powerless is the last of foes.
2 Asleep through Jesus: O how sweet
To be for such a slumber meet!
With holy confidence to sing
That death has lost its venomed sting.
3 Asleep through Jesus, peaceful rest,
Whence waking we're supremely blest;
No fear, no woe shall dim that hour
That manifests the Saviour's power.
4 Asleep through Jesus: yes! to be
From every earthly hindrance free,
While, in the consciousness of love,
The spirit lives with Christ above.
334 E. H. CHATER
Tune to come
1 In light unclouded dwells the mighty God,
His glory all creation doth proclaim;
A Spirit – love and light, the Holy One –
Who is, who was, who is to come, the Same!
2 The only glorious, the eternal God,
Who ever lived before beginnings were!
All heaven's constellations pale before
The glory of the One who set them there!
3 The Triune God, almighty, yet unseen;
The ever holy, holy, holy One
Whose word existence to creation gave,
When dwelling in eternity alone!
4 What joy it is to contemplate Thyself
In Christ revealed, the everlasting God!
To learn Thy wisdom, search Thy matchless
To worship Thee, as saints redeemed by blood!
5 To see Thy glory in the face of Christ,
And without let enjoy – in heav'n above,
In realms of cloudless light and joy and peace –
Thine own unending, changeless, perfect love!
335 E. H. CHATER
Tune to come
1 Lord, Thy ways are past our searching,
Infinite Thy holy mind!
Thou dost break earth's links asunder,
To Thyself our souls dost bind.
2 By the cords of love Thou drawest
Each blest object of Thy grace;
Thou wilt daily keep us near Thee,
Till in heav'n we see Thy face.
3 Many foes surround our footsteps;
None shall mar our joy in Thee!
Soon will change earth's toil and sorrow
For a bright eternity.
4 We would trust Thee without seeing,
Knowing that Thy way is best;
Dark or bright, in Thee confiding,
Shall our hearts find peace and rest.
336 H. D'A. CHAMPNEY   L.M.
102 Harbour Head
1 Blest God and Father, source of joy
For all Thine own in sonship's place,
Our songs of praise arise to Thee –
We worship now before Thy face.
2 Thy Spirit doth our hearts sustain,
As we through Christ are near to Thee;
Thy holy love fills every heart,
And in Thy presence blest are we.
3 Thou in Thy wondrous love hast planned
That we with Christ should have our part,
And share that home of glory bright
With Him who fills with joy Thy heart.
4 O blessed home, where Thou dost dwell
In holy love and glory bright!
Near Thee, Thy love rests on us now,
And we in Christ are Thy delight.
5 Blest in Thy presence – glorious place –
With joy we hymn Thyself on high.
O God of love, our song we raise,
And "Father" by the Spirit cry.
337 E. C. BURR   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Blest Holy Spirit, Comforter –
Though here in mystery –
Thy lowly service does not hide
Thy place in Deity:
2 Thy Person all inscrutable –
Yet pleased with us to be –
Thy presence infinitely blest!
As God we worship Thee.
338 G. GUSTAFSSON From Swedish   C.M.
Tune to come
1 The Lord is coming: lift your heads!
Ye ransomed saints, rejoice!
Soon shall we meet Him in the air,
And answer to His voice.
2 The Lord is coming: faith gives place
To actuality,
This mortal swallowed up by life
In immortality.
3 The Lord is coming: what delight
Our hearts anticipate!
The glory of that blessed sight
We eagerly await.
4 Yea, Lord, Thou comest – hope how blest!
Thy call we soon shall hear;
And then in glory shall Thy bride
With Thee, the King, appear.
339 G. GUSTAFSSON From Swedish
Tune to come
1 Lord, in Thy supper now we see
The tokens of Thy matchless love!
Not death itself could stronger be
Than those affections Thou didst prove.
Thy peace, Thy joy Thou bringest here
Our souls to bless, our hearts to cheer.
2 The bread and cup before us now
Are witness to a work complete,
Through darkness dread, O Lord, when Thou
The awful power of death didst meet!
We praise Thee, Lord, as now come nigh,
Thee – whom we soon shall praise on high!
340 A. W. ROACH
434 Melita   428 Adoration / Collins
1 Eternal King of those who reign,
To Thee be honour, might, Amen.
Thou, God from all eternity,
Alone hast immortality.
Thy dwelling light, Thy form unknown,
Supreme art Thou, O God, alone!
2 The only wise, invisible,
Yea, living, incorruptible,
Thy grace and glory, truth and love
Now seen in Christ, all praise above.
Thee would we worship and extol,
O blessed God, soon all in all!
341 J. STENNETT (1663-1713)   C.M.
341 Belmont   221 Dalehurst
1 O blessed Saviour, is Thy love
So great, so full, so free?
Fain would we have our souls, our hearts,
Our minds, engaged with Thee.
2 We love Thee for the glorious worth
Which in Thyself we see;
We love Thee for that shameful cross,
Endured so patiently.
3 No greater love can man display
Than for his friends to die;
Thus faithful to Thine own wast Thou:
What love with Thine can vie?
4 Thou like Thy brethren wouldst become,
And here a Suff'rer be;
In flesh and blood Thou didst take part,
Through death to set us free.
5 As man, O Lord, it was not good
That Thou alone shouldst be;
Fruit of Thy death, Thou hast secured
A helpmate meet for Thee.
6 O Lord, we treasure in our souls
The memory of Thy love;
And ever shall Thy Name to us
A grateful odour prove.
342 E. H. CHATER
Tune to come
1 O Lord, the knowledge of Thy love
Doth bow our hearts to Thee above;
Before Thy face we prostrate fall,
Whose wondrous glory shines for all.
We worship, praise Thee and adore,
Exalt Thy Name for evermore!
2 Thy church, Thy body and Thy bride,
With Thee, the Christ, identified –
Espoused to Thee, a virgin chaste,
While travelling still this dreary waste –
Finds in Thyself her hope, her all!
She waits to hear her Bridegroom call.
3 He comes! The longed-for, glorious Lord,
Whose Name by all shall be adored!
He comes to take His bride on high,
To share to all eternity
The fruits of God's eternal plan,
Before the age of time began.
4 The heav'n and earth, the sea and land,
Display the pow'r of God's own hand,
And all His matchless moral ways
Redound for ever to His praise;
But in this glorious mystery
Unfathomable love we see.
343 J. G. DECK
430 Creation
1 "Lord what is man?" 'Tis Christ who died,
And all Thy nature glorified;
Thy righteousness and grace displayed
When He for sins atonement made;
Obedient unto death, was slain –
Worthy is He o'er all to reign!
2 Thy counsels ere the world began
All centred in the Son of man;
Head of the church His destined place,
Thy glory radiant in His face.
To Him enthroned in majesty,
Let every creature bend the knee!
3 Worthy, O Son of man, art Thou
Of every crown that decks Thy brow;
Worthy art Thou to be adored
And owned as universal Lord;
O hasten that long-promised day
When all shall own Thy rightful sway!
289 Bredbury
1 Wilt thou come, or wilt Thou linger?
'Tis the Saviour calls;
Death and darkness are around thee;
Sin enthralls.
2 Thou may'st come: the vilest sinner
May in Christ confide.
Thou art welcome, for to save thee
Jesus died.
3 See the blood, and hear Him speaking
Of redemption done;
And on glory's heights behold Him,
God's own Son.
4 Hear Him speak the word of pardon;
Trust in Him who died;
And thy heart shall lose its burden,
By His side.
Tune to come
1 O Lord, do Thou our souls inspire
With fervent love and deep desire,
To follow Thee, Thy Name to own,
As Thy disciples thus be known.
2 Thou hast Thy life for us laid down,
Laid up, for us, a righteous crown.
Should we not then devoted be,
In full committal, Lord, to Thee?
3 O Lord, do Thou our hearts prepare
To rise to meet Thee in the air;
Our bodies changed, our spirits free,
To dwell in glory, Lord, with Thee.
4 A great assembling shout 'twill be,
An answer meet to Calvary.
Thou wilt in triumph lead Thine own,
To take, with Thee, Thy rightful throne.
Tune to come
1 Lord Jesus, Thou art worthy
Of worship and of praise;
Eternal are Thy glories
That fill our raptured gaze.
2 The greatness of Thy Person
Transcends our power to tell;
All fulness of the Godhead
In Thee, O Lord, doth dwell.
3 Creator, Thou, of all things,
God's glory shines in Thee;
Expression of His substance,
To Thee we bow the knee –
4 Firstborn of all creation,
And Firstborn from the dead,
Pre-eminent in all things,
Th'assembly's glorious Head!
403 Dartford
1 The bread and cup, O Lord, recall
That sacrifice supreme, when all
The floods their voice did raise;
Their holy import we discern,
Thy suffering love afresh would learn,
Proved on that day of days.
2 All question of our moral stain
Thou didst resolve when Thou didst drain
That cup of bitt'rest woe:
So surely, that our hearts are free
To yield themselves adoringly
In love's eternal flow.
3 Borne in Thy heart through death's dark tide
(The travail Thine), with Thee we died,
In Thee we rise on high;
With hearts now filled with glory's light,
We tread our path through earth's dark night,
Where Thou our Lord didst die.
Tune to come
1 How good and great, O Father,
Thy wondrous thoughts are shown!
Concealed from wise and prudent,
Revealed to babes alone.
But having understanding,
And Spirit-given joy,
To bless Thee, God our Father,
We heart and voice employ.
2 Father, Thine own Son praised Thee,
Of heav'n and earth the Lord!
Thy sovereign operations
Great joy to Thee afford:
For all those coming to Him –
The meek and lowly Man –
Are held by Him for ever,
The fruit of Thy great plan.
3 Each knowing Thee as Father –
Revealed so by the Son –
We share His joy before Thee
In all that Thou hast done.
The Son Thou, Father, knowest;
But in that Man so blest,
To whom Thou'st given all things,
Our souls find perfect rest.
349 H. BONAR   S.M.
149 St. George   160 Diademata
1 We hear the words of love,
We gaze upon the blood,
We see the mighty Sacrifice,
And we have peace with God.
2 'Tis everlasting peace,
Sure as Jehovah's Name;
'Tis stable as His steadfast throne,
For evermore the same.
3 Our love is oft-times low,
Our joy still ebbs and flows;
But peace with Him remains the same;
No change Jehovah knows.
4 We change – He changes not,
Though changing years roll by;
His love, not ours, the resting-place,
We on His truth rely.
5 The cross still stands unchanged,
Though heav'n is now His home;
The mighty stone is rolled away,
For He has left the tomb.
6 We know He liveth now
At God's right hand above;
We know the throne on which He sits,
We know His truth and love.
350 J. TAYLOR (1880-1953)   L.M.
Tune to come
1 We hail Thee, Lord, our glorious Head,
Victorious Firstborn from the dead;
Exalted far beyond the skies,
To Thee our praises now would rise.
2 Received in glory bright up there,
The Father's greetings, honours rare,
Are heaped upon His Son's blest brow;
He is the mighty Victor now.
3 The Father's throne by Him is shared,
Whose nature He, the Son, declared;
Whose will He did, the cost how great!
His worthiness we celebrate.
351 J. C. TOZER
Tune to come
1 Holy Comforter, who guidest
Those who seek Thine aid divine,
Who within the saints abidest,
May Thy light among us shine.
2 Precious things to Christ belonging,
Brought to us in love by Thee,
Fill our souls with holy longing
Of His glory more to see.
3 Grant us subject minds, attentive
As the truth Thou dost unfold;
May our hearts be more retentive,
Treasuries for wealth untold.
Tune to come
1 O Lord, the joy of union,
And Thine embrace, call forth
Our full appreciation
Of Thy surpassing worth.
2 The bride, with Thee in nearness,
Adds lustre to the scene
Where all Thy power and greatness
In headship's place are seen.
3 Th'assembly, Lord, Thy body,
As joined to Thee above,
Responds with deep affection –
At rest in Thy great love.
4 Thus in this blest relation,
With one harmonious strain
We join with adoration,
Thy praises to proclaim.
353 J. SWAIN (1761-1791)
436 Rest / Stainer   432 Gardenstown
D205 What will it be?
1 What will it be to dwell above,
And with Thee, Lord of glory, reign,
Since the blest knowledge of Thy love
So brightens all this dreary plain?
No heart can think, no tongue can tell,
What joy 'twill be with Thee to dwell.
2 When left this scene of faith and strife,
And flesh and sense deceive no more;
When we shall see Thee, Prince of life,
And all Thy works of grace explore;
What heights and depths of love divine
Will there through endless ages shine!
3 And God has fixed the happy day
When the last tear shall dim our eyes,
When He will wipe these tears away,
And fill our hearts with glad surprise;
To hear Thy voice and see Thy face,
And know the fulness of God's grace.
354 A. MIDLANE Adapted
D379 Tabor   452 Elland
1 We speak of the grace of our God,
So boundless, so rich and so free;
But what will it profit thy soul
Unless 'tis relied on by thee?
2 We speak of salvation and love,
By the Father in Jesus made known;
But, if thou wouldst live unto God,
By faith thou must make it thine own.
3 We speak of the Saviour's great Name,
By which God can sinners receive;
Yet still art thou lost and undone
Unless in that Name thou'lt believe.
4 We speak of the blood of the Lamb,
Which frees from pollution and sin;
But its virtues by thee must be proved,
Or thou wilt be ever unclean.
5 We speak of the glory to come,
Of the heavens so bright and so fair;
But, unless thou'lt in Jesus believe,
Thou wilt not, thou canst not be there.
355 MISS E. CLEWLEY (1881-1951)   Tune to come
1 We bless Thee, Holy Spirit!
Responding now to Thee,
We give Thee praise and worship,
And own Thy Deity.
Our hearts have been awakened
To give Thee greater place,
To know Thee with and in us
In all Thy lowly grace.
2 We thank Thee for Thy service,
Thy patience and Thy care;
For every fresh unfolding
Of truth, so rich and rare.
O teach us in Thy movements
To walk in faith with Thee;
For in Thy holy keeping
The bride of Christ must be.
3 As we receive impressions
The journey doth provide,
May we with Thee together –
The Spirit and the bride –
Say "Come!" to Him who waiteth
The Father's perfect time –
The wondrous consummation
Of all Thy work sublime!
356 D. T. HOLDING Iambic
Tune to come
1 To Thee, our God, we render now
Our willing adoration:
How great Thy counsels were of old
Before the world's foundation!
Rejoicing, we discern Thy thoughts
Secured in fullest measure
In Christ and His companion – one –
For Thine eternal pleasure.
2 For Thou art glorified as God
By Him, the Man anointed –
Our Head, of whom are we, His like,
With Him our place appointed.
A blessed Man amidst His own
With joy He sings Thy praises,
And in the Spirit's power we share
The holy song He raises.
3 We worship Thee as Head o'er all,
In holy splendour dwelling;
In greatness, wisdom, power divine
Our highest thoughts excelling!
Most blessed is Thy sovereign will,
Thy love is all transcending;
Be glory in th'assembly Thine
Through ages never ending!
357 A. MIDLANE   L.M.
125 Winchester New   108 Mainzer
1 The perfect righteousness of God
Is witnessed in the Saviour's blood;
'Tis in the cross of Christ we trace
His righteousness, yet wondrous grace.
2 God could not pass the sinner by,
Justice demands that he should die;
But in the cross of Christ we see
How God can save, yet righteous be.
3 The judgement fell on Jesus' head,
'Twas in His blood sin's debt was paid;
Stern justice can demand no more,
And mercy can dispense her store.
4 The sinner who believes is free,
Can say, The Saviour died for me;
Can point to the atoning blood
And say, This made my peace with God.
358 A. J. H. BROWN (1866-1934)   C.M.D.
? Kingsfold   86 Vox Dilecti
1 I heard the blessed story told,
Of Jesus crucified,
How once He took a bondman's form,
And here at Calv'ry died.
I saw by faith the judgement fall,
By faith I heard his cry,
And knew for me He suffered shame,
For me He stooped to die.
2 I heard the blessed story told,
Of Jesus glorified,
How He in dying met the foe
And all his power defied.
I saw Him then ascended high
Upon the Father's throne,
I knew His vict'ry set me free,
His triumph was my own.
3 I heard the blessed story told,
Of Jesus satisfied,
When every ransomed tongue shall swell
The praise of Him who died.
I'll see Him then by all acclaimed,
I'll triumph and adore,
And know the fulness of His love
When with Him evermore.
104 Holley   Entreaty / Collins
1 O do not let the word depart,
And close Thine eyes against the light!
Poor sinner, harden not thine heart;
Thou wouldst be saved? Why not to-night?
2 To-morrow's sun may never rise
Upon thy long deluded sight;
This is the time, O then be wise:
Thou wouldst be saved? Why not to-night?
3 Our God in pity lingers still,
And wilt thou thus His love requite?
Renounce at once thy stubborn will
Thou wouldst be saved? Why not to-night?
4 This world has nothing new to give
It has no true, no pure delight
Look now to Jesus Christ, and live:
Thou wouldst be saved? Why not to-night?
240 Greenland
1 We know Thee, Lord, as risen,
Thou Firstborn from the dead;
We see Thee now ascended,
The church's glorious Head:
In Thee by grace accepted,
The heart and mind set free
To think of all Thy glory,
As now made one with Thee.
2 For Thou art Head o'er all things,
Thou hast the highest fame;
As Man Thou art exalted,
Supreme Thy glorious Name!
Supreme Thy love, for Calv'ry
Has shown its mighty power;
Thy love was proved victorious
In sorrow's darkest hour.
3 Thy Name all names excelleth,
Thy fame all fame transcends
Thy love all love exceedeth,
And never, never ends.
With joy we sing Thy praises
As one with Thee above;
Eternal are Thy glories;
Eternal is Thy love.
435 Quemerford
1 Lord, Thou hast drawn us after Thee,
So let us run and never tire;
Thy presence shall our comfort be,
Thyself our hope, our sole desire,
Our present Saviour, while nor fear
Nor sin can come if Thou art near.
2 What in Thy love possess we not!
Our star by night, our sun by day,
Our spring of life when parched with drought,
Our wine to cheer, our bread to stay;
Our strength, our shield, our safe abode,
Our robe before the throne of God.
3 Unchangeable Thy gracious love
Our earthly path has ceaseless viewed;
Ere yet these beating hearts could move,
Thy tender mercies still pursued;
Ever with us may they abide,
And close us in on every side.
362 W. M. BROWN   C.M.
Tune to come
1 O Lord, what peace and rest we find
When Thy blest face we see!
What comfort fills our longing hearts
Whene'er we turn to Thee!
2 Around us all is strife and toil,
Within us oft-times fears,
But Thou remainest still the Same,
Unchanged by changing years.
3 In every way continually,
Lord, give us peace, we pray;
In faithfulness and constancy
Preserve us night and day,
4 Till in that scene of cloudless peace
We dwell with Thee above,
And praise, with one adoring heart,
The God of peace and love.
363 Swansea
1 The Lord who healed the leper
Is looking on Thee now;
And, though thy case discerning,
No frown is on His brow.
Not all thy sin's dark story
Has turned away His love;
'Twas need like thine that brought Him
Down from His throne above.
2 The Lord who touched the leper
In His amazing grace,
Though ever pure and holy,
Once took the sinner's place!
His grace and perfect goodness
In all His actions shine;
His cross at length expressing
Both light and love divine.
3 The Lord who cleansed the leper
Can surely make thee clean;
His blood can cleanse the vilest,
Whate'er his guilt has been.
O doubt not He is willing,
But take Him at his word,
Without the "If" exclaiming,
"Thou wilt, Thou canst, O Lord!"
364 E. CARREN From Swedish
Tune to come
1 O Our God, how great, unmeasured
Is Thy love divine and blest!
We its holy depths have treasured,
As in Christ Thy Son expressed.
Thee we worship from our heart,
Praising Thee for what Thou art.
2 From the far eternal reaches,
Through the depths Thy way has led,
Every step fresh glory teaches,
And with love is overspread.
For Thy Son who was "the Way"
We shall worship Thee for aye!
3 Now, O God, our hearts are bowing,
And with joy anticipate
The eternal music flowing
In that world surpassing great.
Praise and worship spread abroad
Soon shall fill the day of God.
365 J. H. EVANS (1785-1849)   L.M.
B93 Samson   121 Walton
1 The Lord's a refuge ever nigh,
His watchfulness, a mountain high;
His Name's a rock, which winds above
Nor waves below can ever move.
2 His faithfulness, for ever sure,
For endless ages will endure;
His perfect work will ever prove
The depths of His eternal love.
3 While all things change, He changes not,
Nor e'er forgets, though oft forgot;
His love's unchangeably the same,
And as enduring as His Name.
366 R. SANDEMAN (1718-1771)   L.M.
97 Duke Street   111 Old 100th
1 See mercy, mercy from on high,
Descend to rebels doomed to die;
'Tis mercy free, which knows no bound;
How sweet, how pleasant is the sound!
2 Soon as the reign of sin began,
The light of mercy dawned on man,
When God announced the blessed news,
The woman's Seed thy head shall bruise.
3 Brightly it beamed on men forlorn,
When Christ, the holy Child, was born;
And brighter still in splendour shone
When Jesus dying, cried, 'Tis done!
4 Complete in power when He arose
And burst the bands of all His foes;
He captive led captivity,
And took for us His seat on high.
258 St. Theodulph
1 I am not told to labour
To put away my sin;
So foolish, weak, and helpless,
I never could begin.
But blessed truth – I know it –
Though ruined by the fall,
Christ for my soul hath suffered,
Yes, Christ has done it all!
2 And if I now would seek Him –
In love He sought for me,
When far from Him I wandered
In sin and misery;
He ope'd my ears, and gave me
To listen to His call;
He sought me, and He found me,
Yes, Christ has done it all!
3 And when in heav'nly glory
My ransomed soul shall be,
From sin and all pollution
For ever, ever free,
My soul shall then still praise Him,
And loud His grace extol –
Thou hast Thyself redeemed me;
Yes, Thou hast done it all!
368 P. GERHARDT From German
440 Stella
1 O Lord, Thy rich, Thy boundless love
No thought can reach, no tongue declare;
O give our hearts its depths to prove,
And reign without a rival there!
From Thee, O Lord, we all receive;
Thine, wholly Thine, alone we'd live.
2 O Lord, how cheering is Thy way!
How blest, how gracious in our eyes!
Care, anguish, sorrow, pass away,
And fear before Thy presence flies.
Lord Jesus, nothing would we see,
Nothing desire, apart from Thee.
3 'Mid conflict be Thy love our peace;
In weakness be Thy love our strength;
And when the storms of life shall cease,
And Thou to meet us com'st at length,
Lord Jesus, then these hearts shall be
For ever satisfied with Thee.
369 MRS. L. SANDELL (1832-1903)
From Swedish   Tune to come
1 Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Where, O death, thy victory?
He is risen and ascended
Far above all mortal eye.
2 He is risen, who has suffered;
All sin's weight for us He bore.
He is risen and He liveth
Even now for evermore.
3 He is risen! glorious message
From the angel to His own;
Now the sepulchre is empty,
And He's seated on the throne.
4 He is risen! O how precious
Was that lonely Corn of Wheat!
Once in death, but now in glory,
Thousands like Him, for Him meet.
5 He is risen! glorious Firstfruits,
First-begotten from the dead!
Thus to be to His assembly
Over all things now as Head.
370 W. R. MASON
Tune to come
1 Our God, to Thee th' assembly's praises flow
As one with Christ her Head, with love aglow;
Blest answer to the work of love divine –
The concept and the consummation Thine!
2 From Thee 'mid scenes supernal doth come
The city, of Thy workmanship the crown!
Spotless, unwrinkled bridal beauties shine,
Rejoicing Him who fills her heart and Thine.
3 The holy city doth for Thee provide
A dwelling where Thou canst with men reside.
Now where Thy pleasure rests complacently,
Be glory in th'assembly unto Thee!
371 R. ROBINSON (1735-1790)
Tune to come - 315 Alma???
1 Brightness of th'eternal glory,
Shall Thy praise unuttered lie?
Who would hush the heav'n sent story
Of the Lamb who came to die? –
2 Came from Godhead's fullest glory
Down to Calv'ry's depth of woe;
Now on high we bow before Thee,
Streams of praises ceaseless flow!
3 Sing His blest triumphant rising;
Sing Him on the Father's throne;
Sing – till, heaven and earth surprising,
Reigns the Nazarene alone!
372 J. G. DECK   C.M.
56 St. Anne
1 Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee!
O height O depth of love!
And crucified and dead with Thee,
Now one in heav'n above.
2 Ascended now, in glory bright,
Life-giving Head Thou art;
Nor life, nor death, nor depth, nor height,
Thy saints and Thee can part.
3 And soon shall come that glorious day,
When, seated on Thy throne,
Thou shalt to wond'ring worlds display
That we with Thee are one.
292 Come thou weary
1 Precious Name! the Name of Jesus,
Son of God most high,
Who in love to guilty sinners
Came to die.
2 Precious Name! the story telling
Of His humble birth;
Of His lonely pathway, trodden
Here on earth.
3 Precious Name of Him the Saviour,
Come the lost to save;
In His grace, for ruined sinners
All He gave.
4 Precious Name of Him who suffered
On the shameful tree,
Gave Himself, the willing Victim,
Spotless He.
5 Precious Name! enthroned in heaven,
Still that Name He bears;
On His brow the crown of glory
Now He wears.
6 Precious, peerless Name of Jesus,
None can tell its worth;
Sweetest Name there is in heaven,
Or on earth.
374 J. PELLATT Adapted
Tune to come
1 Father, Thy love was deepest joy
To Christ when here below:
He came to earth (what blest employ!)
That we this love might know.
Thy Name by Him has been declared,
And His own place by us is shared.
2 The lustre of His love, in death
Shone forth in glory rare –
Then to impart the living Breath,
That we His peace might share.
He now delights with us to raise
A song of triumph and of praise.
3 He bringeth us to this blest place
Where we with Him can sing;
Where many sons – surpassing grace –
Eternal praises bring.
On us shines favour ne'er to dim –
The love wherewith Thou lovest Him!
375 E. H. CHATER   L.M.
Tune to come
1 Lord, perfect love in Thee I see,
For Thou didst give Thyself for me;
On Calv'ry, sinless, Thou hast died,
My precious Saviour crucified!
2 Worthy, O Lord, art Thou alone,
Who didst for souls by blood atone;
The Lamb who bore the judgement stroke,
And all the power of Satan broke.
3 The Prince of Life, Thou livest now,
Worthy that all to Thee shouldst bow;
All-glorious now upon God's throne,
And worthy to be crowned alone!
4 And waiting, Lord, to see Thy face,
I now would magnify Thy grace;
Lay at Thy feet myself, my all,
Until I hear Thy triumph call.
222 St. Philip
1 O Lord, we've come together
As drawn to Thy blest Name;
That Name so rich in savour
Doth now our homage claim.
2 In wilderness surroundings,
Yet bound in closest ties,
Our spirits free, unfettered,
To Thee responsive rise.
3 Here nature's voice is silenced,
And nature's claims give way;
The Spirit's realm commands us
On this most favoured day.
4 O Lord, with deep emotion
Thyself we magnify;
And own Thy love suffices
Our hearts to satisfy.
377 MRS. S. HEDMAN From Swedish
297 Unbounded Love
1 Father, in Thy love unbounded,
Thou hast called us sons;
Chosen ere the world was founded,
Thy beloved ones.
2 Thine own Son, the joy of heaven,
In Thy bosom dwells;
Grace on grace so richly given,
All Thy favour tells.
3 Freely rests Thy love upon Him,
Thy beloved One;
And with joy we now acclaim Him,
Jesus Christ, the Son.
4 Thus Thy purpose great, unchanging,
Perfected we see;
Through Thy counsel, Thine arranging,
Praise ascends to Thee.
5 O Thy love! Its wondrous story
Stirs our heart to song;
Worship, honour, praise and glory
All to Thee belong!
378 T. KELLY
385 Jesus Only
1 Stricken, smitten and afflicted,
See Him dying on the tree;
'Tis the Christ by man rejected;
Yes, my soul, 'tis He, 'tis He!
Mark the Sacrifice appointed,
See who bears the awful load!
'Tis the Word, 'tis God's anointed,
Son of man and Son of God.
2 Here we have a firm foundation,
Here the refuge of the lost;
Christ, the Rock of our salvation,
His the Name of which we boast.
Lamb of God! for sinners wounded,
Sacrifice to cancel guilt,
None shall ever be confounded
Who on Thee their hope have built.
75 Warwick / Stanley
1 O God what cords of love are Thine,
How gentle, yet how strong!
Thy truth and grace their strength combine
To draw our souls along.
2 The guilt of twice ten thousand sins
Christ's blood has washed away;
And when the fight of faith begins
Our strength is as our day.
3 Comfort through all this vale of tears
In blest profusion flows;
And glory of unnumbered years
Eternity bestows.
4 Drawn by such cords we'll onward move,
Till round the throne we meet,
And, captives in the chains of love,
Embrace our Saviour's feet.
413 Allendale   414 Evening Blessing
1 Hearts awaking, Saviour, greet Thee;
Sleeping saints arising meet Thee;
Rising in enraptured love
To Thy rally from above.
2 Myriads, myriads, raised and living,
Blessed adoration giving
To Thyself, whose mighty tone
Rends the tomb to claim Thine own.
3 Raised and changed together thronging,
Quickened hosts to God belonging,
Fill with song the radiant air,
Sons of God, divinely fair.
4 Thou didst die, but O Thy rising –
Angel hosts and men surprising –
Brings to God a glorious spoil,
Hosts unnumbered for Thy toil!
381 T. KELLY
D242 Pilgrimage
1 Saviour, through the desert lead us,
Without Thee we cannot go;
Thou from cruel chains hast freed us,
And hast laid the tyrant low.
Let Thy presence
Cheer us all our journey through.
2 Through a desert waste and cheerless
Though our destined journey lie,
Rendered by Thy presence fearless,
We may every foe defy.
Nought shall move us
While we see Thee, Saviour, nigh.
3 With a price Thy love has bought us –
Saviour, what a love is Thine!
Hitherto Thy power has brought us:
Power and love in Thee combine.
Lord of glory,
Ever on Thy household shine!
382 P. GERHARDT From German   S.M.
154 Swabia
1 Not to ourselves we owe
That we, O God, are Thine;
Jesus, the Lord, our night broke through
And gave us light divine.
2 Our God in boundless love
This blessing freely gave,
And Jesus came from heav'n above,
Our ruined souls to save.
3 No more in dread of wrath,
Thy sovereign love we see;
And, Father, in confiding faith,
We rest our souls on Thee.
4 Our hearts look up to see
The glory Christ is giv'n,
In spirit dwell where we shall be
With Him, Thine heirs, in heav'n.
5 With all the ransomed band,
Soon shall we see Him there;
With them and Him in glory stand,
And in His honour share.
383 J. G. DECK
482 Ellers
1 Called from above, to joys of matchless worth
(Who once were but the citizens of earth),
As pilgrims here, we seek a heav'nly home,
Our portion in the ages yet to come.
2 We are but strangers here, we do not crave
A home on earth, which gave Thee but a grave;
Thy cross has severed ties which bound us here,
Thyself our treasure in a brighter sphere.
3 There all the saints of every clime shall meet,
And there with joy Thou wilt Thy ransomed
But to our hearts the crown of bliss will be
To share Thy joy while owing all to Thee.
384 T. KELLY
266 Buckland
1 Lord, accept our gladsome song;
Power and praise to Thee belong;
We would all Thy grace record,
Holy, holy, holy Lord!
2 Rich in glory, Thou didst stoop,
Thence is all Thy people's hope;
Thou wast poor, that we might be
Rich in glory, Lord, with Thee.
3 When we think of love like this,
Joy and shame our hearts possess:
Joy, that Thou couldst pity thus:
Shame, for such returns from us.
4 Yet we hope the day to see
When, from every hindrance free,
When, to Thee in glory brought,
We shall serve Thee as we ought.

272 St. Bees
1 Christ delivered us when bound,
And, when wounded, healed our wound;
Sought us wand'ring, set us right,
Turned our darkness into light.
2 Can a mother's tender care
Cease towards the child she bare?
Yes, she may forgetful prove;
He will never cease to love.
3 His is an unchanging love,
Higher than the heights above,
Deeper than the depths beneath,
Free and faithful, strong as death.
4 We shall see His glory soon,
When the work of grace is done,
Sharers of His throne above;
Such to us His wondrous love!
5 This indeed is our complaint,
That our love is weak and faint;
Yet we love Him, and adore;
O for grace to love Him more!
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