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Eternity – What is Your Plan?
– Andrew Robertson, 1923-2009


Human Plans
A Most Serious Situation
God's Plans
God's Provision
God's Way of Salvation

God's Grace
Salvation: Now and for Eternity
Now is the Day of Salvation
A Thank You


Human Plans

In this world it seems there are plans for almost every kind of contingency in the circumstances of individuals and nations although it is very doubtful how many of these would actually succeed in the event they were ever needed and tried.

The reason for such doubt is that these plans (even with the best of intentions) all depend on human beings and their abilities and powers which, even at their greatest, are limited and, as we all know from history and experience, subject to failure.

The solemn and unavoidable fact is that the plans of individuals and nations fail because they depend on fallen creatures.

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A Most Serious Situation

Now, dear reader, the situation is most serious since,

Despite all that may be said to the contrary, it is God "with whom we have to do", Hebrews 4: 13.

We do well then to attend to what He says in the Holy Bible ignoring the vain mouthings of persons who in their sin and folly make bold

The solemn truth is that individuals as such can do nothing but face the reality that,

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God's Plans

There is, however, Good News over against all that has been truly and accurately stated before and that is that

Yet even such grace and compassion, as faithfully recorded in the four gospels in the Bible, were not enough in themselves to establish and secure the unchallengeable basis in righteousness upon which God could forgive and bless, now and eternally, all who in repentance would come to Him through Christ –

It will, therefore, be readily understandable that He is by no means going to accept any unholy approach by His fallen creatures in their sins, ignorance and wilfulness; by persons ignoring the Saviour of God's providing, the efficacy of His precious blood and His availability to "save completely those who approach by Him to God", Hebrews 7: 25.

Truly, the plans of individuals and nations fail because they depend on themselves fallen men and women but God's plans succeed because they depend on "the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all", 1 Timothy 2: 6.

This is the Good News, this is the Gospel.

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God's Provision

The work of redemption and salvation has been fully accomplished by Christ so that God is now free to make known through the gospel His purposes, thoughts and desires for your blessing both now and eternally.

You may, perhaps, think that you are different,

You do well then to face the reality of the facts as God sees and states them and not according to what you might wish to believe as misled by the devil, Satan, of whose devices or thoughts we should not be ignorant.

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God's Way of Salvation

You may ask, as did the jailor in Philippi, "What must I do that I may be saved?" and the same simple, yet true, answer remains

Why would you not recognise your urgent need of a personal Saviour in the clear light of the truth and of the facts and turn to Him in simple faith and repentance?

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God's Grace

God's present disposition is one of grace and readiness to forgive all who come to Him through Christ.

How wonderful amid the confusion, grave uncertainties and ominous clouds of this world to have your faith established in the One who has never failed the Lord Jesus Christ and into whose hand the Father "has given all things", John 3: 35.

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Salvation: Now and for Eternity

You will discern, I am sure, that God's glorious plan of salvation is not only for the future eternity but also for the present time as the apostle Paul wrote:

Do not look elsewhere, do not look for any other saviour because, as the Bible says,

The Lord Jesus Christ is now in heaven at the right hand of God (Acts 2: 33) awaiting the soon-coming moment when

Meanwhile God gives the gift of the Holy Spirit "to those that obey Him" (Acts 5: 32) so that they may be empowered to walk here pleasing to Him and to the Lord Jesus, apart from the world system which "lies in the wicked one", 1 John 5: 19.

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Now is the Day of Salvation

May what has been written affect your conscience and touch your heart,

Do not put it off to some vague future day that may never come:

Andrew Robertson, U.S.A.

Andrew Robertson, 1923-2009, c. 1955
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to send your comments and questions to me. The author Andrew Robertson went to be "with Christ" on June 30, 2009 after a lengthy illness.

   Sincerely, Gordon.

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