Hymns  221  –  275
240 Ewing
1 Jerusalem, the holy,
Whose builder is her God,
Resplendent with His glory
Her shining spreads abroad;
Descending out of heaven
To fill with Christ in grace,
In blest administration,
As bride and wife, her place!
2 Jerusalem, eternal!
The city of Christ's God,
Thine origin celestial,
Thou art His blest abode:
Thy beauty all adorning
For Him whose bride thou art,
To fill with joy unfading,
With Christ, thine endless part!
3 O residence of glory!
God's tabernacle then,
Where He – O wondrous story –
Doth dwell so near to men;
Where new creation's splendour
Doth hold our raptured gaze,
Kept by the Spirit's power,
And moved by Christ to praise!
4 The Father, source of glory –
The Son, the centre blest –
The Spirit all pervading –
The Fulness pleased, at rest!
O God supreme, we bless Thee,
And praise Thy glorious Name,
For of Thee, through Thee, for Thee
Are all things now, Amen.
222J. W. SMITH
271 Mozart   JLK Ridge Road   D222 Alamoth
1 Everlasting glory be,
God and Father, unto Thee!
'Tis with joy Thy saints now raise
Hearts and voices in Thy praise.
2 Called to share the rest of God,
In the Father's blest abode;
God of love, and God of light,
In Thy praises we unite.
3 Gladly we Thy grace proclaim,
Knowing now the Father's name;
God and Father, unto Thee
Everlasting glory be!
223D. H. ARIS
Tune to come
1 Thou blessed Holy Spirit,
Thy comfort is our stay;
Throughout our pilgrim journey
Thy help attends our way;
And now, as thus assembled,
Our souls with fervour glow;
We would enjoy Thy service,
Thy gracious presence know.
2 Assured, we come with boldness
Before the throne of grace,
Knowing the One who serveth
In that exalted place.
Thus would our hearts in quietness
Express their deep desires,
And find in these sweet moments
A strength that never tires.
407 Neginah
1 Though all the beasts on earth be slain
To wash away sin's crimson stain,
Though all their blood should flow,
The sacrifice would be in vain,
Iniquity would still remain:
Sin is not cancelled so.
2 A better Sacrifice than these
It needs, the conscience to appease,
Or satisfy the Lord;
No blood hath virtue to atone
For man's offence, but His alone
Whose title is the Word:
3 His, who could say, Himself the Son,
That with the Father He is one,
Who made the world around:
His, who Jehovah's Fellow stood,
And claimed equality with God,
Whose glory knows no bound.
4 Jesus the Christ, on earth His Name,
He came – in love to sinners came –
And bowed His head and died;
A full atonement now is made,
The ransom by Himself is paid,
And justice satisfied.
5 That sinners might draw near to Him,
God planned this great, this gracious scheme,
And found the ransom too.
Let all His saints their voices raise,
And sing the great Redeemer's praise
While endless ages flow.
225T. PORTER   S.M.
146 Rhodes
1 O scenes of heav'nly joy!
The Father's house above;
Where cloudless peace without alloy
Fills all that home of love.
2 The Father's full delight
Is centred in the Son;
And countless tongues in heav'n unite
To tell what He hath done.
3 The Father made us meet
With saints in light to dwell;
And now we chant His praises sweet,
Whose love we know so well.
4 E'en now we taste the love,
And know the mighty power,
By which we'll rise to realms above
When waiting time is o'er.
5 There glory bright and fair
Shines with celestial beam;
For He who suffered once is there,
Its centre and its theme.
6 The Lamb enthroned shall there
Engage each raptured heart;
While myriad saints Christ's likeness bear,
And have with Him their part.
7 Praise Him again, again!
For us the cross He bore;
Now all is Yea, and all Amen,
In Him for evermore.
D226 Elkanah
1 O glorious Lord! what thoughts Thy mind did fill,
When from Thy God Thou cam'st to do His will!
How deep, indeed, the joy that filled Thy heart –
That myriad sons with Thee should find their
2 Thy brethren, Lord, Thine own and one with
Were in Thy heart – that they should like
Thee be;
Thy church complete and in Thy beauty
The day of God, and love divine at rest.
3 O blessed Lord, what treasured thoughts unfold
In light divine, as we Thy face behold!
Now on our view unbounded glories break,
That speak Thy fame and songs eternal wake.
227Dr. ROSSIER (1835-1928)   C.M.
B43 St. Flavian   11 Bethany / Walker
1 Lord, e'en to death Thy love could go,
A death of shame and loss,
To vanquish for us every foe,
And break the strong man's force.
2 O what a load was Thine to bear
Alone in that dark hour!
Sin's weight in all its terror there,
God's wrath and Satan's power!
3 The storm that burst o'er Thy blest head
Is hushed for ever now,
And rest divine is ours instead,
Whilst glory crowns Thy brow.
4 Within the Father's house on high
We soon shall sing Thy praise;
But here, where Thou, O Lord, didst die,
We learn that song to raise.
160 Diademata   B139 Chalvey   161 Revival
1 All through this desert dry
My path His footsteps trace,
And He doth all my need supply
In this sad, empty place.
Up to the Father there
Doth He attract my heart –
Doth make this earth a desert drear,
And draw me quite apart.
2 In Christ I find repose,
Nor follow Him in vain;
My soul no loss nor sorrow knows
When He Himself's my gain.
Though long and hard the road,
Faith's eyes are on the goal;
He uses trials for my good,
And thus preserves my soul.
3 Thus joyful, bright and free,
I take the heav'nly road;
My soul vibrates with melody,
My song is ever – God!
To Thee I have recourse
When sorrow fills my soul;
Thy staff and rod are my resource,
To comfort and console.
4 O what amazing grace
To know Thee here below!
To this great end my steps I trace,
And onward, upward go.
Thy face I soon shall see,
O mighty Saviour, there;
I have in Thee full victory,
And shall Thy glory share.
495 Pax Dei
1 Thy Name must live, whatever names may die;
It must fill all the earth, as heav'n on high.
Jesus! Thy Name by all shall yet be known,
All kings and nations shall Thy greatness own.
2 Thou livest, Saviour, and all grace is there,
That with such beauty shone in Thee down here;
No trait is lost, each beauteous grace we see,
All brought through death to shine eternally.
3 Our joy is full – we have Thee, Jesus, still;
The glory bright Thy precious Name doth fill;
What holds Thy people now while here on earth
Is what Thou art in all Thy wondrous worth.
230J. G. DECK   C.M.
4 Arnold
1 O Lord, when we the path retrace
Which Thou on earth hast trod,
To man Thy wondrous love and grace,
Thy faithfulness to God:–
2 Faithful amidst unfaithfulness,
'Mid darkness only light,
Thou didst Thy Father's name confess,
And in His will delight;
3 Unmoved by Satan's subtle wiles,
Of suff'ring, shame and loss,
Thy path, uncheered by earthly smiles,
Led only to the cross;
4 Thy love by man so sorely tried,
Proved stronger than the grave;
Though man in hatred pierced Thy side,
Thy blood love's answer gave:–
5 We wonder at Thy lowly mind,
And fain would like Thee be,
And all our rest and pleasure find
In learning, Lord, from Thee.
224 Weber
1 Father, to Thy gracious throne
We draw nigh in all our need,
In the Name of Him alone
Who for us in heav'n doth plead.
2 May Thy holy Name be praised
Now on earth as 'tis in heav'n;
May Thy glory high be raised,
Unto Thee be worship giv'n.
3 Here on earth beset by foes,
Well beloved by Christ her Head,
May the church in love's repose
Her appointed journey tread.
4 May the Christ dwell in our heart,
Known in love past human ken:
Joying in our heav'n'ly part,
Counsel deep and vast for men.
5 May we here our strength renew,
Mount with eagle's wings on above,
Run the race with Him in view,
Faint not here, but walk in love.
456 Lamorna
1 Lord Jesus Christ, our voices rise as one
And tribute raise.
Amongst Thine own we would exalt Thy Name,
And sing Thy praise.
To Thee, O King of kings and Lord of lords,
Our song would be. Thy glories strike the
2 The morning stars together once did raise,
In joyful throng,
Their glorious lays, as later Israel's praise
In psalm and song.
Creation and redemption's glory known,
Celestial hosts break forth around the throne
3 Worthy art Thou! We join the great refrain;
Chief place Thou hast,
O Root of David Thou, the Lamb once slain,
The First and Last!
To Him who is, who was and is to come,
Be glory now as we extol Thy fame!
233T. KELLY   L.M.
110 Melcombe
1 Ours is a pardon bought with blood,
Amazing truth! The blood of One
Who, without usurpation, could
Lay claim to heav'n's eternal throne!
2 No victim of inferior worth
Could bear the stroke that justice aimed;
For none but He, in heav'n or earth,
Could offer that which justice claimed.
3 But He, the Lord of glory, came;
Upon the cross He bowed His head;
He suffered pain, He suffered shame,
And lay a prisoner with the dead.
4 But lo! He's risen from the grave,
And bears the greatest, noblest Name:
The Lord – almighty now to save
From sin, from death, from endless shame.
234G. CUTTING and A. MACE (1843-1934)   C.M.
3 Arlington
1 O gracious Saviour, Thou hast giv'n
My trembling soul to know
That, trusting in Thy precious blood,
I'm washed as white as snow.
2 Since Thou hast borne sin's heavy load,
My guilty fear is o'er;
Made Thine, by virtue of Thy blood,
I'm sealed for evermore.
3 What wait I for, most blessed Lord,
Except Thy face to see?
The Spirit is the Earnest giv'n,
What must Thy presence be?
4 To hear Thy voice, to see Thy face,
And grieve Thy heart no more;
But drink the fulness of Thy grace,
Thy love for evermore.
235J. N. DARBY   S.M.
155 Trentham   159 Zurich
1 We'll praise Thee glorious Lord,
Who died to set us free;
No earthly songs can joy afford
Like heav'nly melody.
2 Love that no suff'ring stayed
We'll praise – true love divine;
Love that for us atonement made,
Love that has made us Thine.
2 Love in Thy lonely life
Of sorrow here below;
Thy words of grace, with mercy rife,
Make grateful praises flow.
4 Love, that on death's dark vale
Its sweetest odours spread,
Where sin o'er all seemed to prevail,
Redemption's glory shed.
5 And now we see Thee ris'n,
Who once for us hast died,
Seated above the highest heav'n:
The Father's Glorified.
6 Soon wilt Thou take Thy throne,
Thy foes Thy footstool made,
And bring us with Thee as Thine own,
In glory love displayed.
7 Jesus, we wait for Thee,
With Thee to have our part;
What can full joy and blessing be
But being where Thou art!
236A. E. MYLES
D303a Lucerne   D303b Barnet
1 Art thou lonely, heavy laden?
Has thy heart despondent grown?
Seems thy path to lead in darkness,
Where no ray of hope is known?
2 Hast thou heard of never thirsting,
Living waters, springing wells,
Streams of everlasting gladness,
Joy wherein no sadness dwells?
3 Wilt thou turn e'en now to Jesus,
Find in Him each longing stilled?
God invites thee, we beseech thee;
Why remain with heart unfilled?
4 Once on Calv'ry's cross He suffered,
Once He died and bled for thee;
Made atonement, bore the judgement,
And believing, thou art free –
5 Free to live to serve the Saviour,
By the Holy Spirit sealed,
Joying in that love so precious,
Which in death He has revealed;
6 Waiting for that shout from heaven
Calling all for whom He died,
Raising dead and changing living –
Thus His heart is satisfied.
237P. S. PUGH   C.M.
Tune to come
1 Father, we celebrate Thy praise.
Adoringly we bless
With glad acclaim Thy holy Name,
Revealed in righteousness.
2 Where every whit Thy glory tells
Within the temple's shrine,
As sons we raise our hymn of praise
And joy in love divine.
3 The voice of Christ is heard o'er all
In accents sweet and clear;
Thy Name is shared as now declared
Unto His brethren here.
4 As is Thy name so is Thy praise;
(Our voices rise as one) –
Father, to Thee all glory be
Through Thy beloved Son!
238H. G. SPAFFORD (1828-1888)
513 It Is Well   514 The Way of Peace
1 When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
3 My sins – O the bliss of this glorious thought –
My sins – not in part, but the whole –
Were borne on the cross and are gone
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
4 O Lord,' tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal.
O voice of archangel! O trumpet of God!
Blessed hope! blessed rest of my soul!
239A. E. MAYO
Tune to come
1 Christ did for sins atone,
And on the cross He bled;
Forgiveness may be known,
Because His blood was shed
To free thee from the bonds of sin,
And give thee peace and joy within.
2 His face He firmly set,
And all the road He trod,
Till justice had been met
Before a holy God,
Who now is free, at such a cost,
To offer mercy to the lost.
3 But O, His suff'rings o'er,
He lives in glory there;
Alive to die no more,
He waits with us to share
His Father's house – that home so bright –
Th'eternal day without a night.
203 Samuel   200 Mighty One
1 Himself He could not save,
He on the cross must die,
Or mercy could not come
To ruined sinners nigh;
Yes, Jesus' precious blood must flow,
If sinners might forgiveness know.
2 Himself He could not save,
For justice must be done;
Our sin's full weight must fall
Upon the sinless One;
For nothing less could God accept
In payment of that fearful debt.
3 Himself He could not save,
For He the Surety stood
For all who now rely
Upon His precious blood;
He bore sin's penalty so dread,
When on the cross His blood He shed.
4 Himself He could not save,
Love's stream too deeply flowed;
In love Himself He gave,
To pay the debt we owed.
Obedience to His Father's will
And love to Him did all fulfil.
5 And now exalted high,
A Prince and Saviour He,
That sinners might draw nigh
And drink of mercy free,
Of mercy now so richly shed,
Since Jesus liveth who was dead.
301 St. Cuthbert
1 'Twas not for our great love for Thee
That Thou didst send Thy Son;
That spring of love, O God, we see
In Thee alone
2 What love, Lord Jesus, brought Thee down
Our hardened hearts to win,
To be despised and spit upon,
And bear our sin!
3 The sins of many Thou didst bear,
Of all who look to Thee,
When God, Thy God, forsook Thee there,
On Calv'ry's tree.
4 "'Tis finished!" loud triumphant cry
Ere Thou didst yield Thy breath!
The veil was rent, and God draws nigh
To us, through death.
5 That glorious resurrection morn
Bids doubts for ever cease;
For far and wide the news is borne
Of perfect peace.
6 Yes, peace! since every claim is met,
Lord Jesus, by Thy blood,
And Thou, our peace, art ris'n and set
On high by God.
7 Thy grace, O Lord, alone revealed
That wondrous heart of Thine;
We thank Thee, and ourselves we yield
To love divine.
242W. R. MASON
Tune to come
1 O God, Thou source of endless bliss and joy,
Thy praise and worship our full hearts employ,
As, with the Firstborn, we Thy sons now see
The glory that is Thine eternally.
2 Relationship sublime for creature man!
Thine own blest Spirit giv'n – O wondrous plan
To have near Thee with Christ, who for them
Suited to Thine own thoughts, men glorified!
3 How blest Thy grand conceived economy!
Yet Thou dost dwell, in Thine own majesty,
In realms of light where foot has never trod –
The high and lofty, the eternal God!
537 To God Be The Glory
1 How sweet is the story of God's boundless love,
That brought His blest Son from the glory
Who died in our stead upon Calvary's tree,
Obtaining redemption that we might be free.
Sound His praise! sound His praise! all the
work has been done
Praise His Name! praise His Name! God's
own blessed Son;
We give Him the glory, our Saviour and Friend;
Our Song is of Jesus, and never will end.
2 How wondrous the story! the claims of the
Were met by the blood which for guilt did atone;
The judgement of sin has been borne by the
Who glorified God in the work He has done.
3 How brilliant the glory where Christ is
How rightly His Name above others is owned!
Yes, Jesus the Saviour, the glory-crowned Lord,
Is worthy by all to be ever adored.
244J. N. DARBY   C.M.
244 Dunfermline
1 It is not with uncertain step
We tread our desert way;
A well-known voice has called us up
To everlasting day –
2 The voice of Him who here has trod
Alone the trackless way
(And marked the road which leads to God)
Where once we, lost, did stray.
3 He leaves us not alone to trace
Our path across this waste;
But leads us still with living grace,
Homeward, whereto we haste.
4 See! open stands the heav'nly door,
Whence glory shines below,
To light the way He's gone before,
The coming bliss to show.
5 In patience then we tread the road –
Our faith and courage tried–
And trust the love that bears each load,
Our hearts from grief to hide.
211 Ascalon   212 Drumduan
1 God, from His throne on high,
Sent His own Son to die,
His only Son, in wondrous grace,
That sinners blest might be;
From Satan's power set free;
And dwell in love before His face.
2 From heav'n the Saviour came,
Jesus, His precious Name,
The mighty One, of all things Lord;
Lost, sinful man to save,
To triumph o'er the grave,
And bring the wand'rer home to God.
3 He heals the sin-distrest;
The weary come for rest;
And old and young may learn His love.
To Him they gladly press,
He every one doth bless,
And one and all His goodness prove.
4 Then onward to the cross,
Through toil, and grief, and loss,
The Man of sorrows wends His way;
To sheathe the judgement sword,
The wrath He there endured,
And now is crowned in brightest day.
5 Come to Him, sinner, come!
Nor longer from Him roam;
Come as you are in all your sin;
Sad guilty, helpless, lost,
Tried, troubled, tempest-tossed,-
By Christ, the door, now enter in
? St. Christopher   235 Dresden  
260 The Cross of Jesus
1 There is a wondrous story,
That often has been told,
So full of grace and glory,
So new and yet so old.
And now again we tell it,
So rich, so full, so free;
And hosts unnumbered swell it
Throughout eternity.
2 He who was rich in glory
Came down to earth below
In love, O wondrous story!
To lowest depths did go.
Jesus, the spotless Victim,
Died there upon the tree,
That we might know God's favour,
From judgement ever free.
3 How dark that night of sorrow
Through which the Saviour passed!
And deep the stormy waters,
And fierce the tempest blast!
But O the mighty Saviour,
Victorious o'er the grave,
Has ris'n in glorious power,
And lives the lost to save.
4 The darkness all is ended,
That night for ever past;
To God's right hand ascended,
He'll come again at last,
To call His ransomed people
To yonder glory bright –
Made like to His own image,
To dwell with Him in light.
247J. N. DARBY
489 Speranza
1 And is it so, we shall be like Thy Son?
Is this the grace which He for us has won?
Father of Glory! Thought beyond all thought!
In glory to His own blest likeness brought.
2 And yet it must be so! A perfect state
To meet Christ's perfect love – this we await;
The Spirit's hopes, desires, in us inwrought,
Our present joy – with living blessings fraught.
3 The heart is satisfied, can ask no more;
All thought of self is now for ever o'er!
Christ, its unmingled Object, fills the heart
In blest adoring love – its endless part.
248H. BONAR (1808-1889)   C.M.D.
? Kingsfold   81 Lux Mundi
1 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
Come unto Me and rest;
Lay down, thou weary one, lay down
Thy head upon My breast.
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary, and worn, and sad;
I found in Him a resting-place,
And He has made me glad.
2 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
Behold, I freely give
The living water – thirsty one,
Stoop down, and drink, and live.
I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that life-giving stream;
My thirst was quenched, my soul revived,
And now I live in Him.
3 I heard the voice of Jesus say,
I am this dark world's Light;
Look unto Me: thy morn shall rise
And all thy day be bright.
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In Him my Star, my Sun;
And in that light of life I'll walk
Till travelling days are done.
249J. N. DARBY
1 O Jesus, Lord, who loved us like to Thee?
Fruit of Thy work, with Thee, too, there to see
Thy glory, Lord, while endless ages roll,
Thy saints the prize and travail of Thy soul.
2 Yet it must be, Thy love had not its rest
Were Thy redeemed not with Thee fully blest;
That love that gives not as the world, but shares
All it possesses with its loved co-heirs.
3 Nor we alone, Thy loved ones all, complete,
In glory round Thee there with joy shall meet;
All like Thee, for Thy glory like Thee, Lord:
Object supreme of all, by all adored.
Tune to come
1 Thy will, O Lord, be done whate'er the cost
To us, who but for Thee had still been lost;
For Thou hast set us free Thy will to do,
And Thou art set in love to bring us through.
2 Thy will be done! it is Thy heart's desire
For all Thine own. O may we never tire
Daily therein to find our souls' delight,
As we pursue our path through this dark night.
3 Thy will be done! Thy holy will so blest:
Surely for us 'tis Thine own path of rest,
To follow Thee and bear Thy yoke in love,
Till called by Thee to yon blest realms above.
4 Thy will be done: we'd wholly live to Thee,
Till God shall call us home with Thee to be;
Ever to dwell in love, unmeasured deep,
We who are watching now, and they who sleep.
251T. E. PURDOM   C.M.
20 Evan   77 Worship
1 Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour Thou,
With joy we worship Thee;
We know Thou hast redeemed us
By dying on the tree.
2 We know the love that brought Thee down,
Down from that bliss on high;
To give Thyself, Thine all, for us,
On Calv'ry's cross to die.
3 Our Saviour Jesus – Lord Thou art,
Eternal is Thy love;
Eternal too our songs of praise
When with Thee, Lord, above.
4 E'en now we praise the grace divine,
The love that shines in Thee;
The rich one Thou – for us made poor,
By death to set us free.
5 O what a theme of praise art Thou,
Thy cross, Thy work, Thy word!
We ne'er shall fathom all Thy love,
Thou living blessed Lord!
478 Come unto Me
1 "Come unto Me – and I will give you rest";
What blessed words to weary ones addressed!
They come from Him who knew the depth of
And cared for sinners as none here below.
2 "Come unto Me," yes, come in all your sin!
Through Jesus' blood the vile may enter in,
May come to God who knows their guilt and
Assured the blood was shed for them indeed.
3 "Come unto Me," yes, God Himself says,
He sees afar and runs to welcome home
Unworthy sinners, who have nought to plead
But God's own love and their exceeding need.
4 "Come unto Me," O blessed open door!
For those who but for Christ had hoped no more;
O love of God! told out in full extent,
When Jesus to those depths of darkness went.
253H. P. WELLS
D326 Redhead No. 143
1 Hast thou heard God's wondrous message,
In His call of love to thee?
Wouldst thou turn from such entreaty,
Urged with gracious constancy?
2 Once, yea twice, He may have spoken,
As He waits Thy heart to win;
Waits to fill thy soul with gladness,
Free thee from thy load of sin.
3 Now He calls again – O hearken!
He may never call thee more;
Wilt thou, canst thou spurn the message,
And His patient grace ignore?
4 Turn thee now to Him, repenting;
Jesus as Thy Lord confess;
And, embracing Him as Saviour,
Joys untold thou shalt possess.
254J. N. DARBY
473 Ballyclare
1 Lord, to our souls Thy light is ever pure,
And brings from heav'n what Thou alone canst
Yea, brings Thyself, the revelation sure
Of heav'n's eternal bliss: in Thee we live!
2 We bless Thee, Lord! Of Thee our song shall
speak –
Poor and unworthy strains, yet still of Thee.
Come, fill our souls! this blessing would we
To dwell in love, and God our dwelling be.
3 Be Thou with us! Let no distracting thought
Intrude to hide from us that heav'nly light.
Be Thou our strength! Let not what Thou hast
Be chased by idle nature's poor delight.
4 Be Thou our all! Thy love can fill the soul –
That love that soars beyond all creature
In spirit bring where endless praises roll,
And fill our longing hearts till there we're
255S. CHAREYRE From French
Tune to come
1 Our God, forever may Thy Name be blest,
For Thou dost give us now to share Thy rest.
To head up all in One was Thy great thought,
And dwell with those in whom Thy grace has
2 Love flows unhindered and our hearts are free;
Fresh notes of praise arise in song to Thee;
And strains of worship that shall never end,
As fragrant incense to Thyself ascend.
3 Thy glory bright, Thy majesty divine,
Resplendent in the face of Jesus shine.
Before Thee bowed, with joy our souls adore,
And give Thee praise and blessing evermore.
4 The sovereign, changeless, living God art Thou;
Thy radiant glory rests upon us now.
Revealed in Christ Thy wondrous plan we see,
That Thou for ever all in all shouldst be.
256J. G. DECK
Tune to come
1 O Lamb of God, still keep us
Close to Thy pierced side;
'Tis only there in safety
And peace we can abide;
With foes and snares around us,
And lusts and fears within,
The grace that sought and found us
Alone can keep us clean.
2 'Tis only in Thee hiding
We feel ourselves secure;
Only in Thee abiding
The conflict can endure;
Thine arm the vict'ry gaineth
O'er every hateful foe;
Thy love our hearts sustaineth
In all their cares and woe.
3 Soon shall our eyes behold Thee
With rapture face to face;
And, resting there in glory,
We'll sing Thy power and grace;
Thy beauty, Lord, and glory,
The wonders of Thy love,
Shall be the endless story
Of all Thy saints above.
257H. BONAR   C.M.
D7 Ilfracombe
1 All that we were – our sins, our guilt,
Our death – was all our own;
All that we are we owe to Thee,
Thou God of grace, alone.
2 Thy mercy found us in our sins,
And gave us to believe;
Then, in believing, peace we found;
And in Thy Christ we live.
3 All that we are, as saints on earth,
All that we hope to be
When Jesus comes and glory dawns,
We owe it all to Thee.
Tune to come
1 Our God, from Thee in love divine
Greatness and power and glory shine,
Splendour and majesty!
Head over all, Thy Name we praise,
With willing hearts our voices raise,
And worship give to Thee.
2 In spirit and in truth we sing;
To Thee, O God, our worship bring,
Holy and without blame.
And, in the shining of Thy face,
We know in Christ our joyous place,
And glory in Thy Name.
3 The city shines with precious light,
As bride adorned in glory bright,
All fair in every trait;
Eternity is now in view,
And Thou, who makest all things new,
Canst all in love survey.
259M. W. BIGGS
248 Lancashire
1 Thou art, O Lord, the centre
Of that vast world of bliss,
Where nought of sin can enter,
Where joy eternal is;
God's love that world pervadeth,
There Thou dost all things fill;
For Thou art Head, who suff'redst
God's counsels to fulfil.
2 All fulness of the Godhead,
Lord Jesus, dwells in Thee;
Thou rightly art exalted;
To Thee all glory be!
Above all heav'ns ascended,
Thou hast, O Lord, Thy seat;
Thou art the Head of all things,
In Thee we are complete.
3 Thou art our Head in glory,
In Thee our place we see;
Thy church, to Thee united,
Art ever one with Thee.
We hail Thee, Lord, ascended,
As Man now made supreme;
Thy Person and Thy glories
Shall be our endless theme.
260J. R. WREFORD (1800-1881)   304 Quis Separabit
1 In all things more than conquerors
Through Him that loved us,-
We know that neither death, nor life,
Nor angels, rulers, powers,
Nor present things, nor things to come,
Nor even height, nor depth,
Nor any other creature-thing,
Above, below, around,
Can part us from the love of God
In Jesus Christ our Lord.
427 St. Margaret   425 Dorea
1 Blest Spirit, we would sing to Thee,
Thou source of life and liberty;
Springs of refreshing we have known,
Sent here from heav'n: Thy grace we own,
O Gift unspeakable!
2 In Godhead glory Thou art one
With both the Father and the Son,
In realms of uncreated light
Co-equal Thou in glory bright,
We worship Thee as God.
3 Thy precious service sheds abroad;
Within our hearts the love of God;
Among the many led by Thee
We find our part in liberty,
Marked as the sons of God.
262S. DAVIES (1723-1761)
439 St. Matthias
1 Great God of wonders! all Thy ways
Are wondrous, matchless, and divine;
But the blest triumphs of Thy grace –
Most marvellous!- unrivalled shine.
Who is a pardoning God like Thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
2 With wonder filled, and holy joy
We hail the pardon of our God;
Pardon for sins of deepest dye,
A pardon traced in Jesus' blood.
To pardon thus is Thine alone;
Mercy and grace are both Thine own.
3 Soon shall this strange, this wondrous grace,
This perfect miracle of love,
Fill the wide earth, while sweeter praise
Sounds its own note in heav'n above.
Who is a pardoning God like Thee?
Or who has grace so rich, so free?
263M. W. BIGGS
D263 Aphesis
1 Thy death, O Lord, and sorrow
Have told Thy love divine;
The deepest depths were fathomed
In that great stoop of Thine.
Thy love beyond all measure
Was proved in Calv'ry's shame;
Thy path of love we treasure;
As ointment is Thy Name.
2 And though Thou art in glory,
Thy love is still the same
As when its depths and fulness
Were told 'mid sin and shame.
Thy love o'er all has triumphed,
And made us ever Thine;
The power of death has witnessed
The strength of love divine.
Tune to come
1 "Thou art the same," our one, unchanging God,
Who sittest high above the angry flood;
With Thee for refuge, and with Thee for
We shall, though fierce the storm, reach home
at length.
2 If on the road we find a vale of tears,
A scene of sorrows and disturbing fears,
'Tis joy to know the time cannot be long
Ere all is changed, and sadness turned to song.
3 We must give thanks, though deep the sorrow
For 'tis in grief that Thou dost draw so near;
Dost touch Thy people in Thine own sweet way,
And turn their night of weeping into day.
4 O what a God! How can we sing Thy praise?
The hymn's too great for our poor hearts to
And yet we must our adoration bring;
Thy Spirit lifts us up, and makes us sing.
? St. Christopher   234 Day Of Rest
260 The Cross of Jesus
1 O God of grace, our Father,
We bless Thy holy Name;
We who enjoy Thy favour,
Made holy, without blame;
In love, which sought and found us,
And brought us near to Thee,
And won the rest of glory,
Our heav'nly home shall be.
2 Thy deep, eternal counsel
Chose us in Christ the Son,
Before the world's foundation
Or time had yet begun;
That we might now the nearness
Of the Beloved know,
And, graced in all His fulness,
As sons our praises flow.
3 We worship Thee, our Father;
Soon all Thine own shall be
At home in heav'nly glory,
In love and joy with Thee.
We worship Thee, our Father,
And praise Thy perfect love;
Soon shall we chant Thy glory
In better strains above.
337 St. Mabyn
1 Hark! the voice of Jesus calling,
Come, ye laden, come to Me;
I have rest and peace to offer,
Rest, thou labouring one, for thee.
2 Yes, though high in heav'nly glory,
Still the Saviour calls to thee;
Faith can hear His gracious accents –
Come, ye laden, come to Me!
3 Life is found alone in Jesus,
Only there 'tis offered thee;
Offered without price or money,
'Tis the gift of God sent free.
4 Soon that voice will cease its calling;
Now it speaks, and speaks to thee;
Wilt thou heed the gracious message,
To the Lord for refuge flee?
267W. R. MASON
Tune to come
1 Glory, honour, adoration,
To Thee, Lord, for ever be!
Firstfruits of Thy vast creation
Now with joy we worship Thee.
Lord of hosts, Thou King of glory,
Mighty Victor, death o'erthrown,
Holy myriads bow before Thee;
Soon Thy greatness all shall own.
2 In Thee dwells all Godhead fulness,
Thou the Unseen hast declared;
On the right hand of the Greatness
Thy high seat by none is shared.
By Thy worshippers surrounded
Thou dost find e'en now Thy place
Of pre-eminence unbounded,
Honoured by a heav'nly race.
Tune to come
1 O Lord, Thy face was set,
Set steadfastly,
Till God's full claims should yet
Accomplished be.
Where men God's rights withheld,
Thine offering excelled:
What odours choice He smelled,
So rich in Thee!
2 Yet onward still to go,
On to the cross;
Drink deep that cup of woe,
Of grief and loss.
All from Thee then did flee,
And on the accursed tree
God hid His face from Thee,
Truly alone!
3 Blessed and glorious Man,
Thy lowly stoop
Compassed God's wondrous plan –
Redemption's scope.
All that God's holy mind
Has sought in man to find,
All that His love designed,
Secured by Thee!
269W. M. BROWN
D269 Gedaliah
1 Jesus, Lord, Thy grace has called us
From this barren world apart;
Thou with living bread dost feed us;
Thou our Lord and Teacher art.
2 Lord and Christ we gladly own Thee,
Every need by Thee supplied;
Good and faithful Shepherd, keep us,
By the flowing waters guide.
3 Subject to Thy Spirit's leading,
May our hearts respond to Thee;
In the holy shrine enquiring,
Grant us, Lord, Thy face to see.
270J. N. DARBY   S.M.
155 Trentham   153 Summerfield
1 And shall we see Thy face,
And hear Thy heav'nly voice,
Well known to us in present grace?
Well may our hearts rejoice!
2 With Thee in garments white,
Lord Jesus, we shall walk;
And, spotless in that heav'nly light,
Of all Thy suff'rings talk.
3 Close to Thy trusted side,
In fellowship divine;
No cloud, no distance, e'er shall hide
Glories that then shall shine.
4 Fruit of Thy boundless love,
That gave Thyself for us;
For ever we shall with Thee prove
That Thou still lovest thus.
5 And we love Thee, blest Lord,
E'en now, though feeble here;
Thy sorrow and Thy cross record
What makes us know Thee near.
6 We wait to see Thee, Lord;
Yet now within our hearts
Thou dwell'st in love that doth afford
The joy that love imparts.
7 Yet still we wait for Thee,
To see Thee as Thou art;
Be with Thee, like Thee, Lord, and free
To love with all our heart.
21 Farrant
1 Our God is light: and though we go
Across a trackless wild,
Jesus, Thy footsteps ever show
The path for every child.
2 At every step afresh we prove
How surely Thou dost guide,
In faithful and forbearing love
Which never turns aside.
3 Thou weariest not, most gracious Lord,
Though we may weary grow;
In season, the sustaining word
Thou giv'st our hearts to know.
4 Death's bitter waters met our thirst,
But Thou didst make them sweet;
Then on our gladdened vision burst
God's shady cool retreat.
5 The manna and the springing well
Suffice for every need;
And Eshcol's grapes the story tell
Of where Thy path doth lead.
272I. WATTS (1674-1748)   L.M.
116 Rockingham   89 Alfriston
1 When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Lord of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss,
And pour contempt on all my pride.
2 Far be the thought that I should boast,
Save in the cross of Christ, my Lord;
All the vain things that charm me most,
I'd sacrifice them at His word.
3 There from His head, His hands, His feet,
Sorrow and love flowed mingled down;
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
4 Were the whole realm nature mine,
That were an off'ring far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!
53 Bury Thy Sorrow
1 How wondrous a Saviour is God's blessed Son!
How great and eternal the work He has done!
God's glory maintained by His death on the
While mercy flows freely to you and to me.
2 How free is the pardon His blood has procured!
How blessed the welcome His Name has
To all who confess Him their Saviour and Lord –
Now brought into favour, believing His word.
3 On Calvary see Him who died in our stead,
In glory behold Him exalted as Head;
God's wrath He endured on Calvary's tree,
By weakness and dying the Victor was He.
4 To those who obey Him has God freely giv'n
The blest Holy Spirit as poured out from heav'n;
Who witnesses here to Christ's glory above:
Receiving this blessing we live in God's love.
163 Sidcup
1 Lord Jesus, come,
And take Thy rightful place
As Son of man, of all the theme!
Come, Lord, to reign o'er all supreme,
Lord Jesus, come!
2 Lord Jesus, come!
The Man of sorrows once,
The Man of patience, waiting now,
The Man of joy, forever, Thou:
Come, Saviour, come!
3 Lord Jesus, come!
Let every knee bow down,
And every tongue to Thee confess,
The Lord of all come forth to bless:
Lord Jesus, come!
4 Spirit and bride
With longing voice, say, Come!
Yea, Lord, Thy word from that bright home
Is, Surely, I will quickly come!
E'en so, Lord, come!
Tune to come
1 All men have sinned and short of glory come:
The Scripture saith, None righteous, no not one!
No hope hath man, deceived and far from God,
Guilty and lost, exposed to judgement's rod.
2 One mediator, Christ, of God and men,
Who on the tree once died, and rose again:
No other name but His can sinners save –
Jesus, who rose triumphant o'er the grave.
3 Forgiveness now is preached through Him who
The Lord of glory who was crucified.
His finished work has met our every need;
And brought us nigh to God as free indeed!
4 Sealed by the Spirit till redemption's day,
Sealed till the Bridegroom takes His bride
We Christ await: He will not reign alone,
But take the church, His bride, to share His
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